The search for a healthier lifestyle, awakens in people the tenacity for physical activities to carry out the burning of body fat. This awareness has been distancing these individuals from the diseases caused by sedentary lifestyle and waking them up to a replacement concept of living.

All of this has been happening thanks to the information that is available to us, such as: knowledge and research are advancing and reaching a large number of people worldwide.

Today we know that body fat is not just a matter of aesthetics, but is correlated with many degenerative diseases and that is one of the reasons for this anxiety in relation to it.

In this text we will present the types of body fat, the causes of the increase in adipose tissue, as well as the evils it can cause. We will address specific exercises for lowering lipids and the new lifestyle for those seeking a better quality of life, as well as a balanced and healthy body.

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Types of body fat

It is very common for people to associate body fat with something bad like some diseases being them: obesity, high cholesterol and even aesthetically speaking as something disproportionate. However, there are beneficial fats in the body that are essential to the body and also fats that can contribute to burning fats and, of course, the bad fat that we all want very far. Follows the types of fats in the body:

There are 5 types of body fat, but not all of them are harmful to health. Therefore, we cannot generalize when the outcome is fat:

Essential fat

It is the body fat found in small amounts around the organs, in the muscles , central nervous system and bone marrow. It serves as a kind of dampening of the organs and we all have it.

In men it represents about 3% to 4% of the total weight and in women the essential body fat is higher where, it is generally estimated at around 9% to 12%. This percentage is higher, because it includes breast tissue and fat deposits in the hips, abdomen and pelvis, where it is important for the functioning of the reproductive system.

White fat

This is the most hated body fat! The one we want far away. It also represents the largest proportion in our body and is also the mechanism that stores excess calories that are ingested during meals and are made up of fat cells.

The bad news is that these cells, once formed, do not disappear and an even worse news, they can increase their volume. When the body produces excess white body fat cells or when they increase in volume, obesity arises.

White fat is the body fat accumulated mainly by overeating, in addition to obesity, it can cause coronary heart disease and impair blood circulation;

Brown fat

Anyway, a totally good body fat! Recent research has shown that brown fat burns white fat, that is, it loses weight. This adipose tissue is a legacy of our evolution and its function is to generate heat.

Brown fat is present in mammals, especially those that hibernate. In adult humans, there is a small amount, whereas in newborns the amount of brown fat is greater.

They are believed to be larger in children, because they are unable to protect themselves from the cold. Brown fat is located in the neck, below the collarbone and along the spine.

When brown body fat generates heat, the body begins to burn calories, that is, every time it acts, calorie burning happens, this is because this type of fat is endowed with an expressive number of mitochondria, which is the cellular structure responsible for energy production.

So when we are exposed to the low temperature, we can spend more calories to keep ourselves warm. Scientists have also found that people who have a higher percentage of brown fat, find it easier to lose weight, on the other hand, obese people have less in relation to thin people.

Visceral fat

Of all the types of fats that can exist in our body, without a doubt the biggest cause of problems is visceral fat.

Visceral fat can lead an individual to develop serious illnesses and is considered a concern because it affects most people in Western countries. This fat, also known as intra-abdominal fat, accumulates in the belly above the organs, such as the liver, stomach, intestine, pancreas and even the heart, making it difficult for them to function and causing various diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, and bone disease.

Visceral fat cells release fatty acids and glycerol into the bloodstream that end up accumulating in the arteries, developing coronary heart disease.

Women with waist circumference over 80 cm and men over 90 cm should be concerned, and change eating habits to practice physical activities to decrease this circumference.

Subcutaneous fat

Do you know that plump appearance, or those protruding love handles? It is itself the subcutaneous fat, the aesthetic terror of men and women all over the world. It is located in the abdomen, hips, arms and legs.

In men, subcutaneous body fat is more common in the belly, chest and shoulders, this distribution of body fat is classified as android, or apple shape. In women, the most common are on the hips and thighs and their distribution is called gynoid and has the appearance of a pear.

Subcutaneous fat in society is seen as unattractive and for this reason, many people resort to aesthetic procedures to get rid of them. It also has to do with unbalanced eating and a sedentary lifestyle. Both visceral fat and subcutaneous fat come from white fat.

