Student Highlights

EV's vs Gas Vehicles

The automotive Industry is undergoing a significant transformation, with the emergence of electric vehicles also known as EV’s, challenging the dominance of traditional gas-powered cars. This shift has sparked debates regarding the pros and cons of each of the technologies. While electric vehicles promise sustainability and reduced emissions, gas vehicles continue to hold their ground, offering certain advantages that electric cars struggle to match. This article will dive into the comparison between these two types of vehicles, exploring the pros of gas vehicles and the negatives of their electric counterparts. 

Pros of gas vehicles

There are many plus sides to the gas combustion powered vehicles. The main four are Convenience, Range, and Performance. When it comes to convenience gas vehicles have the upper hand, thanks to the extensive network of fuel stations world wide. Unlike electric cars, which require charging infrastructure that is still developing, gas vehicles can be refueled quickly, allowing for longer and quicker journeys without the need for extended stops.

 Another large concern for electric vehicles is range anxiety - the fear of running out of battery power before reaching their destination. Gas vehicles, on the other hand, offer greater range flexibility, enabling drivers to travel longer distances without worrying about recharging. A student from Wheeler when asked if they think there is stable infrastructure for EV charging stations mentioned “I do not think that there are enough stations that I would be able to charge my electric vehicle at, there is also nowhere near an abundance of these as there are gas stations”.

As many people know there is a large community of people who enjoy cars and try to build them for more speed, handling, and looks. Electric vehicles are much more lackluster in this area, although they are known for their instant torque delivery and smooth acceleration. Gas vehicles are still seen as superior in terms of performance, especially in high speed scenarios. Gas powered vehicles often provide a much more driver centered experience, appealing to enthusiasts who prioritize power and speed. In an interview, a Wheeler student stated “Personally I prefer gas over electric because electric vehicles do not provide the same driving experience”.

Cons of Electric Vehicles

The biggest downside to electric vehicles is the extended amount of time it takes to recharge/refill the tank and or battery. Unlike the quick process of filling your gas tank, recharging an electric vehicle's battery can be time consuming, especially when it comes to traditional charging methods. While fast charging stations are becoming more popular, they still require more time than a typical gas station stop, impacting the overall “convenience” of EV’s. On the topic of refueling your electric vehicle you actually have to do it less depending on your car as mentioned from another Wheeler student “I would want to drive a gas vehicle because many Econ vehicles get better MPG and have more range than all the fully electric vehicles.

The Truth About Screen Time and Sleep

Whether screen time use before bed is detrimental to one’s health or not has been an ongoing controversy among researchers. Allison, a junior at Wheeler High School in North Stonington, CT,  goes on her phone before bed every night to help her wind down after a long day at school. But what she is doing might have the exact opposite effect. What Allison does not know is that numerous studies have shown that screen time, especially right before bed, can delay sleep and create a cycle of unhealthy outcomes, including daytime tiredness and poor sleep quality.

Concern about excessive screen time use has been a hot topic since the increase of screen time use among young children and teens. One 2018 scientific literature review, which analyzed 117 previous studies on this subject, discovered that “90% of included studies found an association between screen media use and delayed bedtime and/or decreased total sleep time.” The studies found that screen time  displaced sleep time, and that there was “psychological stimulation and light exposure, and increased physiological alertness.” 

But Allison, Nick, and Ashley, all students at Wheeler, claimed they didn’t suffer any detrimental effect from their screen time use right before bed. The students' phone use varied between 7 to 2 hours a day. All said they engaged with their phones right before going to sleep. For most of them, right before bed was the first bit of free time they got after school, sports, work, dinner and homework. It allowed them to catch up with friends, laugh at funny videos, and escape the day’s stress. All said they had no problem falling asleep.

Multiple studies in the review “documented that adolescents report using media at bedtime to help them fall asleep.” But the study’s findings were clear, even if the students didn’t recognize it themselves – screen time before bedtime is bad for your sleep. One trend cited in the study is the development of apps meant to calm and soothe the user to prepare them for sleep. So maybe in the future going online before bed may indeed help you get some rest. Until then save your screen time for the daylight hours.

Graduation of 2024

The 2024 school year is beginning to wrap up, but that also means there are a new handful of students who are graduating from high schools everywhere ready to move on into the world as they take the next step in their lives. Graduation has been a big for high schools everywhere since what feels like the dawn of time. Senior year is the final step for these to be graduates and also the year they take their full leap into the adult world as most of them turn eighteen during the year and of course graduate. As we all know, graduation is that ceremony where the seniors walk down a stage to grab a diploma in their cap and gowns however, when it comes to graduating there are many aspects of it to look at like what plans are a senior’s plans after graduation or how does graduating make one feel as if a huge part of their life is over. 

    On June 7th, 2024, a batch of students graduated from Chariho High School with their graduation ceremony taking place at the Ryan Center on URI College Campus in North Kingstown Rhode Island. These seniors were ready to graduate and many were very excited to be done with school. Many of them showed great signs of excitement, one senior as he grabbed his diploma threw his hands up and gave a great big yell of pure victory. It was the final step of grade school for all of those kids who have grown into adults that graduated that night, and after speaking to many of them, reflecting on their high school experiences there are many that didn't care for school but still gave it their best but if anything from their experiences what they gained the most was friends that would last them a lifetime. Then there were those who enjoyed their time in other ways, such as sports, academics, or other experiences. There is always at least one aspect of high school that shapes a person. 

    As for what’s next, many of the graduates have plans to move on to college this coming fall. With some Seniors choosing to leave little Rhode Island. One senior has plans to go to Maine University and another has plans to go to Parsons Art College in New York. However there are also many of those who have plans to go local. Many of the graduates plan on going to URI and many choosing to go to community college at CCRI. College is not for everyone so what about those people? Well there are a few who plan to go right into the military. The students were recognized with a blue sash at the graduation for their brave decision to serve our country. Then there are those with plans to go right into the workforce or a trade. No matter what the plan high school is over and the next chapter has begun. With an interview from one graduate he has many feelings on graduating. He got used to the routine of waking up every morning and going to school, so not having that may take some time to get used to but at the same time he is happy and glad to be done with high school as if a weight was lifted off his back. His plans are to go to URI for chemistry and begin a new routine there.

    The graduates of 2024 are moving, but now we welcome a new group of seniors who will be graduating soon too as the cycle of graduation repeats and new chapters everywhere start.