How To Get Rid Of Fat Accumulated In The Hip ,Back ,Legs , Cheeks , And Chest.

1.How To Reduce Hip Fat.

Hips and thighs are common areas of fat storage, especially in women. While it is tempting to look for a way to "locate" treatment in that region, this is not something that can be easily obtained. Only general weight loss can decrease the size of any part of the body. By losing weight and reducing your body fat percentage, you will see a decrease in the amount of fat in your hips along with that found throughout the rest of your body. If you want to eliminate this fat, you need to combine diet and cardiovascular and muscle-building exercises.

Method 1: Restricting calories for fat reduction

how to reduce hip fat

1Write a food diary for a week. Continue your feeding normally. You can use it as a basis for changing your diet.

  • The food diary allows you to observe the diet in detail in order to understand what can bring better results in weight loss.

  • Take note of portion sizes, quick snacks, liquid calories, or high-fat foods you usually eat. Put an asterisk on these items or make a list to help you get started with your diet plan.

  • Keep writing in the diary as you try to lose weight. Studies show that people who stick to a food diary are more successful in losing weight in the long run.

how to reduce hip fat

Two Decrease your caloric intake by 500 calories. By reducing the amount of food you eat, you can tell your body to start using already stored lipid energy (including that in your hips).

  • To lose weight and decrease excess body fat throughout your body and hips, you will need to cut some calories. Over time, reduced caloric intake will result in weight loss.

  • Decreasing approximately 500 calories a day usually results in a loss of 450 to 900 g per week, an amount considered safe and healthy by health professionals.

  • Use the food diary to see what types of foods can be eliminated to result in a 500 calorie deficit.

how to reduce hip fat

3 Consume portions of appropriate sizes. Eating adequate portions at each meal will help you manage your caloric intake and lose weight.

  • To help measure portions properly, buy a food scale or measuring cups.

  • It is ideal to measure each meal and snack to stay on track. Estimating portions only visually can result in overestimating portions and underestimating caloric intake.

  • Measure the food in the following portions: 85 to 115 g of protein foods (or approximately the size of a deck of cards),30 g of grains (or 1/2 cup),1 cup of vegetables or 2 cups of leafy vegetables and 1/2 cup of chopped fruit or 1 small piece.

  • Include 1 serving of protein and two servings of fruits or vegetables with each meal. It is recommended to consume 2 to 3 servings of grains throughout the day.

how to reduce hip fat

4 Prefer low calorie foods. Another important item in weight loss, in addition to counting calories and observing portions, is choosing low calorie foods.

  • When it comes to weight loss, low-calorie foods and small portions are the best choice to make.

  • Prefer lean, low-calorie proteins such as: chicken, eggs, low-fat dairy products, pork, seafood, vegetables and tofu.

  • Opt for whole grains without seasonings or sauces. Whole grains are more nutritious, as they contain higher amounts of fiber and other nutrients. Buy those that do not contain a packet of seasoning or sauce to minimize caloric intake.

  • Most grown foods from the ground are normally low in calories.. Take care when buying canned or frozen items. It is important that they do not contain any added spices, sauces or sugars.

how to reduce hip fat

5 Limit your liquid calorie intake. Often, liquid calories are responsible for a large part of the excess calories in your diet. In addition, eliminating them completely can help a lot in weight loss.

  • Liquid calories are found in a wide variety of drinks. Limiting or avoiding them altogether is the best idea for losing weight.

  • Limit your intake of beverages such as: regular soda, whole milk, juices or cocktails based on them, alcohol, sweet tea, sweetened coffee, sports drinks, energy drinks and hot chocolate.

  • Although some drinks do not contain calories, it is important to limit them because of the large amounts of artificial sweeteners and other additives. Limit drinks like: diet sodas, diet energy drinks and diet sports drinks.

  • Always take pure and moisturizing fluids such as: water, flavored water, decaffeinated coffee without sweetener and decaffeinated tea without sweetener. Try to drink at least 8 glasses a day, but remember that you may need up to 13 glasses daily.

how to reduce hip fat

6 Decrease the excessive habit of snacking. Another dangerous area for weight loss is quick snacks. Launching constantly, throughout the day, can sabotage your goals.

  • Health professionals generally recommend that you limit the calorie intake of snacks consumed during the day. If your goal is to lose weight, set the approximate limit of 150 calories per snack.

  • Depending on your lifestyle and activity level, you may only need a maximum of 1 to 2 snacks a day.

  • Some low-calorie snack ideas are: 30 g of mixed nuts, 1 low-fat Greek yogurt, 1/2 cup of ricotta cheese or 85 g of dried meat.

Method Two: Including exercises to eliminate hip fat

how to reduce hip fat

1Do high-intensity cardiovascular exercise four to five times a week. High intensity exercises, also called HIIT, are those that combine moderate and intense cardiovascular activities, capable of burning calories and helping to eliminate body fat.

