Adele And Her Incredible Weight Loss: How The Star Lost An Extra 45 Pounds

Secrets of weight loss from the singer Adele (adele before and after) : adele weight loss in 2020

Adele is one of the few celebrities who is not afraid to openly express their opinion and do what they want. She is not ashamed of anyone and always speaks very openly about her body. Recently, the singer stunned everyone, becoming much slimmer than at the dawn of her career. Now she looks just great, and this despite the fact that the star has not changed its life principles and has not lost its feminine forms.

adele weight loss

From childhood, Adele could not be called slender: she was always chubby, and never ashamed of her figure. Even during her popularity, many people allowed themselves to make incorrect statements about its completeness, to which she replied:

"I don't complex because of my weight, I just stop communicating with those who try to hurt me in this way."

When the singer gave birth to a child, she noticeably smoothed out, which, according to others, did not add to her beauty, and they began to release the pins to her address more and more often. Recently, Adele began to appear in public slimmer and more beautiful. What is the secret of such a transformation of the singer?


Adele constantly claimed that she loved her curvaceous forms and that starvation was not for her. However, the British singer admitted that soon after giving birth she switched to a vegetarian diet for reasons of health and love for animals.

"I try to be a vegetarian. I need to be in very good shape and all that… I can get everything I need without meat. However, I can't stand tofu. Every time I'm going to eat meat, I imagine my dog's eyes. "

In addition, Adele had to give up spicy, salty and fatty foods and reduce by more than 60% the amount of carbohydrates eaten daily. By the way, as for their quality, there are only complex carbohydrates. Adele admits that now she is just a fan of vegetable smoothies. The drinking regime of the star has also changed. Now she drinks one and a half to two liters of fluid a day, as water not only helps the gastrointestinal tract to work like clockwork, but also dulls the feeling of hunger, filling the stomach.

However, sometimes Adele still makes small concessions in the diet. She honestly states that restrictions on food are given to her very difficult, because the star is accustomed to not denying himself anything. She will never give up sugar and carbohydrates completely and sometimes still allows herself some weaknesses.

Adele Weight Loss

Adele's unexpected discovery

Adele admits that she just loves tea. And sometimes he can drink 10-15 cups a day! Previously, she put 2 sugar cubes in each cup. Together we got 20-30 cubes of sugar for the whole day. Of course, this is a lot, and can not have a beneficial effect on the figure. Nutritionists say that most often the cause of excess weight is not in the consumption of frankly harmful foods, but in the presence of "hidden" sugar in, at first glance, safe things. Refusal of sweet tea helped the singer to lose weight.

"I don't drink sweet tea now, and I have more energy than ever!"

Adele Weight Loss

Abandoning bad habits

Adele had to quit smoking. She did it for the sake of her son Angelo James, because she does not want cigarette smoke to affect his health. And the singer admitted that she is very afraid to die from diseases associated with smoking, and leave her child without a mother. She also restricted alcohol consumption because her child sees her mother having a hangover, and Adele doesn't like it terribly.

Adele Weight Loss


As changes in diet alone were not enough, Adele added a gym to her weight loss program. Yes, the singer is not happy with many hours of training, but admits that they help best. Exercises with a barbell and became her favorite pastime. She easily squats and performs the position of traction, while increasing the load every week.

"I like working in a barbell hall. However, I'm a little embarrassed, because I blush very quickly and after that I just can't look at myself in the mirror… »

You can't do without cardio either. Track, bike and fitness - all this is part of her individual program. One of the unpleasant effects that the singer faces during training is damage to blood vessels on the face. The fact is that Adele has very fragile blood vessels, so the singer tries to be extremely careful when lifting heavy objects and avoids too much pressure, which can cause rupture of blood vessels in the face.

The plump singer, whose height is 175 cm, says that she is not going to lose weight to size S. Her goal is a fit and healthy body.

"I've never looked at a magazine cover or a music video and thought, 'I need to look the same!'

Adele also shared her views on modern fashion to flaunt and show off her body. She does not consider it right to show her body to others and adds that even if she had a perfect shape, she would never be exposed. Adele is absolutely happy with her "imperfect", by today's standards, forms and believes that it helps her to be on the same wavelength with fans. The singer does not want to be like other celebrities who seem perfect, untouchable and unattainable.

adele weight loss


Despite the fact that stars, instabloggers and other idols of millennials explain their good shape due to proper nutrition and moderate exercise, experts who have eaten a dog on this topic know that this is not always enough. And truly stunning figures require quite quirky, systematic and limited power systems. So, for the past few weeks, nutritionists have been discussing the sirt food diet, which broke the news in 2016.

