
After-Worship Coffee Time

Coffee time is back! All are welcome to gather in the Fellowship Hall after Worship to enjoy some refreshments and spend time together. There have been some recent changes to the Hospitality procedures so if you are interested in volunteering, please read the following notice that was posted in the September 2021 newsletter.


There are some changes in how you can volunteer for Pre-Worship Coffee and After Worship Social Time. In the past I recruited and scheduled the whole year in January but am changing this process to a Volunteer SIGN-UP sheet that will be available and will allow everyone to sign up as the year progresses.


Starting on Sunday, August 29th, 2021 we will begin having Pre-Worship Coffee!! There is a sign-up sheet on the Pre-Worship coffee table in the hall between the Fellowship Hall and the Narthex/Lobby area.

Signing up means you:

  • Arrive no later than 8:30am to prepare coffee using the Mr. Coffee and Bunn Coffee machines. Once the coffee is ready you fill the pump pots and place them on the Pre-Worship coffee table.

  • Continue to make and fill the pump pots until the service starts

After Worship Social Time

The After Worship Social Time has begun! In the past there was a sign-up sheet on the snack table for SNACKS and recruiting was done for someone (HOST) to set up, serve and clean up during this time. THERE IS A CHANGE in how this is now being scheduled. Instead of signing up to bring a snack, you will be signing up to HOST and signing up will mean you:

  • Arrive prior to the service to set up the table with all tableware needed

  • Prepare the snacks (see note below) and set out on the table to be ready for Social Time

  • After the collection time in church, you will need to leave the service and move the coffee pump pots (IF THERE WAS PREWORSHIP COFFEE) to the Fellowship Hall and continue to make coffee needed for the Social Hour

  • Pour water and juice into cups ready for people to grab as they go through the line

  • Clean up snacks, tableware, and the coffee pots after Social Hour

  • Make sure all tables have been wiped down and cleaned. THERE ARE WIPIES ON EACH TABLE FOR GUESTS TO DO THIS. Do any dishes that need to be done

SNACKS: As the Host you have the option of bringing snacks (I suggest partnering up with someone) OR you may choose to just serve cookies/Rice Krispie Treats/Granola Bars that will be available in the kitchen cupboard for you to use.

Example of sign-up sheet: Date: ## Name: Jane/John Doe Do you want to bring snack: Y or N

Bringing in snacks without signing up to HOST will no longer be allowed. If you want to bring a snack, partner up with a Host or volunteer to Host yourself.

I also want to take this opportunity to invite anyone being led to coordinate either or both of these areas of Hospitality to speak with me. I would love to share in the coordinating of these Hospitality duties. The Holy Spirit leads us to step forward in many ways and this is just an example of one of those ways!

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

Cori Feldpausch

Hospitality Coordinator