Leagues Summer 2010

The fourth League season, Summer 2010, consisted of 11 leagues. The letter denotes the level of the league, so, for instance, leagues B1 and B2 are of equal standard.

Premier League: abgemacht, Babak, dangermouse, Ivo_ivanov, LanGaidin, Laoban, MarekP, fortknox

League A: alamothe, BigZombieDude, Crazyter, fortknox, Malleus, TheWizard, Troodonte

League B1: airborne, Alderian, allanxo, Perry6006, SohDjinn, Tantris, Ursa

League B2: obiwanobiwan, orathaic, Maniac, texasdeluxe, thewonderllama, Thucydides, zscheck, Plastic Hussar

League C1: Prince2, jasoncollins, rdrivera2005, V+, hellalt, speakertoaliens, cujo8400, Bonotow, pastoralan, vexlord, chuyelchulo

League C2: Plastic Hussar, 48v4stepansk, LeoDaVinci, Gobo, Draugnar, urallLESBlANS, Gunmaster G-9, L1star

League C3: Countess Tillian, bockman, ZaZaMaRaNDaBo, goose1x1x1, StevenC., Wolf89, raapers, jbcryan97, Dan-i-Am 88, zarat, mdrltc

League D1: V+, jimgov, idealist, Jamie Nordli, Dejan0707, gobbledydook, spitfire8125, Vexlord, peterwiggin

League D2: Napoleon of Oz, pastoralan, zarat, Trojanator, patizcool, krellin, bencarthy, Amon Savag, Dosg, Julien, burden

League D3: 48v4stepansk, cujo8400, mdrltc, TheRavenKing, Hellenic Riot, 2oaks, Bear in the Woods, TrustMe, BornAgainGamer, gman314

League D4: L1star, jcbryan97, KoBorg, doofman, hopsyturvey, rodrigotjader, chuyelchulo

Premier League

Players:abgemacht, Babak, dangermouse, Ivo_ivanov, LanGaidin, Laoban, MarekP


Game 1:Drawn by LanGaidin (10), Laoban (10), Ivo_ivanov (7), abgemacht (7)

Game 2:Drawn by Babak (17), LanGaidin (9) and MarekP (8)

Game 3:Drawn by MarekP (13), abgemacht (12), Babak (9)

Game 4:Won by Laoban (18). Survived: Ivo_ivanov (15), Babak (1)



fortknox replaced dangermouse as of game 4

League A

Players: alamothe, BigZombieDude, Crazyter, fortknox, Malleus, TheWizard, Troodonte


Game 1:Drawn by Troodonte (13), BigZombieDude (7), TheWizard (5), Malleus (5) and Crazyter (4)

Game 2:Drawn by BigZombieDude (15), Malleus (10), TheWizard (9)

Game 3:Draw by TheWizard (13), Crazyter (12), Malleus (9)

Game 4:Drawn by alamothe (14), fortknox (8), TheWizard (6) and Malleus (6)



League B1

Players: airborne, Alderian, allanxo, Perry6006, SohDjinn, Tantris, Ursa


Game 1:Drawn by Tantris (14), Alderian (14), SohDjinn (6)

Game 2:Drawn by Perry6006 (10), Tantris (8), Alderian (8) and airborne (8)

Game 3:Drawn by Alderian (13), Tantris (8), SohDjin (7) and allanxo (6)

Game 4:Drawn by airborne (15), allanxo (8), Perry6006 (6), Ursa (3), SohDjinn (1) and Alderian (1)



League B2

Players:obiwanobiwan, orathaic, Maniac, texasdeluxe, thewonderllama, Thucydides, zscheck, Plastic Hussar


Game 1:Won by Thucydides (19). Survived: obiwanobiwan (8), Maniac (4) and orathaic(3)

Game 2:Drawn by texasdeluxe (14), Thucydides (12) and zscheck (8)

Game 3:Won by orathaic (18). Survived: texasdeluxe (9), Thucydides (5), thewonderllama (2), obiwanobiwan (0)

Game 4:Won by Thucydides (18). Survived: thewonderllama (8), orathaic (4), zscheck (3), texasdeluxe (1)



Plastic Hussar replaced Maniac from game 3 onwards

League C1

Players:Prince2, jasoncollins, rdrivera2005, V+, hellalt, speakertoaliens, cujo8400, Bonotow, pastoralan, vexlord


Game 1:Drawn by jasoncollins (14), V+ (10), rdrivera2005 (10)

Game 2:Drawn by jasoncollins (16), V+ (12) and rdrivera2005 (6)

Game 3:Drawn by rdrivera2005 (10), pastoralan (9), speakertoaliens (8) and hellalt (7)

Game 4:Drawn by rdrivera2005 (13), hellalt (11), pastoralan (10)



V+ played as a replacement from the start of the season.