Fat vs. muscle mass - body composition

The body is composed of lean mass, fat mass and water. We can say that lean mass is composed of muscles, vital organs, bones and body fluids, the percentage of lean mass in the body will determine the intensity of caloric burning. The more lean mass, the greater and faster is the caloric burning in the body.

The fat mass is the weight of fat that we have in the body, we already know that a small percentage of fat is good for the functioning of the organism, however the great accumulation of it or the excess of fat (the one that gives us volume and flaccidity), this is the one we want to get rid of.

When we weigh on the scale, we do not know how much we have lean mass and body fat, but there are specific tests that show the percentage of fat, muscle mass and water in the body, so when we do diets and physical activities (mainly weight training), we cannot based only on the hands of the scale, that is, the total weight of the body.

It is common to see people who dedicate themselves to training and balanced food and apparently they are thinner and on the scale the weight remains the same or has gone up. This is because we exchange body fat for muscle mass. The fat and the muscles have different densities, the fat takes up a lot more space, and of course it gives a flabby appearance to the body.

Healthy weight loss is one in which we lose fat and gain muscle mass, because there is weight loss that we lose more muscle mass than fat and that in addition to not reducing the famous localized fat (like those found in the belly for example), can leave the skin more flabby, and it’s easier to gain weight again.

In order to increase lean mass and decrease fat, we must have a balanced diet, restricted to sweets and fried foods, rich in vegetables, fruits and proteins, in addition to combining aerobic and weight training exercises.

Fat x calories

The calories from the food and drinks we consume are used or stored as energy in the body. Extra and unnecessary calories are deposited in fat cells in the form of triglycerides. These originate either from the fat of foods consumed or formed from other sources of calories, such as carbohydrates.

When we go on very restrictive diets based much more on the sum of calories than on the quality of the food consumed, we lose weight quickly, we notice that the first two weeks the weight loss is high, in fact we lost water that was retained in the body tissues and of the muscles and not the fat.

Usually these diets are very difficult to follow, as we start to feel weak, tired, headache, bad mood and end up not going to the end, not to mention that the metabolism is slow.

Even if we go back to eating normally, we can gain weight, because in addition to water, we lose lean mass and with less lean mass, the burning of calories is slow.

Or we even managed to lose weight, the weight on the scale is visible, we are happy, however, the percentage of body fat is still high, this has a name: fake thin.

In fact, a fake person is the person who has the appropriate body weight according to the parameters established by the BMI, but his body composition is poor, that is, he has a very high amount of body fat compared to the amount of muscles.

It is common to see people apparently thin, but with cellulite, flab and localized fat. This group of people has the same risk of health problems that an overweight person might have.

Therefore, do not stick to the weight of the scale and do not believe in miraculous diets, the best option is food re-education combined with physical exercise, losing weight and being healthy is a continuous project in the long term.

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Fat - Proteins - Carbohydrates

We are increasingly aware of the quality of the food we eat and not just the quantity. A balanced diet has to be varied and colorful with adequate proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates, fats and proteins are macronutrients present in foods that, when consumed, provide us with energy, which is used for the vital functions of our organism. Here is a brief comment from each one respectively:

Fat or lipids: they are important to the human organism, they are present in the body in the form of triglycerides, cholesterol and fatty acids. However, most of the consumption of body fat (about 90%) is made up of triglycerides. Until it becomes an accumulation of fat in the adipose tissue, it goes through about six steps in the body until its final destination:

  1. Fat intake;

  2. Fragmentation of triglycerides in the intestine;

  3. Synthesis of triglycerides in the intestinal mucosa (chylomicrons) and liver (VLDL);

  4. Transformation of chylomicrons and VLDL into fatty acids and glycerol;

  5. Transport of fatty acids in adipocytes and glycerol to the liver and kidneys;

  6. And finally, the synthesis of triglycerides in adipocytes.

Lipids contribute to the absorption of important vitamins in the body such as vitamins A, D, E and K.

