
First Online Meeting of the Project Team

Online Meetings with Students


As a Team 1, we had an online meeting on Live Chat Event on Twinspace on 26th March at 8 pm (Turkish Time)

It was a wonderfull meeting both us -Leader Teachers : Irene Majone, Burcu Yoğurtcu- and all of the students.

Our topic is eating habits and the students shared their opinions. The meeting was important in that sharing ideas. As a result, all of the students are wonderful and creative.

Thank you for your participation and great effort :)

Team 2

Tuesday, March 23rd, most of the student coordinators of Team 2 lived a great time for our 2nd meeting. They shared their knowledge and their opinion about nutrition and health risks.

If you want to discover how aware our students are about the different nutritional risks, read our report in the Team 2 page.


Team 3: Food and sustainability had an online meeting the on Friday the 26th of March at 17 h in Spain, France, Italy and Albania, 18 h in Romania and Lithuania, and 19 h in Turkey. We introduced ourselves, students shared the items they are working and asked to solve their doubts, and I remembered them they can add items in the page of team 3 until the 31st of March. You can see here the report of the online meeting.


Team 4 Leader Teachers, Duygu YILDIZ, Elena Violeta TANASE, and Funda GÜLENSER organised an Online Meeting with team member students on 25th March at 6 p.m. (Turkish time).

We would like to thank and congratulate all of the students who turned our online event into a fantastic meeting. They were really great, friendly and so well-prepared for their introductions and descriptions on Gastronomic traditions in their countries. Team leaders are very proud of them !! 👏👏👏

At the end we summarized our team activities to be arranged all together.

We look forward to meeting again thanks to Live Chat Event :)


The students who participated in the group work shared the topic they wanted to do in the project in the online meeting on March 25th. Then, they explained the activities they wanted to do related to their work in the online meeting.

Alcohol, drugs and addiction Webinar

We had great Webinar "Alcohol, drugs and addiction" by Dr. Gaia Olivo on Wednesday the 14th of April

Nutrition Disorder and Health Risks Webinar

Thanks to Selen and Beyzanur we had a great time and learnt useful information about Nutrition Disorders and Healthy Eating

April Online Teachers Meeting

Teachers met online to evaluate the project progress and results we have obtained until now, and to discuss and arrange new activities in accordance with the project schedule agreeing on the deadlines. It was so fruitful and warm-hearted that each teacher was very involved and absolutely cooperative.

Online Meeting for eMagazine

One representative student from each partner school participated in the meeting to decide the title of our eMagazine and its cover on 18th May

Last Online Meeting of the Project Team

We had one last meeting, a great one, with lot of joy for seeing each other, and sadness to meet for the last time!