As part of its action plan in favor of Diversity & Inclusion, Fulbright France is commited to ensure that its programs are open to all and that they best represent the full diversity of our two societies. In this dynamic, the Franco-American commission is also dedicated to the continuous improvement of the exchange and immersion experience for all grantees. The information and links that we have compiled below comprise tips for daily life, but also emergency points of contact, feedback from previous Fulbrighters, and official local guidelines on how to live abroad with a disability. The content is not exhaustive and will be updated on a rolling basis. In addition to these resources, the Commission remains available for any concerns or questions. 

General resources for international students and scholars

Please browse this website for official resources on accessibility, accommodations, catering, adapted transportation, access to sports, but also on grants, and campus opportunities for international students with disabilities.

Campus France also provides detailed guidelines in English on existing campus support, commissions and services providing help and care for daily life, but also on correspondence classes, remote teaching, existing advising services and federations that conduct actions for all international students or young people with disabilities. Click here for access to these resources.

The FÉDÉEH (Student Federation for Working and Studying with a Disability) has a dedicated website compiling information on actions, events and resources that they provide, in addition to a contact page.

The French government provides guidance and resources for daily life with disabilities (website is in French). Please note that some of the benefits listed on this website are for French citizens only but that general information is provided as well.

Local support contact points

At the local scale, every French “département”  has a dedicated MDPH (Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées – Departemental Welcome Desk for People with Disabilities), that can provide guidance and general information on available local resources in your area.

You can search for your local MDPH here.

You can also submit a request for an online appointment at your local MDPH through this link.

French universities contact points

French universities also have dedicated contact points and provide resources for disabilities on campus. Please check the websites and guides of the institutions below as an example: 

Université Paris-Cité EDHEC Business School

Université de Rennes Université de Bordeaux

Sciences Po CY-Cergy Paris Université 

Université Paris Dauphine

Université Grenoble-Alpes

Emergency numbers

Vos numéros utiles : official website of the French government

Emergency number for mistreatment or aggressions on disabled persons : 3977

Emergency number for deaf and hearing impaired persons : 114 (service available 24/7, via text message, videophone, phone, or chat)

National number for proximity emergency assistance : 0 800 360 360

National number for info on inclusive education : 0805 805 110

Fulbrighter perspectives

In 2022, Kristen Popham (English Teaching Assistant to France in 2021-2022) organized a webinar supported by the National Clearinghouse for Disability Exchange from Mobility International USA. Speakers included grant recipients researching, studying, and teaching everywhere from France (Fulbright Advanced Student alumna Maïté Van Hentenryck is on the panel!) to India. Panelists answered various questions about their grants and worked to demystify the experience of Fulbright grantees with disabilities. This webinar was recorded and is available to watch here

You can also find additional feedback and advice from U.S Fulbrighters on experiences abroad with disabilities on this page

Accessibility on public transportation and the train network

Please click on the links provided below for information on accessibility in the public transportation services for the following areas : Paris, Lyon, Marseille/Aix, Toulouse, Lille, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Grenoble, Montpellier, Nice/Côté d'Azur, Nantes

Information about accessibility on the SNCF network.