

Current Name: Fogkit
Other Names, if any: N/A

Age (in moons): 0 moons (newborn)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Questioning

Current Clan: RiverClan
Former Clans (if any): N/A

Rank: Kit

Parents: Greenheart (@Greenleap), Cottonstrike (@Xmas Bliss)
Siblings: Silverkit (@Greenleap), Cinderkit (@Xmas Bliss), Cloverkit (@Paradise)
Other Family:

Best Friend(s): -
Neutral: -
Acquaintance(s): -

Enemies: -

Crush: None

Personality: Sweet but withdrawn, hopeful and easily distracted, Fogkit is a quiet kit who has an hyperactive imagination and is often with her head in the clouds. Fogkit is hypersensitive to high-pitched noises, meaning that to her, they are extremely loud and downright unbearable.

Background: Fogkit was born in the RiverClan nursery along her siblings Silverkit, Cinderkit and Cloverkit... and that's it, really.

Appearance: Fogkit is a light grey she-kit with blue eyes and a darker stripe along her back.
