Week 8

As you are working on finishing up the second project this week, which involves 1:1 scale rooms, this homework lets you get a different perspective on that space. Instead of just looking around or moving around that space at human scale, you should scale up the room and all the objects in it by a factor of 10 so you can stand on a table with other objects taller than you, try to move around in this much larger space. Note: this is NOT using the scale slider in the unity display - this is scaling up all the models in the scene. Take a couple pictures in the space showing the obvious scale change, and add them to a new page on your website. Write about the experience - some of it could be from a technical point of view - what isn't exactly aligned anymore, what textures are too low resolution, but also what is different about the experience of seeing a familiar space in a way that you really can't experience in the 'real world'. What are the different issues of navigation and manipulation at this scale. Given that almost everything we design today is done on computers, where would this capability be useful?