We owe a new wave of her popularity to Adele, who made us discuss her amazing transformation. According to experts, it is the sirt food diet that helped the singer lose 45 kg. We do not know how others, but for us it was a good reason to at least get acquainted with the new concept of nutrition a little closer.

What is a sirt food diet

The official founders of the sirt food diet are considered to be British nutritionists Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten. They are the authors of the eponymous textbook "Sirtfood diet", in which they described in detail their innovative development. And initially this food system was developed by them for athletes - football players, racers and participants of sea regattas, who need to quickly reach the peak of form, increase endurance and cope with stress.

In short, the sirt food diet is a food system based on foods that increase the level of sirtuins in the body.

Adele Weight Loss

Sirtuin - a class of enzymes - a group of seven proteins present in all organisms, from bacteria to humans. Sirtuin is thought to regulate many processes in the body, including aging, stress resistance, life expectancy and metabolism, and the ability to get rid of accumulated fat. Due to the positive effect on the latter, sirtuin is called "longevity protein" and "slimness gene"

Interestingly, it is impossible to get sirtuins from the outside, but they can be synthesized in the body, including through the use of certain products, which are actually called heart foods. Therefore, the authors of the heart food diet insist that a diet based on such products can not only get rid of excess weight, but also become an elixir of youth and prevention of a number of diseases.

What you can eat

Let's just say the sirt food diet includes a very unexpected set of foods. Some of them, on the contrary, have a bad reputation in many food concepts and are forbidden to eat. And here you can enjoy, say, red wine, dark chocolate and coffee. We suspect that not least the "green light" for these products has made the sirt food diet a favorite of many world stars and members of the royal family. It is rumored that Pippa Middleton and even Prince Harry keep their perfect shape on such a diet.

Adele Weight Loss

In general, these sirth foods include kale, buckwheat, capers, celery, chili, dark chocolate (with a cocoa content of at least 85%), coffee, olive oil, green tea, matcha, kale, garlic, dates, arugula, parsley, chicory, red onion, red wine (ideally Pinot Noir - we talked about its differences ), soybeans, dark berries (cherries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries), turmeric, walnuts.

Adele Weight Loss

But that's not all! In addition to these ingredients, low calorie food plays an important role in the sirt food diet. Dietary conditions include the consumption of approximately 1,500 calories per day.

Scheme of sirt food diet

Like many other diets, in addition to the basic products, an important condition is what scheme they should be followed. Yes, the sirt food diet lasts three weeks and is divided into two stages.

The first stage lasts 3 days and is, as expected, the toughest test. The daily caloric content here should not exceed 1000 kcal. And in the daily menu - only one full-fledged dish of sirt food and a special green smoothie - is also made from the greens that the diet allows. It contains: kale, arugula, parsley, celery, apple, lemon juice, match powder and water.

Adele Weight Loss

In the next 4 days, the caloric content increases to 1500 kcal, and the menu allows you to add another full-fledged hearty food dish a day.

General rules to follow in the first week of the diet are: drink smoothies 1-2 hours before meals; do not eat after seven in the evening; do not drink alcohol (instead - a lot of water, coffee and green tea); for dessert you can allow a piece of dark chocolate.

Adele Weight Loss

The second stage, which lasts for 14 days, aims to consolidate the result. Here, the diet can be extended to the usual three meals a day, but meals should include sirts. Smoothies can be drunk once a day - before breakfast. But semi-finished products should be excluded from the diet, reduce the amount of red meat (up to 500 grams per week). However, you can eat bread and rolls (in moderation) and drink red wine (3-4 times a week).


Yes, everyone who has tried the sirt food diet, indeed, claims that it allows you to quickly lose weight. But many experts warn that sirt food has a number of contradictory disadvantages that contrast with its effectiveness. Among them - extremely low calorie, which requires a doctor's consultation before going on a diet. Because there are people to whom such restrictions in food are categorically contraindicated! Another pitfall of the diet, which is criticized by some doctors, is the narrow choice of foods that will not provide the body with the recommended levels of protein, fat and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and nutrients. From this follows another significant disadvantage of the diet. Due to the low caloric content of the menu, it causes a feeling of fatigue and hunger, which makes it impossible to schedule a normal life.

Adele Weight Loss

Therefore, before trying to repeat the feat of Adele, consult a doctor and carefully consider whether your body is ready for such experiments. Or, alternatively, consider a volumetric diet .

How to lose weight fast: food, diet, exercise and good mood!

How to lose weight fast? This question is asked by every second girl in the spring. And this is quite normal, because each of us wants to feel like a real beauty.

