how to lose weight for teenagers

How To Lose Weight fast for teenagers

If your goal is to lose weight , know that you are embarking on a long-term journey with significant health benefits. Instead of going on a drastic fad diet, make a few small changes in your diet and lifestyle to reach your modest weight loss goal.

Focus on whole, healthy foods and exercise. Keep track of your progress and regularly update your goals as improvements are seen. In a few months, you'll be on your way to becoming a healthier and happier person!

how to lose weight for teenagers

how to lose weight for teenagers

Manage your weight loss goals

how to lose weight for teenager

Use a BMI calculator or grid

This tool will help you determine your ideal weight based on your height. Search the Internet for a body mass index calculator or grid.

Locate your height and age in the list or type them in a form. You will see 3 weight ranges ranging from "normal" or "healthy" to "overweight" and "obese".

If your current weight falls in either of the last 2 categories, write down the highest value in the “normal” weight category to find out how much weight you should reach .

  • If you are already in the “normal” weight category, losing weight will be of no benefit. Seek medical advice before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle.

  • Keep in mind that your body type will determine the distribution of weight on your body. Don't expect to look like someone else of the same height and weight. The body is different from one person to another.

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Set small, achievable goals

Instead of setting an ambitious or nearly unattainable weight loss goal (e.g. losing 45 kg before the end of the season), start with a small goal that you can achieve without a hitch.

In general, most teens can try to lose 0.5-1 kg per week, or even more over weeks and months. Aim to lose between 2 and 4.5 kg in the first month.

  • When you see the few kilograms you have lost, you will feel more motivated to set yourself and achieve new goals over time.

  • Don't be discouraged if you don't lose anything during the first week. Stay positive and stick to your goal. You will see that the results will start to show gradually.

Keep a food journal and a fitness journal

By writing down the foods you eat every day, you will quickly realize how quickly calories can pile up.

Write down in a journal everything you eat, all the exercises you do, your weight after each weigh-in, and your measurements over time.

Add up your total calorie consumption at the end of each day and write down how many calories you burned from exercise.

Write down any changes you make to your diet or lifestyle and use all of this information to get a feel for how far you've come .

  • Use a weight loss website or app to log your diet and exercise. Most of these tools automatically estimate how many calories you have consumed or depleted for each piece of information recorded.

  • Analyze the contents of your food diary to see what is working and what is not so that you can adapt accordingly. For example, if you notice that you always have a snack after swimming, you can start by taking a piece of fruit with you so that you have something healthier to eat.

Weigh yourself once a week

Every week, step onto a scale at the same time on the same day.

For a more accurate follow-up, weigh yourself in the morning before having breakfast and after using the bathroom. Measure your waistline, hip circumference, thighs, and upper arms to see where you've lost fat.

  • Weighing yourself daily increases the risk of ending up obsessed with your weight or having an unhealthy fixation on daily results. Water retention in your body can cause you to gain up to 2 kg per day, which means that the value on the scale can be misleading.

  • Remember that losing weight is a lifelong process. Developing healthy habits and losing weight takes months and years. It is not a goal that you can achieve in a few days.

Don't be too hard on yourself

Emotions and stress can make losing weight seem difficult to overcome However, with a set of small, achievable goals and a way to track your progress, you'll be able to maintain a positive mindset.

Praise yourself on every minor or major achievement and don't be too hard on yourself if you stray from your goal or make a mistake every now and then.

  • If you spend a day slouching in front of the TV instead of going to the gym, don't beat yourself up. If you've been tempted by junk food after a stressful exam, don't make a big deal out of it. Just promise yourself that you won't make the same mistake the next day!

tips to Weight Loss Naturally for teenagers

6 tips on how to lose weight fast in teenagers successfully

  • It has to be fun : You should choose a sport that is not only compulsory, but also fun.

  • Set achievable goals : If you set yourself too much, you won't hold out - and maybe even damage your body.

  • Looking for movement in everyday life : ride your bike to work, get off one tram station earlier, always use the stairs.

  • Create starting aid : get your running shoes ready the evening before, arrange to go walking, develop rituals.

  • Make a plan : write down why, how and when you want to move.

  • Enjoy success : It is a great feeling to register for a mass sports event and to celebrate the step over the finish line.

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