The fats consumed are classified into good fats and bad fats. The good ones are:

  • Monounsaturated fatty acids: nuts, Brazil nuts, avocado, olive oil.

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids: omega 3, flaxseed, fish such as tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, vegetables such as spinach, cabbage and arugula, and in cod oil.

Bad fats are saturated fatty acids: palm oil, fatty meats, bacon, bacon, whole milk (should be consumed in moderation). And the trans fats that are considered harmful to our organism (must be avoided) which are: margarines, stuffed cookies, breaded, clad, frozen industrialized and processed products.

Carbohydrates: is absorbed in the intestine going straight into the bloodstream. The most abundant form of carbohydrate is glucose.

When consumed in excess, glucose rises dramatically, so the release of insulin begins to absorb some molecules such as glucose and lipids. This can contribute to either gaining muscle mass or increasing the accumulation of fat.

So the smart thing is to choose foods by the glycemic index, that is, the higher the glycemic index, the greater the release of insulin and for those who want to reduce the percentage of body fat, this is very bad. So choose carbohydrates like fruits and others high in fiber, because generally these foods produce lower glycemic responses.

Proteins: they are macronutrients with different forms and functions. It provides the structural basis for all tissues and organs, they are important for the construction and maintenance of tissues, the formation of enzymes, hormones, antibodies and energy supply.

Proteins are synthesized by only 20 different amino acids present in the cell, it is there that protein synthesis occurs, where nine of these amino acids cannot be synthesized by the human organism.

These amino acids are acquired through food, so they are essential to replace those that are not produced by our body.

The other amino acids are called non-essential, because they are produced by the human body. In relation to food, protein can be classified into: complete proteins that involve all essential amino acids in the correct amount to maintain nitrogen balance and incomplete proteins, which have a lower quality and do not contain one or more of the essential amino acids.

Protein-rich foods are meats, fish, dairy products and eggs.

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Fat burning process

Body fat is practically composed of stored calories, when we burn more calories than we eat, the body searches for calories that are missing from the fat stores.

There are three processes responsible for metabolic burning:

  • Basal Metabolic Rate: we burn between 60% to 70% of calories per day, just because we are alive, without having to do any kind of exercise;

  • Digestive Metabolism: we burn between 10% to 15% of calories when digesting what we eat;

  • Physical Activity: When we move, whether to walk around the house, or do everyday tasks and even physical exercises, we spend 15% to 30% of calories.

And how do we get our metabolism to speed up fat burning?

Simple, just not! For the internal metabolism to burn more calories, we have to have more muscles, because at rest the muscle tissue burns two to three times more calories than the adipose tissue.

Aerobics help a lot and are important for fitness and health, but if burning fat is your priority, make bodybuilding your ally and also functional and calisthenic exercises that are exercises developed with the weight of your own body. These exercises contribute to the metabolic acceleration, that is, calories are burned constantly.

Regarding food, it is very important to add lean proteins to your meals, as the digestion of protein burns twice as many calories as that of carbohydrates or fats. The rule is simple: if we want to lose fat, we must consume fewer calories than we expend.

Do you know what burns a lot of fat too? High intensity and intercalated exercises, they also tone the muscles and toned muscles generate a more active metabolism, which in the end ends up burning more fat faster.

Acceleration of localized fat burning: back and belly

In fact, there is no way to burn only fat from a single place on the body, when we propose to lose weight and reduce body fat, either through food or physical activities, we are decreasing the percentage of fat as a whole in the body.

However, there are localized exercises to improve and define those parts where the fat insists on staying. But first, here are some tips on how to accelerate the burning of fat in the body and that will help to burn also in the back and belly:

  • Invest in thermogenic foods that are able to accelerate the metabolism of fats, especially abdominal fat, they are: cinnamon, ginger, pepper, green tea, salmon;

  • Eat more fibrous foods, as they serve as a sponge in the body, absorbing fat and carbohydrates, in addition to helping in the elimination of these in the feces, they are: chia, flaxseed, oat flakes, granola;