  • Physical education professionals have made use of HIIT workouts to help those who want to get rid of excess body fat. Although they are not specifically focused on the hips, they can help to decrease the amount of fat present throughout the body.

  • HIIT workouts usually have a shorter duration and combine short bursts of intense and moderate activity. They are excellent when combined with other strength and cardiovascular training.

how to reduce hip fat

Two Exercise for a minimum of half-hour each day , five times a week . You cannot minimize the fat in your hips without decreasing the amount throughout your body. It is also impossible to locate the workout correctly with just toning or weight training exercises. Including cardiovascular exercises on a regular basis is essential to achieve your goal.

  • Health professionals recommend performing 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week. Among them, walking or running, cycling, swimming and dancing can be included.

  • If you want to speed up hip fat reduction, train for 1 hour five to six days a week, or try to achieve 300 minutes of weekly training.

  • Include cardiovascular exercises known for their ability to lose weight and tone your hips. Activities such as running or jogging, going up and down stairs or cycling are great for burning calories and toning your legs.

how to reduce hip fat

3 Do squats. This popular exercise works out the hips, buttocks, thighs and abdomen and is excellent for toning and thinning your thighs.

  • Start with your feet hip-width apart and place your hands together at chest level.

  • Putting your body weight on your ankles, sit as if there is a chair behind you. Bring your buttocks back and lower them as far as possible or until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor.

  • Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor and slowly rise to your starting position. Repeat this sequence 10 to 20 times, or as much as necessary.

how to reduce hip fat

4 Make "Lounges" (advances). In this exercise, you will take a step forward, bending your knees. It is excellent for toning the hips and thighs.

  • Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and place your hands on your hips.

  • Step forward with one foot, keeping your toes pointed forward. Lower the rear knee and, at the same time, bend the front knee in a slow, controlled movement.

  • Descend until the front thigh is almost parallel to the floor, keeping the front knee in line with the ankle (and not in front of it).

  • Use the front thigh to push the body back to the starting position. Switch legs and repeat as needed.

how to reduce hip fat

5 Pelvic lift. This particular exercise focuses specifically on that muscle area and is excellent for toning the band that runs from the outer thighs to the top of the hips.

  • Lie on the floor and place yourself on one side, with one leg on the other. Place your head on the arm closest to the floor and place your upper arm on your hips.

  • With your leg straight and your feet flexed, raise your upper leg toward the ceiling. Slowly descend back to the starting position. Switch sides and do the same number of lifts with the other leg.

how to reduce hip fat

6 Include the bridge exercise in your routine. This is able to work the back of the legs and also make the thighs and hips appear to be more toned.

  • Lie on the floor and look up. Bend your knees in front of your body at a 90-degree angle and let your arms rest at your sides.

  • Contracting your buttocks, raise your hips upwards until your body makes a straight line down from your knees to your head.

  • Continue for a few seconds before rolling the spine back to the floor in the starting position.

  • Repeat this sequence 10 to 20 times, as needed. Increase the intensity by lifting one leg and keeping your hips at the same level throughout the minute. Repeat it with the opposite leg.

how to reduce hip fat

7 Make plies. This typical ballet movement, similar to squatting, helps to tone your thighs, glutes and hips.

  • Stand with your feet farther apart and point your toes at a 45-degree angle out of your body. Hold your hands together ahead of your chest or place them on your hips.

  • Lower your body, keeping your head, torso and buttocks in a straight line from the ceiling to the floor.

  • As you lower your body, your knees should be bent outward. Keep going down until your thighs are almost parallel to the floor.

  • Slowly raise your body back to the starting position, using your inner thighs and buttocks to push yourself up. Repeat this sequence as many times as necessary.


2.How to Get Rid of Fat Accumulated on the Back.

If you're trying to lose weight, your back is one of the hardest places to tone and slim. Unfortunately, it is not possible to dispose of fat locally . Nutrition and physical activity must be combined to tone the upper body and fight fat in general. It is impossible to slim or tone a single area. To help tone the entire back and burn off body fat, it is more effective to combine diet and exercise. If you make small changes to the table and do the right exercises (cardiovascular and strength), you will be able to eliminate it.

Method1 Exercises to Get Rid of Back Fat

how to lose back fat

1 Try to do cardiovascular activities. For good results, exercise for at least 30 minutes at a time 3 to 4 times a week[

    • Cardiovascular exercises are particularly effective in eliminating fat from the back. They allow you to burn calories and strengthen muscles. You can row, box and swim.

    • Other cardiovascular exercises to include are running / jogging, walking, cycling, elliptical and dance.

    • The benefits of cardiovascular activity are not limited to toning the back. Cardio has also been shown to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve cholesterol and triglyceride values, is good for the heart, decreases the risk of osteoporosis and promotes the development of muscle mass.