We found a universal recipe, which consists of proper nutrition and light, but miraculous exercises for weight loss. But first let's talk about how not to start losing weight.

To do this, let's imagine a typical girl and tell a typical story about her? No matter who our imaginary young lady will work for, let's just say that her five-day work week has passed and the long-awaited Friday has come.

Our young lady, coming tired from work, stops at the mirror. She looks at her reflection and the remnants of her good mood rapidly fall into the boundless abyss. This is not how she wants to see that reflection… Not at all.

- Everything, you need to lose weight from Monday! From next Monday I definitely take myself in hand and start losing weight!

After all, who among us has not said this sacred phrase to himself?

And the girl spins in front of the mirror for a long time, looks at the most unattractive, from her point of view, parts of her figure and sighs hard. Yes, lose weight time ... She adjusts herself for a long time, imagines her new appearance, pulls in her stomach, looks at herself from the side ...

And you know what? The girl's mood is improving! If I start losing weight on Monday, she thinks, then for the last time I will allow myself something tasty.

And the mood rises again a few steps up.

What's next, you imagine. He gets behind the wheel, goes to the nearest store, puts a cart full of goodies - and a bagpipe home to spend a pleasant evening on the last working day, chewing sweets.

After all, can you afford it for Friday?

Friday passes, Saturday morning begins with sweet maccoffee and a pack of XXL chips. All this is happily eaten under a parallel search on the Internet: "exercises for weight loss, how to lose weight, a weight loss program" ... Our girl can even draw a special calendar to which number of how many pounds to lose weight…

Saturday passes unnoticed, followed by Sunday, which also disappears unnoticed. And on Monday - for work and diet.

The girl really goes on a diet from Monday. The morning begins with coffee without sugar and inspiration, at lunch she eats the low-fat cheese and apple bought the day before, and in the evening… In the evening she feels as if her stomach is stuck to the spine. She goes to the fridge - and there is an uneaten pizza waiting. That's it, the diet ends there.

The moral of a fictional story about how not to lose weight

In each of us lives this karaoke or blue-eyed young woman who is constantly trying to go on a diet. Of course, sometimes these efforts end in the desired result. Sometimes even this result is delayed for many years. But let's face it: at least 8 out of 10 attempts to eat right or go on a diet come to naught after the first stress. And 8 out of 10 girls in a month or a few months return to their usual size. This is a statistic, dear, just a bare statistic.

How to hold on and lose weight once and for all

How to lose weight fast once and for all? It is possible, but you need not only to change your diet and increase activity, but also to transform your own way of thinking. That is, first become a calm happy person.

In order to have the energy for new accomplishments, a person with 100% daily emotions in 20% of cases must feel negative, 30% - positive emotions, and 50% - just be calm. So to speak on "neutral transfer".

Emotional balance: the rule of 20 x 30 x 50

Before you transform your body, you need to achieve this emotional balance, because only then will you have enough inspiration to do something new.

Why did our imaginary young lady fail? Her daily negativity, which includes feelings of fatigue, irritation, perhaps guilt, dissatisfaction with themselves - prevail over all other emotions.

Therefore, to lose weight quickly and stay at that weight, we learn emotional balance.

Food as pleasure

The next step is food as pleasure. We all know that food is one of the greatest human pleasures. But we have breakfast in a hurry, have lunch - "as it will be", and have dinner in front of the screen "how much will fit". Therefore, we turn each snack into a gourmet tasting. We look at the food, enjoy every piece! So it will be right and easy to lose weight. We taste not only taste buds, but also eyes. You do not need to search in parallel on the network for any texts or look at photos, as did our imaginary young lady. If we eat, there should be nothing but food.

Movement and movement again

The last third rule - move, walk. To work, if it's real, from work, to the store, just a walk… Get yourself a dog if you just can't force yourself to walk. Climb the stairs on foot. Every hour of walking is minus a few grams.

It's time to look for the perfect recipe for how to lose weight

Today in our article we will analyze all the reasons why we often fail to lose weight, why weight loss exercises, proper nutrition, all sorts of weight loss programs do not work or do not work effectively enough. And, of course, answer the question of how to lose weight forever, what are the diets for weight loss and whether they are needed at all? And how to lose weight or lose weight in the legs. After all, spring is the time when you need to get your body, health and mood in order. It's unlikely to just be overweight, right? So, go ahead!

Adele Weight Loss

And we will begin to answer the question of how to lose weight, with an honest assessment of your activity and diet.

How to lose weight - glycemic index of foods and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Everyone knows that the parameters of physical activity and nutrition should be appropriate to each other. It is impossible to lose weight if you eat 5000 kcal every day.

