
College Students protesting in direct link with terrorist organizations

Recently there has been an ongoing war between Israel and Palestine, Palestine being led by Hamas, a terrorist organization that has been brutally murdering Israeli civilian women and children and taking many of them hostage. College protests have started all over the US defending Palestine even though they have done the horrible things they have. Some places the Protests are getting out of control, some setting up reinforced encampments and even worse Jewish students have been assaulted at a couple different schools. Although many protests may be non-violent, many Jewish students have made statements saying that they do not feel safe. Not only the assault and encampments but there has been a link to the protesters and terrorism connected directly to Hamas “designated terror organizations have been expressing support for the American student protesters. These include senior Hamas official 'Izzat Al-Rishq's April 24 assurance to them, via his Telegram account, that they are "standing on the correct side of history." He also stressed, "Today's students are the leaders of tomorrow."”(Stalinsky)

Hamas is a large terrorist organization that acts like the military in a way and they are the one fighting Israel in the Gaza-Israel War. Hamas has done terrible things, massacring thousands of Israeli civilians and brutalizing them. “Eight months after the attack in which more than 1,200 people were murdered and about 250 taken hostage to the Gaza Strip, researchers are piecing together evidence that the Palestinian terror organization perpetrated horrific crimes specifically terrorizing families on kibbutz and other civilian communities in Israel.”(Eglash) “And much of it was captured on film by the terrorists themselves, say those documenting all the evidence.”(Eglash) Not only did they just do these horrible things, they recorded all of it too. “she said, describing one video clip taken just after the eldest daughter of one of the families has just been murdered by the terrorists and the mother is trying to console her other children by telling them that it did not happen.”(Eglash) Hamas is ruining people's lives thousands of them in one of their massacres killing 1200 civilians and taking hostage many as well. And there are American students all around our country defending and supporting the actions of Hamas.

Students are even going as far communicating directly with Hamas terrorist over telegram, “The Hamas-affiliated Gaza Now outlet, recently sanctioned by the U.S. and U.K. for fundraising, called, also on Telegram, on U.S. and European students to "protest for the sake of the people of Palestine in Gaza," telling them on April 26: "Let disobedience begin everywhere."”(Stalinsky) we are letting our students communicate with terrorists in an attempt to dislodge our country and its structure. Some protestors are even attacking Jewish students at some colleges, “"I wear a Star of David necklace," she said. "One of them taunted me by waving a Palestinian flag in my face and jabbed me with it in the eye."” (Duddridge) She believes she was attacked because of her Jewish attire, not only did this attack happen at Yale but many others happened as well. These college protests are interrupting final exams and the incoming freshman coming into college as it has disrupted many things.

These protests can lead to worse then they already have establishing more terrorists in our country and endangering the lives of many, These groups have been encouraging these students to do awful things, “An April 30 post in English by a prolific Al-Qaeda supporter, titled "Message to the Youth of the Ummah Among College and University Students," shows three hooded operatives standing before a burning building with an Israeli flag, with the message: "Target the Zionists with your sharp daggers, slit their necks and cut off their supports, and show them neither pity nor compassion..."”(Zalinsky) There has never been more proof of a terrorist organization rising in America with the least done to prevent or stop it or the actions of the terrorists. This is causing a lot of distrust within our country and it only pushes us closer to our downfall.

The Gaza-Israel war has led to Terrorist attacks on U.S soil by our own college students launching massive protests disrupting the lives of many. Students being assaulted by protesters as well as protesters being in communication directly with Hamas terrorist organization and others and being encouraged to commit terrorist attacks against their own country. With all this evidence of terrorist growth and organization, there is little being done to put it to an end or at least minimize the growth of said terrorists. This can be really bad for our country and our upcoming election if not handled properly as it is leading to a lot of distrust within our government and our country.