    • It is impossible to treat a spot in a localized way or to lose weight in just one area. To observe good weight loss in a specific part of the body, you need to shed pounds and fat in general. Cardiovascular activity is useful in this regard.

how to lose back fat

2 Try interval training, which is useful for shedding fat faster. It not only tones the back, but also firms and eliminates fat from the whole body.

    • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can help burn more fat and promote fat loss even after completing your exercise session .

    • Running is a method of doing interval training: run at a brisk pace for several minutes, resume a more leisurely pace for 5 minutes, then accelerate for another 2 minutes. Continue like this for 15-20 minutes.

    • Consider High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT ). According to the definition of the National Institutes of Health, it means training at a high intensity for a period of time between 30 seconds and a few minutes, to be alternated with 1 or 2 minutes of low or no intensity exercise. This will substantially increase the benefits of classic cardio workouts. This type of training can improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and speed up the metabolism.

how to lose back fat

3 Do resistance exercises. There are workouts that can strengthen the back without requiring special machines. Many are also executable at home.

  • Tie a resistance band to a handle. Close the door and place a chair about two feet away. Grab the ends of the elastic band with your hands and bend your elbows at a 90 ° angle. Bring your arms back to push your shoulder blades against each other. Hold for 10 seconds, then relax. Do 7-10 repetitions. If you don't feel enough resistance, move the chair slightly away from the door or use a thicker elastic band.

  • Lower back extensions should help you fight the fat that leaks out of your jeans. To begin, lie on the floor in a prone position. Put your hands behind your head and lift your chest off the floor as much as possible. You can start with 3 sets of 10 reps.

  • To do the bridge exercise, lie on the floor on your back. Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle, but keep your feet flat on the ground . Lift your buttocks until your back forms a straight line, as if it were a bridge. Hold for 10-15 seconds, then slowly lower your body back down. Do 10-20 repetitions .

  • Do the plank exercise to tone your back and core muscles . Rest your forearms on the floor and form a straight line with your body. Maintain this position for as long as possible. Rest and repeat a couple more times.

  • Do push-ups to tone your arms, chest, and back. It is an easy exercise that can firm several back muscles. You can do the classic push-ups or the variant with your knees on the floor. Do 1 or 3 sets of 10 reps, or as many as you can do.

how to lose back fat

4 Use weights and tools. These tools can also help you tone your back. If you combine them with other strength exercises and a cardio workout, you can easily firm the muscles in this area.

  • Start with a weight that you are able to lift. You should do it without too much effort. However, if you can lift the dumbbells effortlessly, your muscles won't work enough.

  • Do the bent-over fly exercise - it will help tone your upper back. Take a dumbbell in each hand and bend over at the hips. Raise your arms up to shoulder height, then lower them to your hips. Do 3 sets of 8 reps.

  • For the lat machine pull down, grab the bar above your head with a wide grip. Place your thighs under the cradle, straighten your legs, and arrange your hands so that your knuckles are facing up. When you reach out to grab it, the bar should be within your reach, otherwise adjust the height. Bring it close to your chin (always keeping your back straight) in one movement: you should feel your shoulder blades approach each other. Slowly bring the bar back to the starting height and repeat.

  • Do dumbbell thrusts. Grab a dumbbell by the hand. Hold them at ear height, palms facing forward. Bring your hands above your head until your arms are fully extended. Slowly lower them back to your ears. Do 1-3 sets, or as many as you can do.

  • Do the standing dumbbell rowing. Grab a dumbbell by the hand. Bend slightly at the waist (approximately 45 °). Extend your arms in front of you, downward, with your palms facing each other. Pull your arms back until your elbows are next to your back. Relax them slowly, extending them fully again. Do 1-3 sets, or as many as you can do.

how to lose back fat

5 Talk to a personal trainer. If you have recently been doing sports or have special needs, working with a personal trainer may be for you. An expert can guide you to burn fat and tone your back muscles.

  • Personal trainers are professionals who have a lot of experience in the industry. Talk to an expert: ask him what exercises he recommends to tone your back and fight fat in general.

  • Upon signing up, many gyms offer a free trial session with a personal trainer. Generally, however, then you have to pay with a certain frequency to be followed by a professional.

  • You could also look for personal trainers who have blogs or post videos online to get more detailed information.


Method 2: Change Power

1 Reduce your daily calorie intake. If you cut off 500 calories a day and exercise regularly, you will lose about half a pound a week. This will also help you shed back fat.

    • Use a food diary or online log to help you cut 500 calories a day.

    • Together with online calculators, journals can give you an estimate of your daily calorie intake to help you lose weight. Everyone has special needs, so using a calculator can guide you towards a more specific calorie range.

    • Don't cut calories excessively. This can slow down weight loss, lead to nutritional deficiencies, or make you feel tired and fatigued. In general, experts recommend getting at least 1200 calories per day.

