Vero Estrada-Galiñanes' work and achievements has been recognized by many organizations. Thank you!!!

2022-2024 ➪ Cornell Tech Initiative for cryptocurrencies and contracts (IC3) & Ethereum Grant  for research on safeguarding personal data

2019 ➪ First prize - Ethereum Madrid Hackathon “Alpha entanglement codes in the Swarm network"

2019 ➪ Monetary prize in recognition for contributions to the Swarm community

2018 ➪ Finalist ACM Digital Health Conference Innovation Prize Finalist 2018 (my student's work)

2017 ➪ Finalist Creative (entrepreneurship) contest by IDIAP Institute, Martigny

2016 ➪ SNSF Doc Mobility Grant (6 months duration)

2012-2017 ➪ Travel grants from Google/Usenix Security, ACM Sigcomm Geodiversity, ACM Women Encourage, Usenix File and Storage Technologies (FAST), UNINE Diversity Office

2008-2011 ➪ Japanese government (MEXT) scholarship Monbukagakusho (30 months stipendium)

2010 ➪ ANU / NICTA / MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE fellowship to attend Machine Learning Summer School at University of Canberra

2007-2008 ➪ National Agency of Scientific and Technology Promotion of Argentina (ANPCyT, CONICET)  PICTO-2004-CITEFA No. 18623

1985-1992 ➪ Merit-based private school tuition scholarship by the Catholic Church from San Isidro, BA, Argentina