Commissioned Reports

Moussa W, Azzi-Huck K, and El Franji N. The Lebanon COACH model implementation and impact evaluation. Impact evaluation funded by the World Bank Group, Washington, DC. 2022.

Chaaban J, Ghattas H, Salti N, Moussa W, Irani A, Jamaluddine Z, Al Mokdad R. Multi-purpose cash assistance in Lebanon: Impact evaluation on the well-being of Syrian refugees. Research funded by European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations, the German Federal Foreign Office, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and UK aid from the United Kingdom government. 2020.

Moussa W, Cao Y, and Louge N. USAID/Madagascar Impact Evaluation of The Mahay Mamaky Teny (MMT) Project. Research funded by the United States Agency of International Development. 2018. 

Smiley A and Moussa W. What is the effect of female teachers on girls’ enrollment and retention in Northern Nigeria? A mixed-methods research study under the UNICEF/Nigeria Girls’ Education Project, Phase 3. Abuja, Nigeria: UNICEF/Nigeria. 2018. 

Omoeva C, Chaluda A, Moussa W, and Smith W. Financial Education Equity: A Study of Three Country Cases. Research funded by The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity. 2016.

Omoeva C, Moussa W, Hatch R. The effects of conflict on educational inequality. Research funded by United Nations Children’s Fund, Peacebuilding, Education and Advocacy Programme. 2016. 

Moore A, Omoeva C, Moussa W, Gale C. Impact Evaluation of UNICEF Kenya’s Implementation of Integrated Interventions Under the Child Friendly Schools Framework In ASAL Counties. Research funded by the UK Department for International Development. 2016.

Smiley A and Moussa W. Understanding the long-term impacts of Safe Healing and Learning Spaces interventions on pupil education, social and emotional learning, health, and workforce participation in Northeast Nigeria. Dubai Cares and Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies, Evidence for Education in Emergencies (E-Cubed). 2019.