
Peanut the Kittypet

Current Name: Peanut
Other Names, if any: N/A

Age (in moons): 8 moons

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Questioning

Current Clan: None (Kittypet)
Former Clans (if any): N/A

Role: Kittypet

Best Friend(s): -
Friend(s): Ember (@mareenakit)
Neutral: -
Acquaintance(s): -

Enemies: -

Crush: None

Personality: Peanut is a cheerful, chatty cat who is always eager to make new friends! Curious to a fault, once something catches his eye, he will not stop asking about it or following it until he figures out what it is. He likes to collect the strange trinkets his twoleg leaves around the house and stuff them in his nest (even when she scolds him for it). Peanut loves being outside whenever he can because he really likes nature! The tall trees, the birds' songs, the funny-tasting plants in the garden... he enjoys the little things in life. He is also fond of "exploring" the backyard and finding new things to bring back to his nest.
Peanut is idealistic and childish, and can be very clingy to his friends when scared. He won't admit he's scared, but it's usually pretty obvious when he's afraid of something.
Because of his optimistic nature, there are very few things Peanut actively dislikes... one of them being snow. He can't really put it in words, but he doesn't like how wet and cold it is.

Background: Peanut was born in a cattery, and was sold to his owner when he was a young kit. Of course, he doesn't remember this, and as far as he's concerned his twoleg might as well be his mom at this point.

Appearance: Peanut is a small red marbled tabby tom with amber eyes and a pink nose.

Faceclaim (Credits to Dreamtime for this pic!):