Link Crew Advisors

Lindsey Shields

Williams Field has been my home since I started teaching 5 years ago. It's a place I love for a variety of reasons but especially because the campus, the staff, and the students have helped shape who I am as a teacher and an individual.

A growth mindset, a kind heart, and an open mind are values I try to instill not only in my students but in those I encounter on a daily basis. I teach to inspire students to recognize their potential and follow their passions. Also, I love books, cats, and Diet Coke!

Teaches: English
Room Number: 220
Campus Involvement: Boys & Girls Varsity Soccer

Rebecca Rodriquez

I am a firefighter's wife, and a mom of three. I have been teaching for just over 10 years and I LOVE it! I teach Spanish II and Honor's Spanish III, and I am so excited to be a Link Crew leader! I love the culture of belonging and dominance that we have at Williams Field. I love that we put our best foot forward in everything that we do and that we include everyone along the way! Go Black Hawks!

Teaches: Spanish II & III
Room Number: 221
Campus Involvement: Key Club