We monitor the caloric content of food, do sports or do not do and therefore allow ourselves to eat less. But most often we forget about 2 important indicators: the glycemic index of foods and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

In order to maintain homeostasis in the body at an adequate level and weight loss was possible, you need to eat not only foods with the right number of calories. It is still necessary to monitor the harmony of consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Adele Weight Loss

If you plan to lose extra pounds on the abdomen, sides and legs, you need to rely on protein. We will talk to you about the protein diet for weight loss, but for now we will just say that when you eat a large excess of protein in your diet, the body is not able to digest everything. We deceive our digestive system and lose weight, but it can take revenge. But not now.

So, if we are talking about the organization of proper nutrition, then the ratio of protein / lipids / carbohydrates should be as follows: a quarter of protein and fat and half of carbohydrates from one hundred percent of the daily diet. When we want to gain weight - increase the percentage of carbohydrates, lose weight - reduce.

That's right, there is no mistake here. When losing weight, losing weight, lipids or fats - not the worst enemy. Therefore, you should not choose sauces, sour cream or yogurt "white zero" fat for weight loss. Very often the required density of this type of products is obtained due to starch - not a very useful carbohydrate. Here's the first reason most of us can't lose weight.

It is not necessary to exaggerate the recommended doses of protein, even during weight loss. Once again, let's mention protein diets - they are not the best for home weight loss. You can lose weight on this diet quickly and efficiently, but it is better to do it under the supervision of doctors.

Glycemic index

Adele Weight Loss

The glycemic index indicates the rate of breakdown of foods in the digestive system. That is, about the time during which a piece of food is converted into glucose. The main rule of weight loss is the consumption of those products that have a low value of this index.

How to lose weight knowing the glycemic index of foods that are eaten? The lower the rate of breakdown of the product to the state of glucose, the more energy the body expends on the digestive process and easier to lose weight. That is, the total amount of energy, and therefore centimeters on the abdomen, legs and sides, from products that are converted to glucose more slowly, will be significantly lower.


The highest glycemic index, which is equal to 100 units, is found in glucose. It is in her honor and named this figure.

Why is the glycemic index important for weight loss? If we eat a lot of foods with a high glycemic index, we cause the blood glucose level to be unstable. We ate, for example, a loaf of white bread or a cake.

Drinking sweet tea or Coca-Cola or Fanta - immediately the amount of glucose in our blood rises.

Muscles do not have time to absorb this amount, not because there are any limiters, but simply because they do not need so much fuel for their work.

What happens as a result? Excess glucose in the blood quickly turns into fat and settles under the skin or worse - on the internal organs. Thus, fat deposits on the walls of internal organs are much more dangerous than subcutaneous fat.

If you plan to lose weight, you need to give up cornflakes and muesli, which have recently been advertised as useful products. From round rice, potatoes in any form, sweets and more.

Alternatively, to lose weight, it is better to rely on wholemeal bread, unprocessed cereals, pasta, hard beans, vegetables and unsweetened fruits.

Adele Weight Loss

How to lose weight fast? How to lose weight in a month on a protein diet without exercise

How to get rid of the stomach? How to lose weight fast in a week without exercise? You can! Squirrels are our magic wand.

We have already mentioned that a protein diet can be dangerous. However, it is really very effective. On a protein diet you can lose 3, 5-7 or even more kilograms in a week. But before describing the system of such food, let's take a closer look at the possible risks.

So what is a protein diet? Looking at the name, the daily diet should be dominated by protein, the second place is firmly occupied by fats, carbohydrates - the minimum possible amount.

How does a weight loss diet work? The body does not have time to absorb and process the amount of protein that you feed it. As a result, he just gets rid of excess, there is a rapid weight loss.


If you have at least minor problems with the kidneys, heart or blood vessels, it is better to abandon the protein diet for weight loss.

Problem 1

The excretory system receives an increased load, so it may not cope with its task. As a result of increased levels of bad cholesterol, which leads to cardiovascular disease.


This risk can be minimized quite simply by replacing animal proteins with plant counterparts.

Problem 2

The next problem is constipation. If you follow a protein diet for weight loss, you eat few foods that contain fiber. As a result, peristalsis (the rate of movement of food masses through the intestine) becomes lazy.


People prone to constipation, who still decided to sit for a week on a protein diet to lose weight, it will be useful to dilute your diet with fresh herbs. Dill, basil, etc.

Problem 3

The next difficult point of the diet for rapid weight loss, we can call a general metabolic disorder. Excess protein, especially if the body does not have enough resources to remove decay products - a high probability of poisoning by cadaveric poison. Yes, it is a corpse poison! Because too much protein in the digestive system, which does not have time to digest, can become a toxin with such an unpleasant name.


