S1 Episode 05

Sarah Sherwood on trauma:

As a certified Life Coach and Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner, Sarah supports people who feel overwhelmed with the demands of life and know that stress is damaging their health, relationships and how they express themselves in the world in all 5 dimensions of who we are: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and relational.

Her work is inspired by her own journey of overcoming. Struck with a debilitating, undiagnosed disease at the age of 20, her life was turned upside down and her bright future dimmed. Learning to embrace challenge as an opportunity, instead of becoming a victim of her circumstance, set her on a course to help others recover their health so they have energy to clarify, activate, pursue and fulfill their purpose.

Quotes from the episode:

'trauma is anything that overwhelms our nervous system...'

'trauma is stored in the body...'

what are the signs and symptoms of trauma?

  • don't try to figure out 'do I have trauma - yes or no?' But to notice the affects of overwhelming stress on your nervous system.

  • affects of trauma - lack of purpose, procrastination, self-sabotage, depression and anxiety, perfectionism, imposter syndrome.

  • when we are triggered by trauma, we will go into deep seated patterns to get rid of guilt and shame - and is hell bent on keeping you staying inside your comfort zone.

'what is the story I'm making up about this?'

'where is the trauma connected to a past occasion when your overwhelm was triggered?'

'am I truly in danger? Or is this just unfamiliar?'

'when we have had boundary-breech, we find it hard to receive warning messages'

For more on Sarah's work and to get in contact please go to Sarah's website at https://sarah-sherwood.com