Red Eye

Red Eye 2022 is cancelled due to COVID. :(

Red Eye is a overnight indoor tournament at Keva Sports Center in Middleton, WI. Red Eye 2022 is scheduled for the evening of January 7th. Register here. Check with your captain to get/sign waiver for Keva. Reminder that all players need to be USAU members and that you can renew your memberships for 2022 starting December 1st.

NEW IN 2022:

Because of availability at Keva, we are only able to host one night this year. In order to reach more teams, we will play on BOTH the turf and the basketball courts. We will accept 7 total teams. There will be 8 total rounds of ultimate. Each team will have between 6 and 7 rounds of ultimate with only the last team in pool play not making 'bracket play'. Each team will have 2 games on the court and 4 games on the turf in pool play. During the 'bracket', the 5th and 6th teams from the pool will play on the court.


  • 5 v 5 mixed (3-2 or 2-3 ratio by half)

  • At least 4 timed games

  • 300 Bid Fee

  • USAU Sanctioned

    • This creates a unique situation as our event is really early in 2022 so a lot of people's memberships have expired. Reminder that players can begin renewing their 2022 memberships as early as December 1st 2021 so there's still about a 5 week window to get that done.

    • Register your team for our event via your USAU team manager account

If you need help creating a team, see these documents:

Register for Red Eye Here

Team List *Bold indicates payment received and bid confirmed

Game Play: Stall is 7. Walls are in, nets are out. Back of goal (physically in the soccer goal) is out to discourage players from attempting dangerous plays. Subbing is on the fly and the two players must slap hands at the bench area before the new sub enters play. Please keep the bench doors closed except when subbing. You score a goal by catching the disc in the square soccer goal box. Once you score, put the disc down immediately and the other team can pick up, walk to the front of the goal box and play. If the disc is turned (or scored) in the goal box, the offense may walk the disc to the front of the box. You do not need to "check" the disc back if the disc is turned near a goal box (callahans are allowed). All other USAU rules apply.

Gender ratio: Alternating 3 men, 2 women to 2 men, 3 women at half. Captains can decide (flip?) what ratio they want to start with. If both captains agree, this ratio/switch can be altered, but it is set as the tournament rule. If only one captain wants to do something different, tournament rule supersedes.

Clock: In order to keep the games on schedule, we only run 1 clock. There are no timeouts and the only stoppages of play are for injuries. The clock will start and stop at the prescribed times even if teams are not ready so if you want to maximize your playing time, please be mindful of getting moving on time.

Food/Drinks: You are welcome to bring your own food/snacks but PLEASE NO ALCOHOL CARRY-INS

Spirit Champs 2018: 2Spooky

Competitive Champs 2018: Killwaukee

2018 Survey Feedback:

  • Feedback: A prize for winning! Something dumb is fine.

    • WI Ult Response: We actually used to do this! We've shyed away recently becuase due to the round-robin nature, its possible a team with a last round bye wins, but has already left by the time we know they are the winner. We're open to re-establishing and just giving to the winner OR the best finisher still there at the end :)

  • Feedback: Our team was one of the few that had enough women, and we had to make a lot of accommodations for people to do the 3:2 women to men ratio in the second half of nearly all of our games. I don’t have a great solution to this, but maybe requiring teams to have a minimum number of women to register might be a good start.

    • WI Ult Response: This is the last year that rosters will be a mystery to TDs before the tournament. Moving forward, as a USA Ultimate Affiliate (see our About page) teams will be required to submit rosters ahead of time. This should allow for a little more oversight of which teams are bringing enough players. Hopefully though, as we continue to provide opportunities, we'll build our player pool of both genders and this problem will fade away.

  • Feedback: Indoor goaltimate tournament someday? Maybe a kit for those indoor basketball/volleyball courts?

    • WI Ult Response: Like where your head is at. We'll look into it.

  • Feedback: Having water in a container that’s easier for filling water bottles would have been nice, or closer to the sidelines.

    • WI Ult Response: Easily fixed. You'll have it for all future Red Eyes.

  • Feedback: Interesting idea might be a post tournament breakfast.. Served right after last round. Eggs and hash browns maybe. Not sure anyone would stay so maybe pointless.. But just an idea. If I'm tired, I don't wanna have to cook before I fall asleep.

    • WI Ult Response: Interesting indeed. There's that fine balance between players who just want to go home immediately and those who are starving after a night of playing. We'd have to balance the financial costs of providing food and make sure enough players stuck around to make it possible. Potentially could include something to captains beforehand to see if there's interest from players, and go from there.

  • Feedback: The bye for an overnight tournament can be brutal, so more byes seem like a struggle, though having more teams sounds fun. Fewer teams (ie 4) and more nights might be a solution, but I’m sure getting enough teams to sign up is also a struggle. Maybe one game played on the basketball/volleyball court?

    • WI Ult Response: Using the basketball courts as a field is a great idea, and one that we used with our High School event in 2017. Adding that as a "field" would allow us to add 2 more teams each night, increasing number of games, and decreasing length of byes. It is definitely something we will consider/pursue in 2019.

  • Feedback: This year the gender ratio was changed after teams had aleady signed up. Please make gender ratios clear earlier, we had to send some of our men packing after telling them they could play. We also didnt play a single team that wanted to go 3 women once. More notice may have helped.

    • WI Ult Response: The theme of this feedback is important. We'll continue to work to be as transparent and communicative as possible. We'll also continue to work to make sure teams are bringing equitable rosters and support more playing opportunities for women. That being said, gender ratios for this tournament were explained to captains in an email on 11/19, a full 7 weeks before the tournament. At least one other team from this night/division mentioned their large roster of women so while we may not have achieved our goal of equitable play, there should have been at least one game where both teams we're matched well roster-wise.