Campus Culture

Black Hawks DOMINATE!

On campus you'll hear often that a Black Hawk dominates. But what does this mean? The Athletic Leadership Council created the acronym you see to the left to instill the values of not only what it means to be a Black Hawk, but what it means to DOMINATE!

This started with a group of students who wanted to help push our school and programs to the next level. Together they came up with the words that compose the acronym. It's important for all students to know these terms, to understand the expectations of being a Black Hawk, and to work to embody them all to their fullest potential.

As a campus, we represent these values.

Every organization has to have a core set of values that they use as an anchor, or a way to frame where their moral compass points. If you don’t know where you are going, you will end up somewhere else. By instilling these values, and embodying them, it gives a road map to Dominate the Day!

WFHS Fight Song

Learn our school's fight song so you can sing along in the stands of any event happening on campus! Knowing the words will allow you to join the band and your fellow Black Hawks in cheering on your classmates!

Big Red Rage

Big Red Rage is a student organization that hypes people up for every game, event, and assembly. Big Red Rage brings out the energy they know every student has burning inside them! You'll find Big Red Rage at sporting events in the student section leading chants to cheer on our students!

Anyone can join Big Red Rage. Meetings are held typically on Mondays at 2:20pm in Room 105. When school starts you can pop into one of their meetings if interested or email their sponsor Ms. Johnson ( for further info.

Want to learn the Big Red Rage chants? Check out this video and start practicing!