

Current Name: Firefly
Other Names, if any: N/A

Age (in moons): 13 moons

Gender: Enby (they/them - afab)

Sexual Orientation: Ace/aro

Current Clan: N/A (Loner)
Former Clans (if any): N/A

Rank: N/A

Parents: Unknown
Siblings: Unknown
Other Family:

Best Friend(s): -
Neutral: -
Acquaintance(s): -

Enemies: -

Crush: None

Personality: Firefly is a clever and agile yet fickle cat who loves pranking others. They're very mischievous and find amusement in scaring and/or confusing others with their tricks, though they are easily bored. Their mood can change from one thing to another very quickly depending on the situation, but if one thing is certain is that they've got a very short fuse that can set off with the slightest of insults. Firefly hoards all sorts of strange trinkets and has a strange obsession with death and gore, as well as a very morbid sense of humour. They're good at storytelling if they're in the mood for it, too. Despite their trickery, they can be honest when they want to and wouldn't hurt a cat just for the hell of it... well, most of the time.

Background: Firefly comes from lands beyond the four clans... or so they claim. In reality, they were born a simple loner near the twolegplace, raised by their father. As soon as they were of age, they ran off into the forest and claimed part of it as their own, although they do wander around from time to time in search for something to do.

Appearance: Firefly is a bobtail calico cat with odd eyes: the left one is yellow while the right one is blue.
