
Rowankit of WindClan

Current Name: Rowankit
Other Names, if any: Rowan

Age (in moons): 3 moons

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Questioning

Current Clan: WindClan
Former Clans (if any): None (Loner)

Role: Kit

Parents: Brightwish (@Lionblaze2008), Cloudfoot (@Cocoa <3)
Siblings: Snowkit (@Lionblaze2008), Dusk-kit (@Sun Paw), Sweetkit (@TheSnowyAnimal), Swiftkit (@Neon Lights), Blossom (Deceased - @Cocoa <3)
Other Family:
Sunpaw (Uncle figure of sorts - @Sun Paw)

Best Friend(s): -
Friend(s): -
Neutral: -
Acquaintance(s): -

Enemies: -

Crush: None

Personality: Rowan is outgoing and always eager to befriend any cat he passes by. He is adventurous, curious but foolhardy since he lacks foresight for most of his little escapades. Rowan likes to believe he's as brave as his father, and looks like it to a degree, but the cats who know him well can tell you with certainity he will scream bloody murder when faced with a serious threat... or a spider. He's scared to death of spiders, and would probably faint if a spider got on his fur. Despite this, he's trying to become more corageous and get over his phobia.
Rowan looks up to his father Cloudfoot and wishes- no, is determined to be just like him one day.

Background: Rowan was born to two loners, Star and Cloud, along with his 5 littermates. Unfortunately, his sister Blossom was born a runt and died early on due to an unknown disease. He mourned her loss for a while, but has since moved on as much as a kit can. Star always wanted to be a clan cat, so she took him and the rest of the family on a long journey to WindClan, hoping to be taken in. Twilightstar hestitated at first, not knowing if the family was fully aware of what it took to be a WindClan cat, but let them in. Rowan, now Rowankit, hopes to make lots of friends and adventures in this new life of his.

Appearance: Rowankit is a lithe ginger tabby with a white chest, muzzle, paws and tail tip. He has small ear tufts, and his eyes are soft green.
