
National Logo Competitions

WhatsApp Video 2021-03-23 at 21.36.18.mp4

Every school took a survey to find their winner logo between the ones designed by all students involved in our project.

All the logos are representative for the main idea of ​​the project: our health depends on the health of the planet!

The Winner after the International Logo Competition

WhatsApp Video 2021-03-23 at 21.49.16.mp4

In order to fair-play logo contest, each school prepared and joined for logo survey including logo winners without their own national winner.

The results were:

1st: Karamürsel Alp Anatolian High School, with 67 points

2nd: Eyüpsultan Vatan Anatolian High School, with 60 points

3rd: IES Matilde Salvador, with 25 points

Now, we have a logo! Thanks to all students for their hard work and creativity!