How To Lose 10 Pounds during A Week, 2 Weeks or A Month

How to lose 10 pounds in a week, 2 weeks or a month

Do you want to lose 10 pounds of fat? Of course yes.

The better question is: how briskly does one want to lose it?

Based on the emails I receive, there appear to be three main time periods that most people are attempting to achieve this in. I'm:

Let's go through each one now and find out exactly what you should do to lose 10 pounds in that amount of time.

How to lose 10 pounds in a week

First, we have the shortest time frame of all: one week.

So what should you do with your diet and workout to lose 10 pounds that fast? Let's start with some important math.

Go Here To Learn More How To Lose Your Weight Fast.

The "3500 calorie rule" for weight loss

Have you ever heard that there are 3500 calories in a pound of fat? And that, if you wanted to lose 1 pound, would you need to eat 3500 fewer calories, burn 3500 more calories, or combine both?

So, for example, if you keep eating 2500 calories a day, and then started eating 2000 calories a day instead (or you continued to eat 2500 but started burning 500 more calories a day), you'd end up with a total weekly calorie deficit of 3500 calories (500 calorie deficit per day x 7 days in a week = 3500 calorie deficit). Which means you would lose exactly 1 pound per week.

Sounds good, right?

Well, I even have some good and bad news about it.

  • Bad news: that's not entirely true.
    Yes, one pound of fat contains around 3500 calories. However, there are a number of factors that prevent this from being the super precise "rule" we all want it to be. For example, there is the fact that the weight we lose and gain can be (and usually is) something beyond just body fat (e.g. water, muscle tissue, glycogen, poop, etc ... all the details here: 12 causes of unexplained weight gain). Then there are the thermal effects of food (TEF) and the thermogenesis of non-physical activity (NEAT) which will affect exactly how many calories we are burning. Which means everything to say that a 3,500 calorie deficit will rarely translate into a single pound loss (and a 3,500 calorie surplus will rarely translate into a single pound gain). It is much more complicated than that. (More details here:

  • Good news: the "3500 calorie rule" is still pretty good.
    It's definitely not perfectly accurate. And it definitely has its flaws. And it sure won't always work as it should hypothetically. But despite everything, it's a pretty decent method of estimating how much weight a person will lose or gain.

So with that said, we'll use this "rule" (3500 calorie deficit = 1 pound lost) to estimate the kind of changes we would have to make to lose 10 pounds. Cold? Fantastic.

Now for the important step ...

How much calorie deficit does it take to lose 10 pounds in a week?

If you have a 3500 calorie deficit needed to lose 1 pound, that means you will need a 10 times greater deficit to lose 10 pounds. So, let's do the math.

3500 x 10 = 35,000

This means that to lose 10 pounds, a total calorie deficit of approximately 35,000 calories would be needed.

And, since we're attempting to lose these 10 pounds in just one week (which is 7 days), that would mean we'd need a 5,000-calorie-a-day calorie deficit to achieve it.

So how exactly do you go about creating a daily 5,000 calorie deficit?

Simple: YOU F-ING NOT.

Sorry, but this is NOT a realistic goal

I hate being the one who tells you this (actually, I don't mind at all), but losing 10 pounds of fat in a week isn't going to happen. It is an unrealistic and dangerous goal and you will only prepare yourself for failure.

I mean, think about it. Suppose an example person maintains his current weight by eating 2500 calories per day.

  • For them to lose 1 pound in a week, they would need to eat 2000 calories a day instead. It is perfectly doable.

  • To lose 2 pounds in a week, they would have to eat 1500 calories a day. It will be pretty low for most people (details here: 1200 calorie diet).

  • To lose 3 pounds in a week, they would need to eat 1000 calories per day. It is dangerously low and shouldn't be attempted.

  • To lose 4 pounds in a week, they would have to eat 500 calories per day. What's more dangerous than being "dangerously short?" Enter it here.

  • Do you see where it is going? I think so.

  • To lose 10 pounds in a week, they would have to starve to an extreme that is not even possible (i.e. they would have to eat -2500 calories per day).

Now, of course, the person in this example could create some or all of their deficit by burning more calories with exercise (such as cardio) rather than strictly eating less. And, in some cases, like losing 2 pounds in a week, it would indeed be a safer and more realistic approach. BUT, once the average person tries to lose more than that at this rate… the same huge and dangerous problem exists.

So… how do you lose 10 pounds of fat in a week? It's simple: don't, because you can't ”.

But wait a second… I've seen people do it !!

