
We are old-school; no pop-up forms yet. Please email Katherine at to be added to the mailing list. From the menu above, you can choose more detailed pages for our farm stand, market garden, farm shared management, WWOOF, and technical stuff.

Cooperative Farming Days

Be part of the farm. Come help out with crops, and take home harvests. Email Katherine at, and she'll add you to the farm mailing list.

Farm Stays

Group visits

For one-day or multi-day visits, for school groups or expeditions, make yourself at home here. Lots of meadows for camping, access to the river, and a growing collection of campground services. Email Katherine at

Multi-Day Farming Workshops

A chance to participate in routines on a New Mexico farm, in a jewel of a valley. Adults and kids of all ages are encouraged. Lots of flexibility. We share the cooking and the cost of food for meals, but otherwise pretty much ignore the cash economy. 

Enjoy the changes of the seasons. Acequia and drip irrigation systems access most of the acreage. Develop your understanding and enrich your connection to the more-than-human world. Help preserve vanishing skills and working landscapes.