School Events

Brunch dresses taking over Prom?

By Alyssa Hirschfeld

Brunch Dresses to Prom?

Alyssa Hirschfeld

With the Wheeler junior/senior prom coming up many students are deciding on what to wear. Prom dress styles change over the years; this year brunch dresses  started to become very popular for prom. Brunch dresses are typically a more casual, floral and flowy dress while prom dresses are typically more formal, poofy or sparkly. Some people are very against the idea while others love it. I’ve decided to interview students  to see their opinions on brunch dresses. I wanted to see the popularity of this trend at Wheeler, depending on if people see brunch dresses as the new “prom dress” or not. 

First, I interviewed students  attending prom. I asked people to describe their idea of a prom dress; the point of this question is to see what first goes through people's minds. This is to show if anyone’s first answer would be a brunch dress or a more formal dress. Senior, Ellen Anderson, said she is attending this year. She described how a prom dress should make you feel special. Something you would not wear to any other event. Her idea of a prom dress is tight, long train, sparkly and a tight fit top. In a second interview with Senior, Rose Tardiff, Her idea of a prom dress is a long pink formal dress with sparkles. Starting to interview other grades next is junior Hannah Wright, her prom dress opinion is a royal blue, tight fit dress. 

Students were asked about the  dress they are planning on wearing, this will show if anyone is planning on wearing a brunch dress. If they are not it shows what they would normally choose to wear to prom. I asked if people would wear a brunch dress to prom, knowing this would see if this trend is popular at Wheeler or just other schools.

Someone I interviewed that is less likely to go freshman, Ataliah Cannady. She is maybe attending this year and her opinion of a prom dress is bright colors, lacey, tight fit dresses. She agrees that brunch dresses are “too basic and wouldn’t wear them to prom.” Lastly, Valentina Corrigan who is not attending, and her opinion on a prom dress is a “long, sparkly, hot pink dress”. She then stated how she wouldn’t wear a brunch dress to prom. The people who aren’t attending this year show what might happen in the future seeing if they would wear a brunch dress to prom. This shows if this trend is going to keep going or not. 

Brunch dresses have never been a typical “prom dress” in the past but after seeing people’s opinions it shows that there is a chance it could stay that way. But no matter peoples opinions prom is a day for everyone to feel comfortable, pretty, and have fun with friends. So wear whatever makes you comfortable and have fun! Wheeler prom will be June 1st so don’t forget to buy your tickets when sold and wear what makes you feel beautiful.

The image to your left shows the ideal thought of a prom dress, sparkly, poofy, vibrant, and formal. "Prom dresses are typically floor-length and can be found in a variety of silhouettes and colors"(“What's The Difference Between Homecoming and Prom?”).

The image on the right is a brunch dress now known as another prom dress. "Depending on the weather, common brunch attire consists of items like skirts, flowy dresses, light jackets, and other lightweight yet stylish attire"("What to Wear to Brunch").