    • Cutting down on calories will help you lose weight. However, if you don't do cardiovascular and back-strengthening exercises, your muscles won't tone up. It is important to combine diet and exercise to get the desired results.

how to lose back fat

2 Follow a balanced diet. While eliminating calories to burn fat, it is important to eat balanced.

  • A varied diet with foods taken from every single food group will help you consume an adequate amount of nutrients each day. When you eat a poor quality and unbalanced diet, it can negatively impact your weight loss and your goals .

  • Get protein with every meal. They are essential nutrients for healthy eating. Foods such as poultry, eggs, dairy products, legumes, fish or tofu allow you to get adequate amounts. Aim to consume 85-100 gram servings with each meal .

  • Eat an honest sort of fruits and vegetables a day . They contain few calories but are rich in nutrients, therefore excellent for a low-calorie diet. To promote weight loss, half of the dishes should be fruit or vegetables.

  • Finally, it's important to include healthy grains, such as whole meal bread, rice, or pasta. They contain fiber and several B vitamins essential for staying healthy. If you can, choose 100% whole grains for even more nutrients.

how to lose back fat

3 To avoid feeling hungry, stock up on satisfying foods. If you're trying to lose weight and cut your calorie intake, managing hunger can be a big deal. If you often feel hunger pangs, it will be difficult to follow a weight loss program.

  • Combining certain types of food and choosing the right foods for each meal or snack can help you feel full longer after eating, but also reduce hunger in general.

  • Healthy fats facilitate weight loss diets. Compared to carbohydrate-rich foods, fats take longer to digest and help you feel fuller for longer. Consume 1 or 2 servings of healthy fats every day. Try olive oil, avocado, nuts, or butter extracted from nuts, flax seeds, olives, salmon, tuna, sardines, or mackerel.

  • In addition to healthy fats, the combination of proteins and complex carbohydrates allows you to feel full for longer. Choose lean protein or foods containing healthy fats, such as fish, poultry, beef, pork, low-fat dairy, legumes, or tofu. Pair them with fiber-rich complex carbohydrates, such as starchy vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and whole grains.

how to lose back fat

4 Eliminate high-calorie drinks. Many don't realize they are consuming a large amount of liquid calories. Replace sodas and fruit juices with water and low-calorie hydrating sodas.

  • To maintain optimal hydration levels, drink adequate amounts of fluids such as water, decaf coffee, decaf tea, or flavored water. Everyone has their own hydration needs, but drinking 2 liters of fluids a day is a good place to start.

  • Some studies show that drinking high-calorie beverages can facilitate weight gain . Soft drinks aren't always filling, and most people don't count liquid calories when calculating their daily needs.

  • Switching from classic fizzy to diet sodas can make you eat fewer calories in the short term, but it's still unclear whether it's an effective way to prevent obesity and health problems.

how to lose back fat

5 Limit treats and other high calorie foods. Eating healthy also means indulging in a whim from time to time. However, if you are trying to lose weight, you need to limit the extra calories and monitor how often you consume them.

  • When you indulge yourself frequently, you risk consuming too many calories. This could slow down or even slow down your weight loss.

  • If you really want a treat, try to compensate for your excess calorie intake over the course of the day or week. You could work out a little longer or skip the snack.


  • Before starting an exercise program, consult your doctor.

  • Remember that weight lifting could make your back more beautiful as it allows you to develop good muscles, but it is impossible to lose weight in a targeted way.

  • To shed back fat, not all cardiovascular exercises are created equal. If you choose aerobic workout aimed at the muscles in this area, such as rowing, the fat will disappear sooner.


3.How To Lose Fat On Your Legs.

Many women want to have legs like "runners". In fact, everyone can have a pair of long and thin legs through a combination of diet and exercise. The following article will tell you how to have such an enviable pair of legs.

Method 1 lose weight

1 Reduce your caloric intake. There has never been a way to lose weight to lose only one part of the body. If you would like to lose leg fat, you've got to eat less and eat the proper things to lose body fat.

  • Your diet should mainly include fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and some carbohydrates. You can try to eat more protein in each meal to keep you feeling fuller for a longer time. For example, you can eat more eggs, fish, turkey and chicken or some vegetarian options such as tofu and tempeh.

  • Reduce the intake of sugar and some meaningless carbohydrates. These foods are high-calorie, low-nutrient, and if the calories are not burned immediately, they are often stored as fat. In particular, you should avoid eating these foods late at night, because your body will not have enough time to burn off these calories before you go to bed.

  • Read food labels. You will be surprised to find that a lot of extra sugar has sneaked into your diet, through the bread, salad dressing, and sauces you bought at the grocery store.

  • Buy healthy food and eat healthy food. Get rid of the temptation of these foods by removing junk food and desserts in your home. You can store these kinds of foods and then use them on special occasions. If you are desperately craving something as sweet as chocolate, try to buy small portions to avoid overeating.

2 Keep a food diary. Studies have shown that folks who keep a record of what they eat a day are more likely to reduce and stand back from unhealthy diets . This is because when you write it down, you will take on such a responsibility, and it will be more difficult to make choices that you regret.

