Fire at Reuben Weldon Dye works in 1872

The London Gazette 26th August 1890 - Frederick Weldon leaves the partnership, leaving Ernest Weldon to run the business.

1918 Order 1st July Consumer to restrict stock of coal at any one time to one years allowance

Returns for stock of coal required excluding householders.

Article on Dyers strike in Nottingham, looks to be 1919 the year of the Victory loan

Newspaper article from 1919 on Under Production ¬

1933 Share Capital & Corporate Loan

30/09/1969 (exports only 0.5% of sales)

Using CPI @ Nov2022

1969: Assets: £12.48M Profits: £1.45m Sales: £18.68m

1977: Assets: £10.6M Profits: £342k Sales: £22.4m

1978: Assets: £10.8M Profits: £154k Sales: £22.8m

Percy Andrew & Son of Jennison Street, Bulwell closed in 1979 according to posts by those that worked there. Source: Bulwell Bygones on Facebook.

In July 1980 Anthony Weldon visited Germany and Switzerland to acquire the new efficient machinery for the open plan modern factory at Scotholme which had been rebuilt following the fire in 1977. The machinery required less labour in order to make W&W more competitive and enable W&W to produce new fabrics to meet the growth in leisure wear. A loan was taken out with Barclays to modernise the plant ¬