
Strength of Heart

Definition: Actions or speech intended to help others. I am kind and helpful to others. 

Motto: "I am helpful and empathic and regularly do favors for others without expecting anything in return." ¹


The Strengths Spotlight Podcast Series: Listen to the Institute of Positive Education descriptors of the strengths that include integration strategies.

What it Looks Like and How to Encourage: 

From Character Lab...

Model It. When being helpful to others, talk about why you’re doing it. Try to include the cue for the behavior and what outcome you anticipate: “I noticed that you all seem a little down today because it is Monday, so I decided to give the class an extra five minutes of free time to talk to the people around you. I hope that this can help you feel a little more awake and excited to work.” Point out things you notice about others, and brainstorm together about things that you can do. “I notice that Grandma is unhappy when her house is messy. What do you think I could do to help?”

Celebrate It. When you notice kind behavior, try to make clear why it’s so generous. “I saw that you gave your seat up on the bus for the older gentleman. That was very thoughtful of you to choose to stand so that he could sit. I am sure that you helped give him a rest.” Work with the young people in your life to become “kindness detectives” who are constantly alert to others’ needs or wants.

Enable It. Making “If ___, then ___” plans can support habit formation. For example: “If someone is walking behind me through a door, then I will hold the door for them.” Planning what to do in future situations can make the decision happen more naturally when they arise.

Unpack the Strength²: 

 Teacher Strategies to Personally Strengthen Their Kindness:

Character Lab Kindness Teaching Strategies and Tips: How to offer age-appropriate versions of the strategies? Note: There are dozens and dozens of tips from Character Lab. These choices are filtered for elementary school and practicality to bring this strength into the culture of one's classroom. 

Kindness Secondary Integration Strategies: These strategies are secondary to the PRIME strategies and at times specific to this Character Strength. Italicized strategies denote secondary strategies attached only to a few strengths. Don't forget to go to the Character Strengths introduction page for the PRIME strategies that work across all of the strengths. 

PERMAH & Strength Hacks Simple daily strategies for wellness!

Grade(s) Specific Teaching Strategies: The following ideas are offered as jumping-off points for teachers to build from and adapt to their needs. 





Teaching Tools: 

Learning About Kindness: 


Character Lab

Center for Well-Being and Kindness Curriculum for EC


How Full Is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath and Donald O. Clifton

How Full Is Your Bucket? For Kids by Tom Rath

Parent Engagement

Character Lab Research References

Character Lab Image Source

¹ Niemiec, R. M., & McGrath, R. E. (2019). The power of character strengths: appreciate and ignite your positive personality. Cincinnati, OH: VIA Institute on Character.

² Embedding Character Strengths. Institute of Positive Education. With permission. 

³ Niemiec, Ryan M., and Neal H. Mayerson. The Strengths-Based Workbook for Stress Relief: a Character Strengths Approach to Finding Calm in the Chaos of Daily Life. New Harbinger Publications, Inc., 2019.