I'm sure you did. Me too. Hell, you might as well have lost 10 pounds in a week yourself. I don't doubt it could have happened before, nor do I doubt it could potentially happen again.

But here's the important thing you're missing: I'm talking about losing 10 pounds of body fat, not just 10 pounds of weight. "

It is vital that you understand this difference.

See, as I said earlier, "weight" can be fat, muscle, water, glycogen, poop and more. In fact, you can cut your leg and lose "weight" very well.

The point is, losing 10 pounds of fat in a week isn't going to happen. But losing 10 pounds of some other form of "weight" in a week? Yes, it can happen.

For example, you can do some kind of silly juice-cleanse-detox-bullshit-fashion-diet-nonsense and temporarily lose a lot of water weight very fast. Potentially even 10 lbs. Potentially within a week.

But is temporary water loss what you actually want?

Seriously, is this what you are trying to achieve here? Lose some water weight instead of actual body fat? And then you instantly make up for it as soon as your diet goes back to something less stupid?

If so, feel free. Also feel free to get yourself a case of food poisoning and then shit your brain for a few days. This is another effective method of losing 10 pounds of "weight" in one week. (Disclaimer: Please don't do any of this.)

So yes, it is possible to lose 10 pounds in one week. It just won't be fat. For this and many other reasons, if you come across something that claims that it will allow you to lose so much weight so fast, it is anything but guaranteed that A) a bunch of bullshit, B) some nonsense that is trying to exploit this "weight" difference. vs fat ”, or C) extremely dangerous. Usually all of the above.

In any case, avoid it.

But what about people about the biggest loser ???

There always seems to be a guy who loves talking about The Biggest Loser whenever I write something healthy, realistic, or evidence-based about weight loss.

And I can only assume it will bring out the fact that contestants on this terrible reality show often lose insane amounts of weight in just a week.

How do they do it?

It's a simple combination of the following:

  1. Being so obese that their calorie maintenance levels are high enough to create a very large dietary deficit that would be unrealistic / impossible for someone who is not excessively overweight.

  2. Burn a ton of calories by working out for hours and hours and hours a day.

  3. Losing "weight" that is not entirely body fat.

Go on …

How to lose 10 lbs in 2 weeks

Okay, now for the next time frame on our list: 2 weeks.

This is going to be pretty easy to cover, because you can just take everything we've already discussed about losing 10 pounds in one week and… you know… cut it in half.

It means, the same total calorie deficit of 35,000 is still needed, only now we can halve it and make it a calorie deficit of 17,500 per week, for 2 consecutive weeks, thus causing about 5 pounds of weight loss every week for a total of 10.

For this to happen, we would now have to consider a daily deficit of 2500 calories instead of the 5000 previously.

So what do you think?

Is losing 10 pounds in 2 weeks a far better , safer, and more realistic goal than doing it in 1 week? Yes, of course it is. It is literally twice as better / safer / more realistic than a goal.

Unfortunately, it's still not good enough, as it remains a highly unrealistic and dangerous target for the same reasons.

This time around there may be a few rare exceptions… namely the obese (and even then, this rate of weight loss wouldn't last very long). And yes, the same "weight vs fat" thing as before applies the same way (hell, I can lose or gain 5lbs overnight just by manipulating my sodium and carbohydrate intake).

But the point remains this trying to lose 10 pounds of actual body fat in just 2 weeks won't happen to the vast majority of the population. Don't bother trying.

Go Here To Learn More How To Lose Your Weight Fast.

How to lose 10 pounds in a month

And we finally have our third time frame: 1 month.

Let's do the math.

A total calorie deficit of 35,000 calories divided by 30 days in an average month gives us a daily calorie deficit of: 1167 ”.

So instead of eating 5000 fewer calories (or burning 5000 extra calories) per day like our ridiculously insane first scenario ... or eating 2500 fewer calories (or burning 2500 extra calories) per day like our slightly more realistic but still ridiculous Second scenario unrealistic… a person in this third scenario would have to eat 1167 fewer calories (or burn 1167 more calories) per day to make it happen.

It is feasible?

What do you think? It is feasible? Is it safe? Is it realistic?

For some people… it could very well be.

This ends up being lost around 2.5 pounds per week for 4 weeks (1 month), and which can potentially fall into the realm of the "realistic" for some people in certain situations, namely those with a greater amount of weight to lose. to the average that would normally have an above-average caloric requirement.

