

Lecturer at EPFL, Switzerland (2023-2024):

Teaching Assistant for the Swiss Joint Master of Science in Computer Science (Benefri), Switzerland:


Role: Professor (2019-2021) | 10 ECTS  


The course gives insight into important theoretical principles of distributed computing, including system models for interaction and failure, interprocess communication, synchronization, time and global states, protocols for coordination and consensus (Paxos), distributed transactions, fault tolerance, consistency, and replication. The course also covers concrete systems and architectures for distributed systems: map-reduce, distributed hash tables, peer-to-peer systems, gossip-based systems, and distributed file and storage systems. The course also includes a significant programming project based on concepts and algorithms studied in class, in which the student must show how these can be implemented in practice. The programming project in this course shall be implemented using the Go programming language.


66.69 Cryptography and Security, SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, UBA, ARG (ARCHIVE)

Role: Instructor (2003-2008)

Basic concepts: Security mechanisms, types of attacks. Basic cryptography and cryptoanalysis techniques. Classical and modern cryptography.

Private key cryptography: Block encryption. The AES standard. History. Standardization. Other block ciphers. Cipher combinations. Stream ciphers. Operation modes.

Asymmetric encryptors: Mathematical foundations, RSA algorithms. The Gammal. Hash Functions. MAC

Security schemes: Symmetric key distribution, Basic Scheme with/without key distribution center (KDC). Public Key Management. Public Directory. Public Key Authority. Certifying Authority and Certificates. Shared key generation with Diffie-Hellman.

Network and Internet Security: Authentication Protocols, Kerberos, Single Sign On. Public Key Infrastructure PKI, Certifying Authority, X.509 Certificates, main fields, Certification Chain, Certificate Cancellation, CRL lists. WWW Security SSL Protocol. Security in IP, IPSec, AH and ESP Protocol, Tunnel and IKE Transport Modes, VPNs. Firewalls. Layer 7: Web Application Firewalls.

66.21 Data communication, SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, UBA, ARG (ARCHIVE)

Role: Instructor 

Data Communication Models and Network Architecture, OSI/ISO – TCP/IP. Network Classification. Basic Network Infrastructure. Access technologies. Link level: structure; flow and error control; window use; performance; case study.Network Level: Functions; open-closed architecture; packet/datagram switching; virtual circuits; congestion control;study cases. Local Area Networks: models; wired and wireless; switches; virtual networks. IP networks: IP protocol;complementary protocols; Subnetting; basic routing; IPv6. Network Interconnection LAN-WAN Integration. Transport Layer (TCP-UDP): functions; structure; dynamic window; congestion control. Performance in Networks. Traffic. Quality of service.


Salesian School - Relevant annual courses with examinations: 

Note: Given the courses workload, this preparation is equivalent to 25 ECTS.

Other ateliers: 


Vero attended a Salesian school (MARY HELP OF CHRISTIANS INSTITUTE or in Spanish INSTITUTO MARIA AUXILIADORA). There, she learnt the Salesian preventing system as part of her pedagogical courses. She strongly believes that this system brings essential foundations for teaching not only to youths but to adults. Additionally, it may motivate better collaboration in science and help cultivating a healthy academic environment. 

The Salesian preventive system is an educational philosophy developed by Don Bosco (Saint John Bosco, 1815-1888), an Italian priest and educator. The approach focuses on creating a supportive and positive environment rather than relying on punishment. The goal is to develop young people's characters through reason, religion and loving kindness, which are the three pillars of this system. 

Reason: It is expected that the law and regulations are publicly known and the instructors observe the pupils to detect any deviation early. Educators are expected to explain and discuss the reasons behind rules and expectations, fostering a sense of understanding and respect between teachers and students. This dialogue helps build trust and teaches the students the importance of rational decision-making. 

Religion: Faith plays an important role. It emphasizes living according to Christian principles, such as loving one's neighbor and seeking goodness. While it's grounded in Catholic values, the focus is on universal aspects of spirituality like moral integrity, self-discipline, and a sense of purpose.

Loving kindness: Love and kindness are at the heart of the approach. John Bosco believed that a loving home-like environment was essential for education. Educators are encouraged to act as caring figures, similar to parents, which helps foster an atmosphere of safety, belonging, and emotional security. 

Discipline: Instead of punitive measures, the Salesian preventive system advocates for preventive measures, where potential issues are addressed before they develop into problems. Educators stay closely involved in the lives of the students to guide them continuously and intervene positively when necessary. The opposite school of thinking is a repressive system, which adopts a laissez-faire attitude until  transgressions occur.