  • Try to use an online food diary/calorie counter, like "My Fitness Partner" or "King of Calories". Some of these services can also be downloaded to mobile phones.

how to lose leg fat

3 Drink more water. Enough water can keep you feeling full, replenish your muscles after exercise, increase your energy level, and help maintain normal bowel function. you ought to drink seven to eight glasses of water evrey day .

  • If you are struggling with overeating, try drinking a glass of water before each meal. This will fill your abdomen to a certain extent and help control your intake.

  • Remember, salt, caffeine, and alcohol will dehydrate you and put you in a thirsty state. You can drink a glass of water to offset every serving of coffee, caffeinated tea or alcohol to prevent dehydration.

how to lose leg fat

4 Get enough sleep. People with insomnia often feel tired and they need to eat more to make up for the lack of energy. Some people need more sleep than others, but you should try to get 6-8 hours of sleep every night.

    • Studies have shown that people who sleep less than 6 hours a night are 30% more likely to be obese than those who sleep 7-8 hours a night.

how to lose leg fat

5 Avoid stress. Some stress is inevitable. Chronic stress can cause weight gain by releasing cortisol hormone, which can increase appetite and help fat storage. If possible, eliminate the people, activities, or objects in your life that make you stressful.

  • If you are suffering from chronic stress, try to find activities to help you relax your head. Spend more time doing things you like, and consider doing some mind-bearing activities, such as yoga or meditation.

  • Regular exercise can also help relieve stress. Next time you feel anxious or nervous, you can go for a walk or punch in the gym.

Method 2 Make the body strong

how to lose leg fat

1 Get active. Aerobic exercises like mountain climbing, swimming, jogging, swimming, cycling, boxing and dancing can burn your calories, speed up your metabolism, and make your legs healthier. Do these aerobic exercises for at least 30 minutes each time, 4-5 times a week.

  • Make small changes to your lifestyle so that your daily life includes more activities. Simple things include walking instead of driving to your destination or climbing stairs instead of elevators. These things can help raise your heart rate.

  • Choose a sport you really like. If you enjoy doing this exercise, it will be easier for you to stick to it regularly for a long time.

  • You don't need to complete the entire exercise process at once, it is equally effective to break your exercise into several 5 or 10 minute stages.

how to lose leg fat

2 Do fitness exercises. Pilates and yoga are a perfect way to make women's whole body healthier, helping to shape long and thin muscle lines without excess fat. If you are a member of the gym, you can participate in some aerobic exercises for the legs. These exercises include steps, cycling, general body conditioning, Zumba and many more. You can also try the following exercises that specifically exercise your legs:

  • "Bending Movement". Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes facing outward like a ballerina. Bend your knees, then sink until your knees are just above your toes, then get up. Repeat 10-15 times in one group, and do three groups in total.

  • "Calf exercise". Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a dumbbell weighing 2-5 kg ​​in each hand. Slowly raise your ankle, use your forefoot to keep your balance, and then lower your ankle. A set of 10-12 reps, a total of 3 sets.

  • "Leg jump movement". Stand up with your legs hip-width apart and place your hands on your hips. . Take a big step forward with your right foot, bend your left knee until it almost touches the ground, then return to a standing position and repeat this action, but this time with your left leg and step forward. You can walk from one end of the room to the other, and then walk back.

how to lose leg fat

3Building muscle does not mean losing weight. Exercises like jumping and squatting can help build the muscles of the legs, but will not lose fat. The only way to lose weight is to lose body weight through diet and aerobic exercise.

  • More muscle mass can help you burn off calories, even if you are resting. Therefore, it is important to do some strength training when dieting to lose weight, but don't just rely on strength training to lose weight.


  • Be very careful when using fitness equipment.

  • If you are not an athletic person or have a medical condition, be sure to consult your doctor when starting a new diet or exercise program.


4.How To Lose Cheek Fat.

It is only difficult to lose cheeks. It is impossible to lose weight in one area of ​​the body, but it is possible to reduce cheeks by using various methods. First, make changes to your diet and lifestyle, and try to target your cheeks. If you don't see any results after doing this, go to a hospital to diagnose the cause of your cheeks or see if the medication you are taking is the culprit.

Way One Changing your diet and lifestyle

how to lose cheek fat

One Eat less salt and sugar. Consuming too much salt and refined sugar increases the amount of water that builds up in your body. Just like what happens if you don't drink enough water, your cheeks look plump as moisture accumulates on your face and cheeks. If it's difficult to completely eliminate salt and sugar, start by reducing the amount of salt and sugar in your food.

Choose meats with less fat , such as skinless chicken breast or turkey, over salty meat such as ham and sausage .

how to lose cheek fat

2 Eat healthy and lose weight by cutting calories. The best way to lose cheeks is to change your diet and lose overall weight. Set a target weight, and try to reduce the amount of calories by eating healthy, low-calorie foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole wheat, and lean protein foods.

