The packing room staff plus a few others

"Back row L. Ron Lee...?....?....just poking his head out at the back could be Capt Roger Clark, he was in the office overlooking the trim shop with the foreman, Clal Walker, who is next to him wearing the white coat. When I first started work, he used to issue the work to the trimmers at their benches.

Next to him is Arthur Haig he was a trimmer and used to take bets to the bookies.

Sitting on the bench is Mac Smith, samples trimmer. I really liked this guy despite him being a communist and reading his Daily worker. I didn't know anything about politics at 16 and just found him friendly and interesting, especially after I told him that my dad had died as a P.O.W. in Jap hands in Borneo just 6 weeks before they surrendered. He would tell me tales of when he was a Chindit during the war fighting in the jungle and when they were lost in complete darkness as the high thick tree foliage blotted out the sun. I'd help him shovel coal delivered to his allotment to his coal bunker for his greenhouse and he always paid me well for my time."