Beth Isham

"It feels good to help others who really need it right now."

Why did you want to get involved?

I heard about the Windsor-area COVID -19 response team from Jill Lord. I wanted to get involved because I know Jill (my stepmom) is such a compassionate person, who is driven to support and care about us and the local community!

It feels good to help others who really need it right now.

How are you helping out?

My volunteer activities include riding the bus to deliver bagged lunches to kids who can't go to school during this time.

I also volunteered for the American Red Cross Blood Drive at the Holiday Inn in Brownsville VT., where I logged/verified the donors’ appointments into the computer system.

How’s the volunteering going?

Lori, our volunteer coordinator, has been so positive and motivating!

The morning bus rides with Tom and Tim are fun! We have our system down! I log the lunches; hand the bags to Tim, who delivers to the kids ..and they are so thankful! Tom tells me all about his and his wife's travels, as well as the Christian Romance Novels his wife has published — what a bonus!

I was also so impressed with the American Red Cross Blood drive and their team. We were given proper PPE (masks, gloves, sanitizer) and no one could enter the room without their temperature being taken! Everyone's safety was considered.

What is your connection to Windsor?

I live across the river in Cornish, NH. I'm originally from the Claremont, NH area, but worked in the Biopharmaceutical Industry for many years in Boston, MA; Portsmouth NH; KS; and NC.

What helps you cope during the pandemic?

What helps me cope are family, friends, and neighbors, who are so wonderful and willing to lend a hand—even to get toilet paper! I want to give a "shout out" to the following people:

· Eight amazing college friends, known as "The JD Bunch," who inspire me to laugh daily!

· Jill, and my Dad...who keeps me on a "fitness plan" as I run 1 mile to get his daily newspaper!

· Aunt Jan and friends, who are kind enough to let me ride their amazing horses!