  • Consume proteins of high biological value, they are beneficial for weight loss and reduction of measures, in addition to contributing to the control of appetite and help to regenerate and form muscles. Include in your meals lean proteins such as: fish, egg whites, chicken breast, low-fat dairy products, whey protein;

  • To burn fat and speed up metabolism, do aerobic exercise! perform moderate intensity of 30 to 40 minutes of walking, swimming, cycling;

  • Do high-intensity workouts in short sessions, they contribute to greater fat loss in the long run and preserve muscle mass;

  • Practice resistance exercises that are an ally to eliminate localized fat and maintain muscle mass, in addition to helping in the faster burning of body fat;

  • Do lymphatic drainage and shaping massage, they are not able to eliminate fat on their own, but they are great allies in this process, because the fat needs to be mobilized in order to be eliminated and for that to happen, the lymphatic part needs to be free. From the moment we use techniques that stir and modify the fat cell, our body no longer accepts and ends up eliminating it, so, the modeling massage is a great alternative;

  • And finally, keep stress under control, nervousness, anxiety, agitation releases the hormone cortisol that makes it difficult to burn fat and even warns the body to store everything you eat. Perform activities that calm the mind and promote relaxation such as stretching, yoga, meditation and breathing exercises.

Exercises to strengthen and burn fat in the back and abdomen

1- Dorsals with arms stretched back: Lie on your stomach, place your arms stretched back and without lifting your feet, arch your back by lifting gently, return to the starting position. Pay attention to the lower back and contract the glutes and abdomen. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions;

2- Position II: Stay in the same position and this time, place your hands on the back of your neck, lift your torso and return to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions;

3- Dorsals with arms stretched forward: Lie on the floor on your stomach, with arms stretched forward. Then, pull your chest up and lift your legs off the floor. Repeat this exercise 10 times, rest 10 seconds and do 3 more sets;

4- Isometric Board: Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms to lift your body off the floor and then support your body weight on your elbows and feet. Contract your abdominal muscles and hold the position for 20 seconds. Do 3 sets of 20 seconds and rest 10 seconds between them;

5- Lateral plank or lateral trunk flexion: lying on your side with your legs together, support your elbow and forearm on the floor. Align your elbow with your shoulder. Raise your hips, only support your elbow on the floor with your forearm and the side of your foot. With your body aligned, contract your abdomen. Stay in this position for 20 seconds and then do 3 more sets on each side;


They are prescribed by nutritionists, endocrinologists or nutrologists generally when physical performance is below expectations and weight loss is compromised. Here is a list of the best supplements to aid weight loss:

  1. Thermogenic: they are known as fat burners, they increase body temperature and contribute to the acceleration of metabolism and the increase in caloric expenditure. These supplements are the ones that most show results in relation to fat loss;

  2. Green Tea: this tea has catechins, a substance that has a thermogenic effect on the body. Green tea also has caffeine, which helps in burning body fat, but drinking only tea is not enough for the body to obtain the necessary amounts of the substances it has, the ideal is to consume tea in supplement form, such as capsules , for example;

  3. L-cannitine: this supplement should be taken before aerobic physical activities, as it helps the body to use body fat as an energy source, and also contributes to physical performance during training;

  4. Caffeine: it is a natural stimulant and thermogenic, most weight loss supplements have caffeine in their formula. It increases metabolism and thus the body processes fat burning more quickly.

  5. Safflower oil: this oil reduces localized fat, especially in the abdominal region, as it is considered a natural antioxidant, its properties speed up the metabolism which in turn burns body fat faster in addition to promoting the increase in muscle mass, reducing cellulite and decreased cholesterol rates;

  6. Phaseolamine: is a glycoprotein present in white beans, sold in a concentrated form in supplements, it reduces the absorption of carbohydrates and helps in weight loss and weight loss.

  7. Black Pholia and lean Pholia: are herbs present in many thermogenic and other weight loss supplements. They manage to reduce hunger, as it slows down the digestion time of the food consumed;

Remembering that supplementation is just a complement and aid in the process of losing body fat and weight loss, without healthy eating and physical exercise, supplementation will not be able to help you achieve your goals.

