WISH Holistics

iRest Meditations below by Maria Teglas - https://www.readyblessingsyoga.com/

iRest is a mind-body approach to yogic meditation; a modern-day adaptation of the ancient healing practice of yoga nidra. Scientific trials prove its positive effects on people who are experiencing stress, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, PTSD, and other conditions. To find out more about iRest Meditation, go to the Integrative Restoration Institute's website: https://www.irest.org/about-irest-institute

Pause your day to release stress and to nourish yourself with this iRest meditation. The healing benefits of iRest are accumulative. The more you remember to rest into your inner ground of stability, the more it remembers you and reminds you in the face of difficult circumstances that true lasting peace is to be uncovered from within.

Maria Teglas - Certified iRest Meditation Teacher, E-RYT(200)

iRest Yoga Nidras by Maria Teglas E-RYT(200), Level 2 iRest® Meditation Teacher - The Lighted Path https://www.facebook.com/The-Lighted-Path-112869963704450/

iRest Yoga Nidras by Maria Teglas E-RYT(200), Level 2 iRest® Meditation Teacher - The Lighted Path https://www.facebook.com/The-Lighted-Path-112869963704450/

Fun with QiGong

(pronounced chee gong) - Qigong set is a health-promotion practice that is accessible, doable, and useful for people of all levels of health. Anybody with a desire for greater health and longevity can practice it and harvest its many fruits.

Three Basic Principles of Practice

1) Practice Everyday. Practice is the Father of skill and the Mother of healing.

2) Modify When Necessary. Practice within your limits. Never force a move. Find a smaller, easier way if a movement hurts.

3) Refine Over Time. Grow your understanding and build your skill to attain even greater benefits.