How Membership Works

If you are wondering if WayPoint is a fit for you, scroll down to the bottom of the page where we provide some information to help you discern if WayPoint is right for you.

Already interested in the possibility of joining our professional community?

After you've read about our process below, come back up here to access the membership interest form and we will follow up with you about our next available Encounter Course.

Steps to Membership

As a professional community committed to authentic, Christ-centered relationship and transformational learning - it’s important to insure we're a good fit for everyone who comes into our tribes. For that reason, our membership grows at the pace of relationship and is by invitation. Here's our basic process:

  1. We build relationship with potential members.

  2. We receive and review nominations/interest forms. (To complete an interest form, see the button above)

  3. If approved, we invite them to take WayPoint for a test drive by attending an Encounter Course.*

  4. Then we formally extend a membership invitation.**

  5. All new members will be placed in a tribe of 4-6 people, with an experienced veteran member to shepherd them for the first year.

See Ongoing Membership section for more details of what happens after you become a member.

What if we've never met?

There are “WayPoint People” all over the world; people compelled by the love of Christ to deliberately cultivate transformational conversations. How can we get to know each other? If this is you, here’s what you can do:

  • Request a virtual coffee date with a member of our leadership team to ask any questions and share about yourself. Click here to email us.

  • AND/OR If WayPoint seems like a good fit so far and you want to be considered for an Encounter Course, please fill out this membership interest form to help our leadership team get to know you a bit better and the work you do.

  • Join WayPoint members in one of our free, online webinars. Checkout the next offering on our resource page for more info.

*The Encounter Course

The Encounter Course is a series of six conversations with a small cohort of other transformational workers interested in exploring membership. The 90-minute conversations, held by teleconference, happen over a period of 6-8 weeks, and are facilitated by one or two trained WayPoint leaders. It's a great way to experience what WayPoint tribe calls are like. In addition to getting to know other potential tribe members, each call will include training on some great transformational tools you can take and use right away within your own sphere of influence. The content alone will make the course well worth your time, even if you ultimately decide not to join. The course costs $165. We just completed a winter session of the Encounter Course. Dates for the next course have not been set yet.

**Invitation is to Membership

After the Encounter Course, membership will be discussed and all interested and approved candidates will be invited to join and placed into a tribe of 4-6 participants (with 2 veteran shepherds for the first year). Our new tribes will launch April 1, 2021. Membership fees for the remainder of 2021 will be $374.00. (Note: The full annual fee is $499 for 2021.)

Ongoing Membership

  1. Membership is renewed annually

  2. All tribes meet twice monthly for 90-minute teleconference calls.

  3. All tribes are self facilitated (except brand new tribes). Members take turns bringing content and facilitating conversations, exercises, mastermind formats, etc. depending on their own skill set, interests and the interests of the tribe. (A small stipend is credited to the facilitator and may be applied to future membership or event fees, or may be reimbursed at the end of the year.)

  4. New tribes will be facilitated by 1 or 2 veteran members for the first year. During the course of the year, new members will partner with the shepherd to take on more and more of the facilitation responsibilities as they get the gist of how it works.

  5. All members are encouraged and generally expected to attend our Summit conference which takes place every other year. This is a fantastic time for our virtual community to gather face to face and enjoy a rich time of experiential learning and spiritual community. Our next Summit is this coming October 21-24, 2021 and will take place in Felton, CA in the Santa Cruz Mountains. (Conference fees will apply)

WayPoint may be for you if you ...

  • Are a seasoned Christ-follower, willing to surrender to the leading of the Wild Goose to guide your decisions and development as a transformational worker.

  • Hold life transformation as your core mission/passion whether or not it's your paid profession.

  • Actively practice the kind of listening and curiosity required to engage in life-on-life transformational work; the kind of interaction that facilitates discovery and draws out insight.

  • Are dedicated to skillfully engaging individuals or relational systems with courageous authenticity and boldness, for the sake of seeing them set free, even when it gets uncomfortable.

  • Are teachable, willing to make mistakes, slow down, and co-create spaces for freedom. You are courageously authentic, engaged with others in a grace-filled way and hold them as fully creative, resourceful and whole in Christ.

  • Are investing in your own professional and personal development in an ongoing way, whether as a coach, spiritual director, counselor or other life-on-life, conversational transformational work.

  • Are willing to set aside the time needed to invest fully in a tribe on a consistent basis. Tribe calls are 90-minutes twice per month with occasional fieldwork in-between (and planning time when it's your turn to facilitate).

  • Are willing to step into an ecumenical environment where members may come from many different Christian traditions.

We have some high standards but don't be intimidated!

None of us are Yoda!

WayPoint may NOT be for you if you are ...

  • Simply a fan of or a beneficiary of transformation.

  • A consultant or adviser of transformation.

  • Getting started in a training program and relatively new to the work. You may be a great fit for WayPoint in another year or two after putting those new skills into practice.

  • A speaking pastor or author who influences transformation with the use of the spoken or written word but are not intentionally engaged in skillful, process-oriented conversations with individuals or small groups. Teaching and Writing are important to the Kingdom work of transformation, and some of us have those gifts too, yet they are not the skill set our organization is designed to nurture.