Before going on a protein diet to lose weight, you need to examine your body with a nutritionist or even just visit a family doctor.

On a diet for weight loss, consisting of protein, we can easily lose from 3 to 7 kg in a week without feeling hungry and complex unpleasant exercises for weight loss. It already depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

On a protein diet, you can lose extra pounds quickly on your abdomen, legs and hips, and your skin, hair and nails improve. Of course, again, if the body has time to cope with the decay products.

How to lose weight on the face and how to lose weight - the magic exercises for weight loss or physical activity and nutrition like yin and yang

A slender body, a toned face, supple skin - aren't these every woman's dreams? How to lose weight on the abdomen and lose weight on the face? Follow a special exercise program for weight loss - and everything will work out! Now on the World Wide Web you can find abdominal exercises and facial slimming exercises that really work. And if exercises to lose weight belly just help to get rid of a few extra inches at the waist, then facial exercises can also help get rid of extra wrinkles.

Adele Weight Loss

Effective exercises for losing weight belly

The only rule to follow if you are starting to do weight loss exercises is not to stop halfway.

So, abdominal weight loss exercises for a week. They need to be done every day so that the effect is truly impressive.

Well, it's time to start a set of exercises to lose weight. Here the exercises are repeated every day the same, they must be done without interruption.

1.Exercises for weight loss should begin with a warm-up. Namely, the rotation of the head in different directions. This exercise should be done slowly, without sudden movements, especially if you are doing such a charge for the first time.

2.Next, exercises for the facial muscles. Pulling the lower jaw forward, shout the letter "I" loudly. You can do it not too loud, but the mood will not be the same :).

3.Then I tilt my head back as much as possible and repeat the same exercise with the jaw extended and the letter "I".

4.The following exercises: inflate the cheeks and try to inflate them with your fingers. Here the main task: to press on inflated cheeks as much as possible, but lips should be compressed so that not to let out air from a mouth.

5.The following exercises for slimming the face: support your chin with your palms, tilt your head back and try to press your chin to your chest, of course, interfere with your hands.

6.Next, pull out the lips in the form of a duck and move the same "duck" left and right.

At the end of a set of exercises to lose weight, you should feel fatigue in the facial muscles and even a slight tingling. If you perform this set of exercises to lose weight for a month, expect amazing results. Just try it!

How to lose weight in the legs - magic exercises for home use

After we talked to you about proper nutrition, exercises to lose weight belly and face, it's time to talk about how to make our legs slender, that is, how to lose weight in the legs.

The most effective exercises for losing weight legs are done in the pool, it is in the water you can give the most useful load on the muscles. But if you do not have the opportunity to go to the pool, let's look at the most effective home exercises to lose weight legs.

A set of exercises to lose weight in the legs

1.We stand first on socks, and then on heels, it is necessary to repeat it at least 10 times.

2.Lift up one leg, while leaning his hands on a surface, make a wave first left and then right foot.

3.We stand on all fours, leaning on one leg, the other - parallel to the floor. Waving up and down. This exercise will help to lose weight not only legs, but also will make your gluteal muscles more elastic and strong.

4.We lie down on the barrel, lift one leg up, the other pressed to the floor. Repeat the complex, lying on the other side.

5.We turn on the tummy, the exercise is called a frog. We make swimming movements with our legs and arms as frogs do in a pond.

Make a note!

If you do a set of exercises every day to lose weight belly, face, legs and sides and at the same time follow a proper diet with a predominant amount of vegetable proteins, then in a week you will see tangible results, and a month later you probably will not recognize your reflection in the mirror. Inspiration to you and patience! Everything will work out!

The home universal exercises for losing weight in a week. So you can lose weight. And if you adhere to this complex every day for a month or a year, the problem of excess belly and sides will simply disappear. Of course, if at the same time you will eat foods with low glycemic index and increase the amount of protein in the diet. This was stated in the section "How to lose weight fast? How to lose weight in a month on a protein diet without exercise.

Exercises for weight loss - how to lose weight on the face

If you are trying to get rid of excess subcutaneous fat on your face, be prepared for new wrinkles. To minimize this unpleasant side effect, try to do daily procedures for facial skin. These can be homemade masks or scrubs, salon beauty treatments, massage helps especially well in such cases. If you want to do exclusively home treatments, then conduct regular facial muscle massages in the morning and evening, in parallel with the complex that we have prepared for you. And it will be good to use special cosmetics from professional lines, peptide serums, vitamin complexes.