Best exercises to burn fat

Aerobic exercises are known as exercises that contribute to weight loss, because they use oxygen to produce energy.

The main and most important feature, is that they must be done at a moderate intensity for fat loss and not of muscles, we must do at least 30 minutes of aerobics to achieve fat burning.

Aerobic exercises are those in which the oxygen uptake remains stable and that contribute to the burning of lipids, such as: walking, swimming, running, jumping rope, cycling, jump, step and rhythm classes.

During these activities, fats will supply the muscle's energy needs and add to the decrease of muscle versus fat. However, for oxygen uptake to occur, the heart rate must be stable.

And how do you know if your heart rate is stable? Through a cardiac monitor! At first, you will notice the heart rate rising, then it will become stable, as long as the activity is moderate, if it remains so, rest assured that you will be using fat as energy and not muscles.

To obtain a more effective fat burning, also invest in exercises that shape the body and increase lean mass, these exercises also known as localized exercises are done against resistance, that is, both body weight and free, elastic weights are used. , weight machines and other accessories, and the movement is usually segmented.

The best exercises are: weight training, pilates, localized classes, GAP, sit-ups and functional training.

I reiterate that the ideal is to combine aerobic exercises with exercises that shape the body.


In high-intensity workouts with weights, we stimulate basal metabolism, that is, even after activity, we continue to spend energy for at least 6 hours.

So over a day, we spend more calories on weight training than on an aerobic exercise of the same duration. However, for best results, we must practice both exercises, and the aerobic one must be done or many hours before weight training, at least about five hours before or after weight training. With that the fat burning will be greater.

Bodybuilding for being anabolic, increases the release of testosterone and GH, which are hormones that enable the increase and maintenance of muscle mass and the burning of fat.

Aerobic exercises, on the other hand, are catabolic, so they should be performed for a shorter time, so as not to release cortisol. This hormone induces the breakdown of muscles and consequently the buildup of fat within the body.

To burn fat, we need to maintain muscle mass, so it is of utmost importance that weights training combined with aerobic exercises.


We already know that they are important for health, but they do not promote a huge caloric expenditure as many think. But with aerobics we can burn fat for energy, trying to avoid burning muscle mass.

There are some good tips for burning more fat than muscle mass by performing moderate aerobic exercise, however, you need to be very careful, because it is very easy to burn muscle mass.

A low-carbohydrate diet contributes to the body's glycogen stores being low and once they are low, fat burning is certain by practicing 30 to 40 minutes of aerobics per day.

The best time then to do an aerobic exercise is after waking up, fasting, because during the night at rest, our body used the remaining glycogen to recover the muscles, especially if we only consumed protein and fat the night before and practiced weight training.

Upon waking up our glycogen storage will be very low and then it is time to take a walk, or pedal, for example, but the exercises should be of moderate intensity, so don't even think about running.

And why can't we do high intensity exercises like running?

Because our goal is to use fat as energy and for that, it is necessary for the presence of oxygen.

When we do high intensity exercises, we need more energy, so the body starts to use glucose as energy, as it does not need oxygen to be transformed into energy. However, our glucose will be low, since we are fasting. Therefore, the body will want to use our muscles to convert them into glucose.

When we do high-intensity aerobic exercise and eat a carbohydrate-restricted diet, catabolization will occur for sure. So here's the tip: do aerobic fasting for a period of 30 to 40 minutes at moderate intensity, the burning of fat tissue will occur and when exercise is of high intensity, burning of muscle mass will be inevitable.

The role of the physical education professional

The role of the Physical Education professional is to accompany and guide his student on the correct execution of the proposed exercises, as well as putting together an exercise plan for burning body and localized fat. In addition, of course, to encourage you to achieve your goals and stay focused.

Cautions and restrictions

  • Although it has been said about fasting aerobes, it is important to clarify that this cannot become a habit, do these procedures every other day;

  • It is very important to keep fed so as not to lose muscle mass. I also want to point out that not everyone can be fasting, those with health problems or who have already had hypoglycemia is not recommended.

