Important Faces

Steve Tannenbaum

Mr. Tannenbaum is our Principal and fearless leader. He values student connections and supports any/all ideas on how to better improve our campus and our community. If you have an idea, Mr. Tannenbaum will hear you out and ensure your voice is heard.

Dan Fox

Mr. Fox is one of our Assistant Principals on campus. You will find him helping any/all students on campus and lending a hand where needed. Mr. Fox works closely with our curriculum development and school data. He may or may not have been in an 80s-style heavy metal band in his younger days...

Gordon Ray

Mr. Ray is one of the Assistant Principals you can find on campus. He is also in charge of managing activities. If a club wants to plan an event they will ask him! Mr. Ray is friendly, passionate, and always ready to help students succeed!

Darrell Stangle

Mr. Stangle is one of our Assistant Principals and our Athletic Director. His role on campus is not only to assist Williams Field’s leadership team but also to manage and work closely with our athletic teams and programs. Aside from his title of AP and AD Mr. Stangle wants to see every student succeed.

Kristin Koke

Ms. Koke is the new Dean of Students. This is a new position on campus but Ms. Koke is not! She has worked closely in our alternative learning classrooms and is dedicated to helping students reach their full potential. She will help ensure that students have a positive, safe environment to learn in.

Heidi Zellner

Mrs. Zellner is helping out this year in managing activities on campus. She is devoted to helping students actualize their vision. In addition to helping in the front office, she also teaches Anatomy & Physiology.

Kathrine Buchanan

Ms. Buchanan is the Office Manager. You can find her in the front office working hard to manage and keep up with all things going on behind the scenes!

Rebecca Loyd

Mrs. Loyd is our Athletic Admin Assistant here on campus. She assists all student athletes in their process of readying for tryouts. Any athletic-based question is best geared for Mrs. Loyd. She will always do her best to answer any questions or concerns. You can find her in the front office!

Angela Goemans

Mrs. Goemans is our school registrar. Her laugh, sarcasm, and energy bring light-heartedness to the ever changing school environment.

Leslie Nicholson

Mrs. Nicholson is our attendance specialist. She is a wonderful new addition to our campus this school year. You'll find her in the front office working closely with parents, students, and staff.

Tom McCann

Mr. McCann is a counselor on our campus. He loves making connections with all of the students and is a support system for anything they may need. He will continue to be a support system throughout your years on campus!

Christine Wilhelm

Mrs. Wilhelm is one of the counselors on our campus. She assists students anywhere from questions about classes to personal advice. She is a wonderful counselor to students at Williams Field and will go out of her way to give students the best care. You can always access her easily by quickly filling out a slip to set up a meeting or just by peeking into her office!

Jeremy Hutter

Mr. Hutter is one of the counselors at our school and he works every day to ensure that our students have the best opportunities afforded to them. He also makes sure that the students feel safe and welcomed.

Amanda Johnson

Ms. Johnson is a counselor on campus. She is dedicated to student success and committed to helping students reach their fullest potential.

Jean Gregus

If you visit the front office you'll see Ms. Jean ready to greet you with a smile! Her endless positivity and kindness help direct both students and parents to where they need to be with ease. She's resourceful and always a delight to talk to!

Kristina Cormier

You'll also find Ms. Kristi in the front office, there to answer any questions or concerns you may have. She's always willing to assist and guide both students and parents!

Mary Buscema

Mrs. B is our career adviser on the Williams Field campus. Mrs. B works hard every day to provide our students with the information needed to succeed in their future. This may be help with scholarship opportunities or even help with choosing a college that fits you, as well as much more.

Tricia Meloy

Mrs. Meloy is our savior in the bookstore! You can find her working hard to ensure all students have access to materials they need, and keeping track as to if students have paid their class, club, and athletic fees.

Orlando Echevarria

Orlando is our campus security guard (and also one of the coolest people on the staff). His main role on campus is to make sure all the students stay out of trouble but sometimes he'll give you a ride on the golf cart when needed. If you need to talk to him, you can usually find him roaming the campus throughout the school day.

Officer Baker

Officer Baker is our new School Resource Officer. His door is always open should you have any questions or if you need someone to talk to. He's a resource for everyone on campus and is around to help our students and staff.

Michelle Cadiz

Mrs. Cadiz is our new media aide assistant! You might see her when you check out book titles in your English class but you can also find her in the student union.

Karen Holt

Mrs. Holt is our new health assistant. You'll find her in the health office.