For example, someone who maintains their current weight by eating 3000 calories per day would have to eat 1833 calories per day for this 1167 calorie deficit to exist. It would be difficult, and the person might be better off with a more moderate approach… but it still qualifies as realistically feasible. At least in the short term.

Similarly, this same example person could eat 800 fewer calories and then burn 367 more calories to create the same 1167 deficit. This could also be achieved with countless other combinations of eating less / burning more. Again, it would be difficult and the person might be better off using a more moderate approach… but it has the potential to be doable.

And all the others (aka Most People)?

As with everyone else, though… the answer usually would be no.

Especially for those who have a more average or below average amount of weight to lose and / or those with a lower calorie requirement (details here: How many calories should I eat per day?). In these cases, losing 10 pounds of actual body fat in a month becomes a lot less realistic and a lot less ideal… especially if you want to avoid losing muscle.

But wait, what are you saying?

If this is true, what time frame would be ideal for most people trying to lose 10 pounds? Good question. Let's find out ...

What is the ideal time frame to lose 10 pounds?

We know it's not a week. Or 2 weeks. And for most people, it's not even a month.

So ... what is it?

Well, the precise answer to the present question depends on the person. After all, the ideal weight loss rate for someone who only has 10 pounds to lose is different from the ideal weight loss rate for someone with 30 pounds, or 50 pounds, or 100 pounds to lose. Each individual's personal needs and preferences also play a major role in determining what is "ideal" for them.

But, in general… here's what I recommend.

The ideal weight loss rate

Most people should aim to lose between 0.5 and 2 pounds per week. The lower extremity (0.5-1 lbs per week) tends to be more ideal for people who have less fat to lose. The higher end (2lbs a week, sometimes a little more) tends to be ideal for those with a lot of fat to lose. The average person who falls somewhere in the middle tends to do better with something in the middle (1-2 pounds per week).

Sometimes I also give this recommendation in terms of a person's body weight percentage. Specifically, lose between 0.3% and 1% of your body weight per week. In most cases, for most people, this actually equates to 0.5-2 pounds per week, so it's just a slightly different version of the same thing.

Why is it ideal?

In my Superior Fat Loss program, I go into a lot of detail on this recommendation, because it's ideal in most cases and why going too slow or too fast can be problematic.

Here's the short version - this is the perfect spot to get safe, effective and sustainable fat loss results while simultaneously reducing or preventing the MANY problems that occur during the fat loss process.

This includes muscle loss, loss of strength, increased hunger, metabolic slowdown, hormonal changes, lethargy, mood swings, sleep problems, libido problems, and so on.

To minimize all of this while still producing fat, losses occur at both acceptable (i.e. not excessively slow) and sustainable (both short and long term) rates, this is the ideal range to aim for.

W which means ...

If your goal is to lose 10 pounds, you can normally expect it to take 5-15 weeks depending on the person.

For more details on how to actually achieve this weight loss in the first place, go here: What's the best way to lose weight and keep it off?

5 benefits of losing 10 pounds

There is no way to sugarcoat it; losing weight is not easy. However, the benefits of losing 10 pounds often outweigh all other weight loss concerns. Losing just 10 pounds can significantly improve your quality of life and set you on the path to a healthier lifestyle.

What happens when you lose 10 pounds? You may think that you will only get thinner. However, if you are feeling lethargic or out of shape, losing even a few pounds can boost your self-confidence and motivate you to keep working hard. If you're looking for extra motivation, here are five things that happen to your body if you lose 10 pounds.

Losing weight will reduce the likelihood of heart disease.

Heart disease accounts for the majority of deaths in the United States. Every year, nearly 375,000 people succumb to cardiovascular disease. Not to be another statistic, many of the benefits of losing 10 pounds start with your heart. Start investing in a healthier lifestyle and shed your extra £ 10.

It may seem that this is not so, but your heart works hard every day. Any additional weight puts additional stress on it. Therefore, do not complicate the work of the heart. When you start to diet and exercise properly, you will improve your coronary arteries. Plus, you make them less likely to become stiff and constricted. Narrowed arteries reduce blood flow to the heart. A healthy lifestyle ensures that your heart receives adequate blood flow and can continue to function without additional stress.

Your joints will thank you for losing weight

Joint pain and inflammation drastically degrade your quality of life. Climbing and descending stairs can be tiresome. Prescription pain relievers can only relieve severe pain. Plus, you can't function all the time due to the mind-altering properties of pain relievers.