  • Don't forget to warm up before any activity and stretch afterwards;

  • Restricted diets such as carbohydrates can cause symptoms of bad mood, headache, indisposition, consult your nutritionist;

  • Drink lots of water, keep hydrated;

  • When exercising, pay attention to the posture and movements of the exercises, because wrong exercise, in addition to causing pain, can cause injury;


After so many tips and information it's time to get up off the couch and seek guidance from your nutritionist and physical educator and roll up your sleeves. Losing weight requires perseverance and burning localized fat and defining requires discipline.

We will seek a more nutritious diet that contributes to our health and well-being and of course we will move, do physical activities that give us pleasure, that take us out of the comfort zone, that show us that we are capable and that contribute to recognizing our own limits, let's start today. Good luck!

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Cholesterol and fat burning drink

To reduce cholesterol levels and to avoid the risks that accompany it, you should follow a healthy diet.

When bad cholesterol builds up in the bloodstream, there is an even greater risk of developing an artery blockage and cardiovascular damage. While it is true that our body needs a certain amount of cholesterol to perform its functions properly, many people exceed the recommended daily allowances so that the excess cholesterol builds up in the arteries. In this article we will present you a drink for cholesterol that will help you burn fat.

When a person is diagnosed with high cholesterol it is necessary to immediately start taking care of his diet by reducing the intake of fats as well as other foods that are high in cholesterol. To reduce cholesterol levels and to avoid the risks that accompany it, you should follow a healthy diet. Fortunately, in addition to modifying your diet, there are other effective ways to lower your cholesterol levels while you can take advantage of their tremendous benefits such as burning body fat and losing weight. How about a cholesterol drink that burns fat at the same time?

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What are the benefits of this natural drink?

In today's article we will share with you a recipe for a drink for cholesterol from lemon and parsley ; two ingredients which, as you already know, have beneficial properties for health.

The benefits of parsley for the drink for cholesterol

Parsley is a well-known herb used in cuisines around the world as it has multiple uses and is included in endless recipes. However, in addition to its widespread use in cooking, parsley is also known for its diuretic properties and its ability to eliminate excess water from the body as well as toxins that adversely affect your health.

The main benefits of parsley are due to its high content of essential oils and flavonoids , thanks to which you get both internal and external benefits. In addition, parsley contains a large amount of vitamins C, A and K which are necessary to maintain a strong immune system and to prevent infections and diseases.

Read here about how to boost your immune system.

Regular consumption of parsley helps eliminate toxins from the bloodstream, fights cholesterol and contributes to good blood circulation. This is why this ingredient is so powerful in improving blood vessel health and preventing cardiovascular problems.

The Benefits of Lemon for Cholesterol Drink

Thanks to their high content of vitamin C, antioxidants and natural essential oils, lemons are another excellent ally for cleansing the arteries and fighting cholesterol. Lemons prevent cholesterol from sticking to the walls of your arteries while helping to remove existing cholesterol. This way you avoid any adverse effects on your blood circulation.

The antioxidants in lemons help fight free radicals while eliminating fluids and toxins that have accumulated in the body and can negatively affect your health. Therefore, regular consumption of lemon juice can help you burn more fat and lose weight.

How to make this cholesterol drink?

When you combine the benefits of parsley and lemon you have a powerful drink that helps regulate blood cholesterol levels and fights disease. In addition, consuming this drink will promote weight loss, fight fluid retention, improve the health of your kidneys and prevent premature aging caused by free radicals.


  • 1.5 liters of water

  • 3 bunches of parsley

  • 3-4 lemons

  • 1 pinch of baking soda


  • Try to find organic lemons from the grocery store to avoid any traces of pesticides and chemicals. It is also a good idea to wash them with water and baking soda for effective disinfection.

  • Once you have washed the lemons, cut them into slices and set them aside.

  • Boil water and add the lemons and chopped parsley. Then let them cool.

  • Seal the mixture very well and place it in the refrigerator.

  • Drink about 120 grams of this drink daily.

For best results, try drinking it on a regular basis until you notice a decrease in your cholesterol levels.

