On-Page SEO: 5 Simple SEO Elements That Will Drive Traffic

If your business has a website, you surely want to increase website traffic. But you don't have the time, experience, or inclination to study this technical area.

Marketers agree that SEO is essential regardless of the rise of social media and other great tools that sprout like mushrooms. Consequently, it pays to have some knowledge of on-page SEO. And it doesn't require any technical expertise.

As you will see, SEO is as difficult as you make it.

Without further ado, let's define on-page SEO. On-page SEO is basically what you do on a web page to attract search engines. This includes both content and HTML that produce natural search results.

Simply put, you can write compelling SEO copy by consistently applying just five SEO elements on the page.

There are three reasons why the basics of on-page SEO are worth mastering.

SEO generates leads: According to 59% of marketers, SEO has a positive effect on lead generation.

Natural search outperforms paid search: 79% of search engine users report that they always or frequently click on natural search results

Search outperforms social: in 2012, the average value of Q2 orders was 40% higher than social

In short, mastering the basics will help generate leads, increase website traffic, and increase profits.

Let's examine the 5 key elements you need to increase traffic

Successful on-page SEO starts with titles and headlines:

The title should always contain keywords. It is the most important ranking element on the page. And for best results, use keywords at the beginning of the title. Of course, the title must be relevant to the content of the page.

Improve on-page SEO with meta descriptions:

Each page has a meta tag that describes what your page is about. Google uses this summary to describe your page on the search results page. Take advantage of this summary description by writing a performance-based copy. Write meta tags for human readers, not search engines. And each page should have its own description. Don't use a meta description for similar pages.

Strengthening on-page SEO by placing and using relevant keywords:

Keywords play a central role in search engine optimization. Search engines enter keywords or keyword phrases into a search field. Location and keyword usage are important. In general, the focus at the beginning of your content (the first 100 to 150 words) works well.

A quick warning. Avoid using keywords too often or Google will mark it as "keyword stuffing". Keywords should not represent more than 5% of the total content on the page.

By choosing the keywords used by search engines, you can write useful and relevant content. A free tool to use in

Finding keywords as a guide for your content strategy is Google Keyword Planner. Get familiar with this tool and write engaging content.

Boost on-page SEO with engaging content, often:

Content is king. I know you've heard this before, but it bears repeating because Google bots are looking for content, quality content. In short, quality content is content that addresses the needs, wants, and desires of your audience. Please note that the content is intended for users, not search engines. Write content for the human reader. Google prefers new, original and frequently updated content that tends to attract visitors. More visitors will attract Google bots to crawl your page, resulting in higher rankings.

Increase on-page SEO with social media:

Some say that social media has replaced or replaced SEO. But that's not true. Social networks play a different role: that of sales. Social media makes it easy to share your content with others. So, social media complements SEO by distributing your content to interested parties or groups.

On-page SEO - no technical knowledge required:

Website optimization is clearly a vast and complex subject. However, prudent marketers don't shy away from SEO. They make SEO work for them without having to worry about technical knowledge.