
Instructions for the Github Repository:

Available here is a link to our repository on Github:

There are two branches in the repository, the master and the development branch. The master branch is the main branch while we used the development branch a lot more often as we were working through the project. We mainly used the development branch to push our code individually when each of us worked on specific parts of the project. There in the development branch, each of us could look over the code of the other group members to check for errors in logic while also helping each other out if any of us got stuck on a certain problem. When a main chunk or a big part of the website was coded and worked, we pushed it to the master branch.

Instructions to run and load our project:

Here are the instructions to get our project running on your computer. These instructions assume that you have RStudio + R downloaded and set up. We also assume you have the Github link (located above) opened on a web browser and you have hit the "clone or download" button to download the necessary files.

When you open the app.R file in RStudio you will see at the top that there are a lot of packages which need to be installed. If these packages are not installed, it will give you an error and you won't be able to run the file to load the website. So to install them, you can either do it on the bottom right corner of RStudio or in the terminal type install.packages("name of package"). After the packages are downloaded and installed, hit the "Run App" button at the top of RStudio and you will see in the terminal that the site is loading. Then the website will pop up in an external browser and you will be able to play around with the visualizations.

There are numerous necessary files in the Github. Along with the shiny folder, which contains the UI code in the app.R and helper.R files, there are six main files which are crucial to the project. We extracted the data from the original files and converted them into tables which are much easier to read in the files called p3_python_notebook.ipynb and p3_notebook.ipynb. But we mostly did our coding (functions to plot the graphs, sort the data in order to display tables) in the file called p3_notebook-combined.ipynb.

Below is a screenshot of our main repository in Github: