Our Nursey

33 Years of Growing Sustainable Plants

2023 marks 33 years of growing plants for sustainable landscapes and service to our customers.

Founded in 1990 as Octoraro Wetland Nursery, we grew 80% herbaceous and aquatic wetland species and 20% woody plants. The Maryland Reforestation Act of 1989 pushed tree planting to the foreground. Pennsylvania’s Growing Greener Program of 1999 provided funding for water quality improvement and green infrastructure projects in “Penn’s Woods”. As the market and regulatory environment changed, we changed as well. Today we grow only native trees and shrubs.

We want to thank you for your partnership and trust over these 33 years. It has been our pleasure to forge lasting relationships with individuals, companies, organizations and agencies.

Years ago we made the following statement: “As we look ahead our goals remain simple and steadfast, to provide exceptional plants and quality, personal service to our customers.”

Much has changed in the past 31 years, but not these words and what they represent.

As a company supportive of our natural world, we maintain environmentally sustainable practices. We continuously explore growing practices that improve the quality of our plants while minimizing our impacts. Click here for a summary of “Our Practices…