
Christian Education 

For Children:

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him."  Psalm 127:3

We currently offer a one-room-schoolhouse model of Sunday School where all school-age children, grades kindergarten through fifth grade, attend together. Youth (grades 6 -12) are welcome and encouraged to be helpers in our one-room-Sunday-School! We use the Whirl curriculum from Sparkhouse as our primary instructional material. 

Children may sit with their families in the Sanctuary and participate in the Worship Service up until Children's Time after which they will be dismissed to Sunday School. Parents should please come to the Sunday School classroom after Worship to collect their child(ren).  On Communion Sundays, teachers will walk the children back to the Sanctuary after the sermon (before Communion begins) so that families may partake of Communion together. 

Our Children's Choir program, led by Linda Glover, meets occasionally throughout the year during this time. 

For Adults:

Currently, adult Sunday School classes are not meeting. 

Women's Bible Study:

Women's Bible Study meets on Saturday mornings at 9:00 A.M. in the large conference room and is led by Cori Feldpausch. All ladies are welcome to attend. 

Children in Worship

“Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ ” Matthew 19:14

All of the wiggles and whispers are welcome here! We delight in the sounds of young children in Worship and believe that children learn much from being present and included. To that end, we encourage our youngest worshippers to participate with their families by singing and dancing along to the music, listening to the stories, and watching all the grown ups around them. 

Families are invited to use our "Pray-ground", a small area in the Sanctuary stocked with quiet books and toys for young children, as they are comfortable. In the images to the right, you will notice a throne that one of our young congregants built for Jesus out of soft blocks one Sunday morning demonstrating just how much they learn from being present during Service. 

If the "Pray-ground" isn't a good fit for your family, you are welcome to use the nursery for young children (age birth - five) during Worship. School-aged children (kindergarten and up) are encouraged to sit with their families until the "Children's Time" in the Service, then exit the Sanctuary with their Sunday School teacher. 


Our nursery is staffed by two unrelated, adult volunteers and is intended for children five years of age and under. (Five-year-olds are welcome to come to Sunday School instead of the nursery if that is a better fit.) Parents will be asked to sign in their children upon arrival. If a diaper change is necessary, a nursery attendant will come to the Sanctuary to alert  a parent. 

Sunday School

We use One-Room Sunday School model for all kids in Kindergarten through 5th grade.  Our lessons include crafts and activities, games, and Bible lessons. Our primary curriculum at this time is Whirl from Sparkhouse. On the first Sunday of each month, we do not have Sunday School so that families can participate in Holy Communion together. There are activity bags in the entry way for kids to use any Sunday but especially on the first Sundays of the month. 

Youth Group

Youth in grades 6 through 12 are invited to join us for fun and fellowship at Youth Group! We are currently not meeting regularly with the Youth Group but we hope to resume soon. 

Protection Policy

In an effort to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all of God's children, Wacousta Community United Methodist Church has adopted a Protection Plan in accordance with guidelines from the Michigan Conference of the United Methodist Church.  The policy was adopted by WCUMC's Ad Council in February of 2024 and can be found below. 

Any staff members or volunteers who will be serving children, youth, or vulnerable adults must complete training that includes a background check before working in that ministry or position. Currently, we are using Safe Gatherings as our training provider. There is a cost associated with the online course offered by Safe Gatherings. If you are interested in completing the training you may  cover the cost of the training yourself as a donation to the church or contact the church office to request a scholarship. 

Protection Policy (withappendices).docx