Kumu & Haumāna Interviews

West Hawaiʻi DOE Pilot Interviews with Kumu (Teachers) and Haumāna (Students)

During the pilot phase with West Hawaiʻi schools, interviews were conducted with kumu (teachers) and haumāna (students). Here are some of the interview footage:

Kumu (Teacher) Interviews

Debrief interview directly after final day of piloting.

Q&A Session post-pilot (approximately 6 weeks later)

Debrief interview directly after final day of piloting.

Final takeaways from the virtual huakaʻi and physical huakaʻi to Kahaluʻu Ma Kai.

Ke Kula ʻO ʻEhuinuikaimalino Haumāna (Student) Interviews

Ke Kula ʻO ʻEhuinuikaimalino Haumāna Mahalo Cards