Instead of taking pain relievers, lose 10 pounds to reduce stress on your joints. Building muscle can reduce damage to your knees and allow your body to develop "armor" to protect you from injuries associated with joint destruction.

Losing Weight May Help Say Good Night Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a potentially life-threatening medical condition that disrupts normal airflow during sleep. If you snore, you have sleep apnea. There are over 18 million Americans with sleep apnea, and few are aware of the significant risk of heart attacks during sleep.

The correlation between weight gain and sleep apnea is well established. When a person is overweight, excess tissue builds up in the back of the throat, which can block the airway and reduce air flow.

Lack of sleep leads to weight gain, which exacerbates sleep apnea, creating a vicious cycle of weight gain and daily fatigue. This makes it difficult to make health decisions.

Losing as little as 10 pounds can dramatically improve your sleep quality by allowing your airways to open and increase the flow of oxygen to your brain.

Losing Weight May Reduce Cancer Risk

Doctors estimate that 1 in 20 diagnosed cancer cases is associated with being overweight. Fat cells in the body produce various proteins and hormones that are carried in the bloodstream. Excess fat cells produce more of these chemical messengers throughout the body and increase the risk of several different types of cancer. Hormone levels are also altered by excess fat and can increase the risk of cancer.

One of the benefits of losing 10 pounds can reduce excess fat cells and limit the number of chemical messengers in your bloodstream, lowering your risk of many different types of cancer.

Improve Your Sex Life With Weight Loss

Being overweight can directly lower your libido by suppressing sexual desires in both men and women. There are many physical and psychological side effects of being overweight that affect your libido.

For men, being overweight increases the risk of sexual impotence. Being overweight can lead to many problems such as hypertension, high cholesterol and diabetes, which cause limited blood flow to all parts of the body, including the penis. Even a small amount of weight loss has been shown to improve this condition.

In women, excess fat can increase the risk of infertility by causing abnormalities in their eggs, making them harder to fertilize. Overweight women produce less mature eggs and have a higher risk of pregnancy failure. Losing weight can not only save your life, but also improve the health of your unborn child.

Ten pounds may not seem like a lot of weight loss, but the benefits are much better than keeping the weight off. Losing those 10 pounds will improve your physical health scores across the board and can lead you to habitual health-conscious decision making and help you achieve your desired weight.

Go Here To Learn More How To Lose Your Weight Fast.

All about the apple diet, with which you can lose up to 10 pounds in a week

For many of us - and myself included - the fight against those extra pounds seems like an eternal war that never ends. And it is that, for many, gaining weight is so easy, but losing weight is almost impossible, especially as the years go by, don't you know what I'm talking about? There are a number of diets that promise miraculous results, that is why it is often difficult for us to choose a healthy diet that helps us lose weight . In my search (which is continuous), I found the apple diet and it worked for me, so here I share everything about it.

But, before you read on, I must tell you something that for sure you already know: this is what we call an express diet, which means that you can gain weight again after doing it if we do not continue to eat healthy. The apple diet is a good way to detoxify the body and lose weight fast, but then we must continue to watch what we eat.

According to the portal A, you can lose up to 10 pounds in a week if you follow this diet to the letter. It is also recommended to exercise and drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. And something very important: before doing this or any other diet, make sure that you do not have any medical condition that prevents it, do not go looking for what you have not lost by going on a diet. So visit your doctor before starting it.

You must mentally prepare for the first day.

If you can overcome it, the rest will be easy. During the first day, the only thing you are going to eat is apples. You can alternate them: green, red and yellow. All the amount you want. You should also drink a minimum of two liters of water.

On the second day you can add salad and cabbage.

Breakfast and dinner is the same as the first day: apples. As for lunch, you have permission to add dairy, but you can only eat cottage cheese with a green salad without dressing. You can only add lemon or vinegar and little salt.

On the third day you can add stronger carbohydrates and animal protein.

It's time to eat bread! You no longer have to eat only apples. On the third day, for breakfast, you add a slice of whole wheat bread, a slice of turkey ham, and an apple. At lunch you repeat the salad, but without cottage cheese and add carrot and celery. For dinner, you eat the star of this diet again: the apple.

On the fourth day you add the vegetables and cereals.

For the fourth day, breakfast remains an equivalent because the previous day . At lunch you add steamed vegetables and natural tuna or crab to make a delicious salad. You can use lemon as a garnish. It is important that you eliminate the potato from your vegetable selection as its high level of starch affects weight loss.

On the fifth day, add eggs and meat to the diet.