Remember that your results may vary depending on the type of diet you follow and your lifestyle. Try to avoid bad habits that negatively affect your cholesterol levels such as alcohol consumption, smoking and sedentary lifestyle. Try this cholesterol drink too!

9 evenings that will help you get a flat stomach.

To get a flat stomach you need to be patient and combine diuretic and natural foods with exercise to burn fat.

Do you want to get a flat stomach? A goal like this, as you may already know, requires three key points: consistency, a little exercise and a balanced diet.

You will not achieve this in just one day or even in a month. It will take a few weeks before you see less weight, less flaccidity and less size in your clothes.

Having said that, in addition to the physical side of things, it is important to pay attention to the size of your belly for one very important reason: your health.

You should not forget that a swollen abdomen is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease .

Therefore, it is worth putting all your efforts to prevent such a thing. And if you want to get a flat stomach, there is nothing better than paying attention to your diet.

Today we would like to mention some foods for dinner that will help you achieve your goal, to get a flat stomach.

1. Say yes to leafy green vegetables to get a flat stomach

The fastest way to get a flat stomach is to eat leafy green vegetables every day instead of other, more harmful foods.

However, you should choose those that will not cause indigestion and will allow you to have a smooth and relaxing sleep, especially for the last meal of your day.

  • The best vegetables are kale, spinach and romana lettuce.

  • However, remember: if they are very difficult to eat raw, you can always steam them.

  • This way they will retain a good part of their nutritional properties and it will be easier to rest.

2. Olive oil

Believe it or not, olive oil is another ally to get a flat stomach.

The fatty acids found in extra virgin olive oil, such as oleic acid , can help break down the most persistent fats in our body, especially those in the abdomen.

  • Add a little olive oil to your salads: your health will thank you.

3. Mint extract

Before going to bed, do not hesitate to drink a good mint extract.

In addition to acting as a muscle relaxant, mint helps detoxify your body. In addition, it is a powerful anti-inflammatory and a great ally for maintaining liver health .

  • You can drink up to two cups of mint extract a day.

Remember that the best time to promote your well-being and weight loss is at night.

4. Scales

If you've got never shot one you owe it to yourself to offer it a try . Kelps are valued for their high iodine levels and their ability to regulate metabolic rate (the rate at which our bodies burn fat).

Scallops are also rich in multiple vitamins, all of which are ideal for dissolving fats and relieving fluid retention.

Look for them in the specialized sections of the supermarkets. You will love them!

5. Asparagus

Whether it is wild or white asparagus, eat what you want as they are good for your health.

Asparagus is full of vitamins (A, complex B, C and E), and minerals such as zinc and potassium. All of these are important to help eliminate excess fluid in our body.

6. Tomatoes

We love tomatoes, and they are a great choice for a healthy dinner if you combine them with a little protein.

Tomatoes are full of antioxidants. They help us lose weight for many reasons: they fight inflammation and fluid retention.

Also, thanks to leptin, a type of protein found in tomatoes, you can regulate your metabolism and have a feeling of fullness.

7. Watermelon

Watermelons are rich in potassium (and water, of course). This is a key mineral for adequate elimination of excess fluid from your body.

In addition, watermelons are rich in vitamin C, which nourishes your immune system and fights inflammation.

Do not hesitate to make delicious salads to which you can add watermelon . You will love it!

8. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are actually another member of the watermelon and melon family. Therefore, they share the same properties in terms of weight loss.

They give a feeling of satisfaction, are diuretic and full of vitamins. At dinner, you can cut them into thin slices and serve them with a few drops of apple cider vinegar.

9. Artichokes

They are fantastic and more than just a perfect food choice for dinner.

They are rich in fiber, fight bloating, have few calories, are nutritious, are digestible, and of course are very tasty.

In addition, you should not forget that artichokes are vegetables that help the health of the liver.

Any food that takes care of the health of the liver is ideal for dinner . After all, as you may know, this organ takes over much of your body's detoxification overnight.

In conclusion, if you want to lose weight in the abdomen, it is necessary to be consistent and combine a healthy, balanced and varied diet with a little exercise.

Do not hesitate to start taking better care of yourself today!

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