  • Download an app that calculates calories and keep track of how many calories you consume per day. Keep track of all the foods and beverages you eat in the app and follow the daily intake limit to lose weight.

how to lose cheek fat

3 Drink more water to help you lose weight and lose cheeks. Water doesn't have calories, and it's a great help when you're on a diet because it prevents you from losing hunger between meals. If you don't drink water well, the amount of water that accumulates in your body increases, which can make your cheeks look more pronounced. Drink water when you are thirsty to rehydrate.

  • Always carry a bottle of water and drink water.

  • If you've been sweating more from exercising or doing outdoor activities on a hot day, try drinking more water.

how to lose cheek fat

4 Avoid or consume alcohol in moderation. Drinking alcohol can make your cheeks look more plump, so try to avoid alcohol or drink moderately if possible. One drink per day for women and two for men is an adequate amount of alcohol. 350 mL of beer, 150 mL of wine, and 45 mL of other spirits are equivalent to one glass.

  • Replace an evening cocktail with chamomile tea or a non-alcoholic drink with sparkling water or fruit juice.

how to lose cheek fat

5 Exercise 150 minutes a week to lose weight. 150 minutes per week is the recommended mid-stage aerobic exercise for overall health. Doing this exercise every week can help you burn more calories and lose weight. Work out 5 times a week for 30 minutes each, or try dividing 150 minutes in different ways.

  • If you prefer, you can switch to a 75-minute intense workout, such as high-intensity interval training or running.

  • Choosing the type of exercise you want will help you exercise longer without getting tired. For example, if you like to dance, take a dance class or watch an online dance aerobics video.

Tip : Trying muscle training twice a week will help you see your weight loss results faster. Do strength exercises twice a week to train all the major muscles of the body, such as legs, arms, chest, back, stomach, and buttocks.

how to lose cheek fat

6 Promote weight loss by getting enough sleep. Getting enough sleep each night can help promote weight loss, so make sure you get enough sleep a priority. Go to bed early so that you have at least 7 hours of sleep each day. Or check out these expert tips to help you get a good night's sleep:

  • Make your bedroom a comfortable place by providing good bedding and creating a cool, quiet and dark environment.

  • Turn off all phones, computers, and TV screens at least 30 minutes before going to bed.

  • Avoid caffeine in the afternoon or evening.

Way 2 Ball exercise

how to lose cheek fat

One Alternately speaking the letters “X” and “O”. This can help exercise your cheek muscles and make your face slimmer. Repeat this 20 times and exercise twice a day.

Tip : Take a shower, prepare to go to work in the morning, or exercise on your way to work.

how to lose cheek fat

2 Suck your cheeks like fish. After sucking the ball into the mouth so that the ball goes in, it stays there for 3 seconds and then returns to its original state.

  • Repeat this 20 times every day.

how to lose cheek fat

3 Open your mouth wide. Open your mouth wide as if eating a large meal, hold it there for 5 seconds, then close your mouth comfortably.

  • Repeat 20 times a day.

how to lose cheek fat

4 Roll the air in your mouth. Blow the air in your mouth as if you were using a mouthwash. Exercise for a total of 5 minutes every day. There is also a method of exercising 5 minutes at a time, or dividing it into 1, 2, and 3 minutes.

  • If you like, put water in your mouth and do cheek muscles.

how to lose cheek fat

5 Chew gum after each meal. The repeated chewing movement strengthens the chin and makes the cheeks slim. So, try chewing gum for 5-10 minutes after each meal.

  • If chewing gum hurts your jaw, it's best not to chew it.

how to lose cheek fat

6 Laugh more often. When you smile, your facial muscles move, so you may not be able to see your cheeks. Smile and do 10 exercises every day for about 10 seconds.

  • Plus, laughing often increases your positive strength and confidence.

Way 3 Talk to your doctor

how to lose cheek fat

One Have your doctor tested for the underlying cause. Sometimes, an illness that needs treatment can be the cause of the plump cheeks. If you don't feel like you're losing cheeks even though you're already at normal weight, see a doctor.

  • For example, a mumps test may be done in a hospital, causing symptoms of swollen cheeks.

how to lose cheek fat

2 Determine if medicine is the cause of your cheeks. When taking prescription medications regularly, you can get cheeks. If in doubt, see a hospital and see if you can change to a different medicine.

  • For example, taking oxycodone can cause swollen faces and limbs. It's very rare, but if you're taking oxycodone, check if oxycodone is the problem.

how to lose cheek fat

3 If other methods don't help, consider having plastic surgery. Although this is the most extreme option for cheek meat removal, if other methods haven't worked and you really want to get rid of it, consider plastic surgery. Get a good plastic surgeon recommendation from your doctor, or find a plastic surgeon with extensive experience on your own.

WARNING : Plastic surgery is very expensive and is not covered by insurance. Also, as with any surgery, there may be risks involved.