Prince2 was replaced by cujo8400 from game 2 onwards.

Bonotow was replaced by pastoralan for games 3 and 4.

cujo8400 was replaced by vexlord for game 4.

V+ was replaced by chuyelchulo during game 4.

League C2

Players: Plastic Hussar, 48v4stepansk, LeoDaVinci, Gobo, Draugnar, urallLESBlANS, Gunmaster G-9, L1star


Game 1:Drawn by Plastic Hussar (12), LeoDaVinci (11), Draugnar (11)

Game 2:Drawn by 48v4stepansk (12), Plastic Hussar (12), L1star (10)

Game 3:Drawn by UrallLESBIANS (10), LeoDaVinci (10), L1star (9), Draugnar (5)

Game 4:Drawn by Draugar (12), LeoDaVinci (11) and 48v4stepansk (11)



48v4stepansk played as a replacement from the start of the season.

L1star replaced Gunmaster G-9 from the start of the season.

League C3

Players: Countess Tillian, bockman, ZaZaMaRaNDaBo, goose1x1x1, StevenC., Wolf89, raapers, jbcryan97, Dan-i-Am 88, zarat, mdrltc


Game 1:Drawn by raapers (13), ZaZaMaRaNDaBo (9), Goose1x1x1 (7), bockman (5)

Game 2:Drawn by bockman (18). Survived: jcbryan97 (9) and Countess Tillian (7)

Game 3:Drawn by mdrltc (12), Dan-i-Am 88 (12), bockman (10)

Game 4:Drawn by bockman (15), raapers (10), mdrltc (9)



Goose1x1x1 was replaced by jcbryan97 from game 2 onwards.

StevenC. was replaced by Dan-i-Am 88 from game 2 onwards.

Wolf89 was replaced by jimgov for game 2.

ZaZaMaRaNDaBo was replaced by mdrltc from game 3 onwards.

jimgov was replaced by zarat from game 3 onwards.

League D1

Players: V+, jimgov, ava2790, Jamie Nordli, vexlord, Dejan0707, gobbledydook, spitfire8125, peterwiggin


Game 1:Drawn by Dejan0707 (9), ava2790 (7), Gobbledydook (7), V+ (6), spitfire8125 (4), jimgov (1)

Game 2:Drawn by ava2790 (14), V+ (10) and vexlord (10)

Game 3:Drawn by V+ (13), Dejan0707 (13) and ava2790 (8)

Game 4:Drawn by Dejan0707 (12), vexlord (11) and peterwiggin (11)



Vexlord replaced Jamie Nordli from game 2 onwards

peterwiggin replaced jimgov for game 4

League D2

Players: Napoleon of Oz, pastoralan, zarat, Trojanator, patizcool, krellin, bencarthy, Amon Savag, Dosg, Julien


Game 1:Drawn by krellin (13), Trojanator (11), Napoleon of Oz (10)

Game 2:Drawn by Napoleon of Oz (17) and Trojanator (17)

Game 3:Won by Julien (18). Survived: Napoleon of Oz (7), pastoralan (6) and Dosg (3)

Game 4:Drawn by Napoleon of Oz (13), Julien (6), burden (5), pastoralan (5), Trojanator (5)



bencarthy was replaced by Amon Savag from game 2 onwards

patizcool entered CD in game 2, and was replaced by Dosg for game 3 onwards

Amon Savag was replaced by Julien from game 3 onwards

Dosg was replaced by burden as of game 4

League D3

Players: 48v4stepansk, cujo8400, mdrltc, TheRavenKing, Hellenic Riot, 2oaks, Bear in the Woods, Trustme, BornAgainGamer, gman314


Game 1:Drawn by cujo8400 (13), TheRavenKing (12), mdrltc (9)

Game 2:Drawn by Trustme (13), 2Oaks (13), cujo8400 (8)

Game 3:Won by mdrltc (18), Survived: Trustme (12) and 48v4stepansk (2)

Game 4:Won by TrustMe (18), Survived: mdrltc (9), gman314 (7)



Bear in the Woods was replaced by Trustme from game 2 onwards.

Hellenic Riot was replaced by BornAgainGamer from game 3 onwards.

TheRavenKing was replaced by gman314 for game 4.

League D4

Players: L1star, jcbryan97, KoBorg, doofman, hopsyturvey, rodrigotjader, chuyelchulo


Game 1:Drawn by hopsyturvy (14), KoBorg (11), chuyelchulo (9)

Game 2:Drawn by rodrigotjader (13), chuyelchulo (11) and KoBorg (10)

Game 3:Drawn by hopsyturvy (13), KoBorg (11), rodrigotjader (8), doofman (2)

Game 4:Won by jcbryan97 (18). Survived: L1star (13), hopsyturvy (3)