Breakfast is just as simple: 1 apple, 1 hard-boiled egg, and a whole wheat muffin. At lunch, there is a bit of variety, since you can eat a salad of raw vegetables, but this time with a portion of protein that can be grilled red or white meat. And for dinner, guess ... all the apples you want.

During the sixth and seventh day, you must repeat the menu of day five.

On the sixth and seventh day, you repeat the menu for the fifth day. For a little variation, you can choose to make an apple smoothie for dinner. It is important that you simply don't add sugar or the other ingredient . If you want the consistency to be less thick add water.

You cannot do this diet for more than 7 days.

Once you finish the diet, you must make adjustments in the diet. Avoid processed and canned foods and add fruits, vegetables and other foods that provide you with the nutrients of a balanced diet. Exercise and rest! It is part of a healthy lifestyle.

Go Here To Learn More How To Lose Your Weight Fast.


If your waist feels tighter than usual, or your jeans just don't buckle up anymore, the weight change is unlikely to happen overnight. According to a review published in 2013 in the AHRQ Comparative Effectiveness Reviews, Americans gain weight of about 1 to 2 pounds per year. Although this small increase may not seem alarming, these small pounds accumulate over time, leading to overweight and obesity. Your best bet on healthy weight loss is to ignore diets that promise instant results and lose weight slowly but surely for a pound or two a week. Using a calorie counter helps you stay on track and ensures that you get the nutrition you need every day.

Children's diets and weekly weight loss

Any diet that advocates rapid weight loss is likely just a fad. These diets generally do not represent healthy and long-term weight management solutions; instead, they focus on helping you lose unwanted pounds in a short period of time - weeks or sometimes even days. You may be advised to consume only juice or soup for the duration of the diet to avoid fat or carbohydrates or drastically reduce calories. Although you will lose weight, you will most likely regain everything and then some. In addition, these diets can be dangerous to your health, leading to nutrient deficiencies. Steady weight loss comes from eating a healthier diet, not from fast-paced diets.

Strategies for healthy weight loss

Diets that lose weight at a rate of 1 to 2 kilograms per week are the most successful in maintaining this weight, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is because these diets tend to change a healthy, long-lasting lifestyle in their eating habits and exercise that lasts a lifetime.

One pound of body weight equals 3,500 calories; so to lose a pound in a week, reduce your daily food intake by 500 calories. A deficit of 1000 calories will help you lose 2 pounds. In addition to calories, however, you need to focus on the foods that give you the most nutritional effect to lose weight in a healthy way. Instead of high-calorie fast foods and sodas, focus on making whole foods in the right portion as the basis of your weight loss plan.

Three large-scale studies involving more than 120,000 men and women over 20 years found that whole foods, most closely linked to weight loss, included vegetables, yogurt, nuts, fruits, and whole grains; The results were published in the 2011 New England Journal of Medicine. These foods are full of nutrients such as fiber and protein to help you feel full, so you don't pack extra calories to gain weight.

Nutrition for healthy weight loss

For example, you can choose 1,500 calories a day as your target calorie intake, a number that will help most men and active women lose weight, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute. Do not worry; you don't starve For breakfast, clean a container with plain low-fat Greek yogurt with 1/2 cup blueberries and an ounce of chopped walnuts. For lunch, 2 best cups of spinach with 3 ounces of grilled chicken breast and a cup of chopped raw vegetables of your choice. For dinner, 4 ounces of baked salmon with eight asparagus spears and medium sweet potatoes. Your dessert can be an ounce of dark chocolate and a small pear. Distribute a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil to add to various dishes. This three-course plan brings you about 1,200 calories, leaving room for one or two snacks, to conserve your energy. Try an ounce of almonds in the morning and a cup of sliced ​​apple with an ounce of goat cheese in the middle of the day; or beat a protein shake after a workout. If you aim for just under 1,500 calories a day, just adjust your diet accordingly.

Weight loss and exercise

Choosing exercise and exercise that you enjoy and that you will adhere to is key to healthy weight loss. You also want your program to be well balanced, including aerobic, strength and balance exercises. Try at least 30 minutes of exercise five days a week. If you weigh 155 pounds, walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes burns 133 calories; a light bicycle burns 211 calories in the same amount of time; slow, free swimming on your knees burns 246 calories; and running at 6 miles per hour burns 352 calories. Combine traditional exercises like this with routine daily activities such as pushing a stroller, gardening, walking a dog or shoveling snow to create a calorie deficit.

Go Here To Learn More How To Lose Your Weight Fast.