  • If you are in adolescence or in your early twenties, you will lose cheeks (milk fat) in the future. If your cheeks get in the way, try contouring with makeup.


  • Cheeks can be helpful as you get older. Fat fills the face, reducing fine lines, a sign of aging, and preventing sagging of the skin.


5.How To Lose Chest Fat.

Big breasts often cause discomfort and loss of confidence. In fact, there are many women who complain of the discomfort caused by too big breasts. There are a number of ways you can practice depending on how hard you can work or how far you can handle the change in your heart. Let's take a closer look from step 1.


Way One Making changes in the body

how to lose chest fat

One Use a minimizer bra or sports bra. The minimizer bra is a bra that does not add volume and is designed to make the fit of certain clothes more effective. On the other hand, a sports bra supports the chest and at the same time gives the effect of making the chest look flatter. The sports bra is designed to reduce pain by minimizing the movement of the chest during exercise. If you are concerned about the pain that occurs when your big breasts move (even if you don't like the look of your big breasts), a sports bra may be the best solution.

how to lose chest fat

2 Use corrective underwear or chest binders. You may have heard of sequins or other manufacturers' shaping underwear. It is an item that can be worn inside clothes to help correct body shape, and you can purchase products suitable for various body parts. Try a product that has been released for breast correction, or use a breast binder. The effects of the two products are similar.

how to lose chest fat

3 Press down on your chest to tie it up. If you haven't seen the effects of the other methods at all, as a last resort, let's compress your chest and tie it up. It only works if your chest is larger than the C-DD cup, but you can give it a try, regardless of the size of your chest. Even if it's uncomfortable, it works, so if you have a photo shoot or need to wear a special dress, try it.

how to lose chest fat

4 Choose your binder type carefully. Various products are sold by various manufacturers. Among them, let's use a product that can be used safely and without difficulty. Do not use bandages, and use products designed for the purpose of covering the body. Bandages are also used to compress the body, but too frequent and prolonged use can lead to problems such as breathing problems, bruising, and rib fractures.

how to lose chest fat

5 Wear a matching bra and clothing. Wearing loose-fitting baggy clothes will make your body look bigger and won't solve the problem. If you wear clothes that fit your body well without being too tight, you can cover your breasts beautifully without paying attention to your chest. The same goes for bras. Wearing a bra that fits my chest makes my chest a lot more comfortable.

how to lose chest fat

6 Avoid wearing clothes that add volume to your chest. Do not wear cowl-neck sweaters or shirts, turtleneck shirts or sweaters, tops with fine wrinkles or gathers on the chest, shirts with ruffles, and other clothes that add volume to the chest. Instead of wearing clothes that look big on your chest, wear a top with no patterns or decorations around your chest.

how to lose chest fat

7 Match a dark top with light colored pants or skirts. This way, your gaze naturally draws downwards, so you can prevent your gaze from focusing on your chest. For example, try a black T-shirt and a turquoise jersey skirt, or try a navy blue blouse with bright white trousers.

how to lose chest fat

8 Emphasize your hips. If you want to express a naturally balanced body and prevent your eyes from focusing on your chest, try emphasizing your hips instead. If you wear a shirt with a circle pattern along with pants with horizontal stripes, you can express a voluminous hip. Or, if you wear an unpatterned top, your breasts look smaller because it doesn't add volume.

Way 2 Using natural remedies

how to lose chest fat

One Stop activities that make your breasts bigger. First of all, stop activities that make your breasts bigger. One of the most common factors that increase breast size is oral contraceptives. In some cases, the cup size increases by one or two cups. Go to the hospital and see if a replacement for hormone-free contraception is possible.

  • Copper IUDs can be a good alternative to oral contraceptives.

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding can also affect breast size growth, but since this is a natural transient phenomenon, it is best not to take any special action if pregnancy and breastfeeding are the only causes of breast size increase.

how to lose chest fat

2 Reduce your calorie intake. To burn fat, we need to supply less calories, the body's fuel, than our body needs. It's not wise to starve just to cut down on your calorie intake. Eat the right foods, and try to change the amount you eat and how much you are active. Slightly reducing the amount of meals and increasing the amount of activity can be a big help in losing weight.

  • Use an online calorie calculator when adjusting your diet.

  • Calorie control is used only temporarily. Once you've reached a healthy target weight, let's try to balance calorie intake and activity.

how to lose chest fat

3 Eat a healthy diet. Eat calories in a healthy diet! By limiting your intake of unhealthy foods and increasing your intake of high-nutrition foods, you can keep feeling full longer and keep your daily calorie intake low, even if you eat a small amount of food.

  • Eat healthy foods such as kale, spinach, broccoli, quinoa, whole wheat oats, potatoes, lentils, edamame beans, white beans, fish, eggs, and cottage cheese. Reduce your sugary fruits, but instead increase your intake of vegetables and legumes above, which provide all of the various nutrients in the fruit.

