
Randy Glasbergen - Wikipedia article. Randy was one my favorite and one of the most prolific Cartoonists of our time. I have several of his Cartooning books in my classroom library. He was two years older than me, and a constant inspiration. [His site]

• I recently stumbled across a "groovy" tiki-illustrating Cartoonist named Derek Yaniger. He has a separate site for his merchandise called, "Mr. Retro," which is (mostly) drawings and prints, but also tee shirts. It's going to be a good site to show students, (especially those who could be selling their original drawings and digital prints, like he does), until they begin purchasing the materials for, and selling their original paintings.

• This is a link I use in the class I teach, every time I share what their site should look like: "For example..." Which also has an example site showing what "aStudent's" site should look like (including the information and instructions for their sites.

Created For Learning is a (kind of goofy) introduction of a YouTube couple, who are teachers who have developed and run a site called, “Created for Learning.” This might be another good way to get those four hours of Professional Development completed.

Wing Family of America Official Site (located through WikiTree (genealogy site). I've never been super-interested in genealogy, but it is fun to poke around in these few places from time-to-time.

Links to articles which prompted cartoons. "Mask-Bullying,"