Dick and Jane

Dick and Jane is a one day tournament at Stoner Prairie Elementary that occurs biannually, usually in May and October. Proceeds from Dick and Jane are donated to charity. In 2017 Spring Dick and Jane supported MyTeam Triumph and Fall Dick and Jane supported Unicef and 2018/2019 proceeds went towards youth ultimate in Madison.

Dates for 2020 Dick and Jane tournaments are as follows: Spring- Saturday, May 2nd. Fall- Saturday, October 10th. When registration opens we'll announce here and on social media.

Spring Dick and Jane Info:

Spring Dick and Jane has been cancelled due to COVID-19.

Spring Dick and Jane with be Saturday May 2nd. To fully register you must complete all three of these steps:

  1. Fill out this registration form.
  2. Submit the $175 bid fee. The easiest way is to paypal using this link. If your team does not have paypal, you can mail a check made out to Wisconsin Ultimate to 5305 Alder Rd Madison, WI 53716
  3. Register your team via your USAU team manager account. To do this, you sign into your account, go to My Team Manager Account, click on your team, and click register for events (isolate Wisconsin from the pull down or scroll to find our event). Several points on this:
    • You can use an already created roster, or create a new one specifically for this event
    • This is a "recreational" level event. It will not affect TCT standings or rankings. Anyone can play on any roster without it affecting their "official" club seasons
    • The team manager will be responsible for adding all players to their EVENT roster (this requires a specific step)
    • All players must be on the event roster, and have current USAU memberships, or they will not be allowed to play

If you have questions about this or anything else, please email wisconsinultimate@gmail.com

For 2018 and beyond: Dick and Jane will be a SANCTIONED RECREATIONAL tournament. What does that mean? You'll need to complete rosters with USAU members (affiliate level membership at minimum). You wont, however, have your results counted for the club regular season, or be limited in how many players you can put on a team. This designation is something we are required to do as an affiliate. See our About page for more information on Affiliate Status and Memberships and let us know if you have any questions.