Google algorithm updates you need to know

Google is one of the most widely used search engine platforms that continually updates its algorithm to better satisfy the user. These changes can have a positive or negative impact on your search rankings depending on how you use them in your strategies. To stay informed of such updates, see below.

Panda -

It is mainly done to assign the Content Quality Score to a website, which further affects the ranking of your particular website. The main objective is to remove from the ranking the websites whose website has bad or plagiarized content.

Penguin -

Another item on the list is penguin, which is primarily used to track spamming websites. It works in real time, ensuring faster penalties and less recovery time. Looking for benefits of SEO for your business click here.

Hummingbird -

This is an important algorithm that is used to give more meaning to the entire query. It ensures the ranking of your website even if it does not contain the exact words entered by the search.

Paloma -

Used primarily to increase the local list ranking in general search results. This ranking can also affect the search results displayed on Google Maps, as location and distance are used as a key factor.

Mobilegeddon -

Used primarily to make sure your website is mobile phone friendly. If not, it can affect your web ranking. All websites that can run smoothly on all sensitive devices take precedence.

Possum -

The main goal of this algorithm is to ensure that all local results can vary more widely based on the location of the search engine. In short, it will show all local results, which will increase your ranking for similar queries.

Fred -

Your primary goal is to target all websites that violate Google's webmaster guidelines. Such websites contain more than enough ads, poor or possibly plagiarized content, and poor user benefits. To know more about google algorithm update check out here.

The main reason for any Google algorithm update is to clear up a customer's confusion and provide the best experience. And that is why they are constantly updated to the satisfaction of their customers. If you don't know enough about them and SEO your website without information, it can affect your web ranking and give you no results. Therefore, you should consult an experienced and trusted SEO company in your area who will take care of your project and be aware of recent changes.