Soundstage VR

Presented by Chris Lee

In this class we have seen and discussed many applications of virtual reality and different functionalities it could have. I found Soundstage VR very interesting as one of these applications. This application allows the creation of music completely through a virtual workspace and I feel like this could go far.

This application could provide people the means to create and synthesize real music without having to spend money on real instruments, a recording studio, equipment, and without having to have a physical space to contain all of this. This could also allow for experimental things in music with less effort and less cost.

I also do like that it is an open sourced project and readily available for anyone to download and use. This project seems so still have some ways to go and needs to stay in development and have upkeep done for it to truly reach its potential. This could go as far as become a tool to educate and teach people how to play certain instruments. It could even be integrated with new extensions, or pieces of hardware that would simulate the look and feel of an instrument such as a guitar but be playing and creating the actual sounds in the virtual space.

The downside or concern I do have with this however is how this would change the entertainment industry. Could technologies like this completely take over and eradicate true live instrumental music? Would this make live music and concerts obsolete and would it discourage people from learning how to play various instruments or even buy them? And on the other side of this, is it possible that entertainment wouldn't be so exclusive anymore if it is easier to create music and the means for production are more accessible to everyone?