  • Do not eat harmful foods. Avoid trans fats, saturated fats, and excessively salty or sweet foods from your diet. It causes weight gain and fat accumulation. Avoid foods such as soda, sweet coffee, bacon, pork skin, potato chips, butter, and ice cream.

how to lose chest fat

4 Adjust the amount you eat. The amount of one meal most modern people eat is higher than the standard. If you're eating like the amount you eat when eating out, you're eating too much food at once. Reduce the size of the dishes and eat first. If you're still hungry 15 minutes after eating in a small bowl, take half of the amount you ate again.

  • Eating small amounts of food often helps control the amount of food you eat. It also helps you feel full throughout the day.

how to lose chest fat

5 Be active every day. Try to increase the amount of activity in your life. There are effective exercise methods that don't spend much time.

    • The easiest way to increase your activity and burn calories in your daily life is to walk more. Use stairs instead of elevators and park a little further away from your destination to create an opportunity to walk.

    • It is also a good idea to have a desk where you can do office work while standing or exercising. Let's incorporate exercise into our daily life!

how to lose chest fat

6 Exercise effectively. Repeating push-ups and sit-ups can easily get you tired. Try effective exercises that are easier to apply. Squats, planks, and burpees, are very effective exercises. When you work out at least 30 minutes a day, try at least 15 minutes of the most effective exercises.

  • Both squats and planks are central body exercises. If you're only doing these exercises, try more walking exercises as well. Take an extra 30 minutes each day to walk up and down terrain like stairs or hills.

how to lose chest fat

7 Don't lose your motivation. Exercising will only work if you do it consistently over a long period of time. If your goal is to lose weight, you should start with lifestyle changes. That's why it's important to keep working hard without losing your motivation. It is even more helpful if you have an exercise partner, trainer, or a friend who can help you and work out together.

  • Listening to music while exercising can make your workout more exciting. Audio books and podcasts are great too!

Way 3 Getting surgery

how to lose chest fat

One Talk to your doctor. Before undergoing breast reduction surgery, be sure to take sufficient time to consult with your doctor. Before talking to a plastic surgeon who benefits commercially as a result of surgery, first discuss with your general practitioner the phenomena and risk factors that may arise from changes in breast size, and look for less risky options.

  • If you are still young, it is better not to consider surgery. Let's have a little more time. Your thoughts may change in a few years.

  • Don't consider surgery simply because you want to wear the clothes you want to wear better. Surgery is a dangerous operation, and the dress I want to wear should not be given priority over my life.

how to lose chest fat

2 Find plenty of material. Find the most reputable plastic surgery clinic in your area. If you don't have a good hospital near you, it may be a smarter way to find a good hospital even if you are far away. Again, there are risks involved with plastic surgery. Find a hospital with the best results.

how to lose chest fat

3 Get a consultation and a quote. Consult several plastic surgery clinics. The methods of mastectomy approached by hospitals are different, and the results of surgery may be different. The cost of surgery and issues to consider when receiving counseling are also discussed. Avoid unreliable doctors or places that offer ridiculously low cost of surgery. Surgery from an inexperienced doctor can completely ruin the shape of your chest.

how to lose chest fat

4 Recognize risk factors. There are several risk factors associated with mastectomy. Most basically, general anesthesia is required to perform surgery, and there may be cases of overreacting to anesthetic drugs, and even death after anesthesia. Or, it may be infected with inflammation or a blood clot may develop. Here are some other risk factors that may arise:

  • As a result of surgery, wounds are inevitable. In severe cases, keloids can form in the wound.

  • It can turn into an out-of-balance or out-of-shape nipple.

  • If you have a child's plan in the future, breastfeeding may not be possible.

how to lose chest fat

5 Accept permanent results. Because the results of breast surgery are permanent, it is difficult to reverse the results of poorly performed surgery. If you are considering surgery to suit your current fashion or current preferences, keep in mind that the fashion or your preferences may change later. Try to accept your body as you are. If I go through surgery, I can't get my original breasts back.

how to lose chest fat

6 See if you can afford the surgery. Because mastectomy is mostly considered an optional surgery, health insurance does not cover it. Therefore, the cost of surgery can be quite high. Prioritize whether surgery is absolutely necessary, and carefully consider whether paying for tuition or something else will help in the long term.

how to lose chest fat

7 Get surgery. If, after considering all of your options, you still decide to go through surgery, get ready for surgery. The surgery is completed within a few hours of receiving anesthesia in the hospital. You can usually be discharged the same day you have the surgery, but you need to be accompanied by someone who can take me home.

how to lose chest fat

8 Take good care of it after surgery. Care should be taken after surgery. A tube may be inserted to drain fluid or blood from the chest, along with the suture marks and bandages. In order to heal the wound well and prevent inflammation from occurring, it is good to keep the wound area clean and minimize activity. Pain, swelling, and bruising can also occur after surgery. Sutured thread marks can usually be removed after 1-2 weeks.