
Selection of Articles 

Note: In addition to this list, several papers are under peer-review evaluation in the following areas: teaching responsible engineers - plausible deniability - e-voting systems. In addition, ongoing work in the area of replication (shared memory / consensus). 

Efficient Data Management for IPFS dApps

Authors: Vero Estrada-Galiñanes, Ahmad ElRouby, Léo Marc-André Theytaz

Conference / Journal: ChainScience 2024, Conference Proceedings


E-Vote Your Conscience: Perceptions of Coercion and Vote Buying, and the Usability of Fake Credentials in Online Voting

Authors: Louis-Henri Merino, Alaleh Azhir, Haoqian Zhang, Simone Colombo, Bernhard Tellenbach, Vero Estrada-Galiñanes, Bryan Ford

Conference / Journal: 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P 2024)


Altruism, reciprocity, and tokens to reward forwarding data: Is that fair?

Authors: Vahid Heidaripour Lakhani, Arman Babaei, Leander Jehl, Georgy Ishmaev, Vero Estrada-Galiñanes

Conference / Journal: IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (IEEE ICBC 2024)


QuePaxa: Escaping the tyranny of timeouts in consensus

Authors: Pasindu Tennage, Cristina Basescu, Lefteris Kokoris-Kogias, Ewa Syta, Philipp Jovanovic, Vero Estrada-Galinanes, Bryan Ford

Conference / Journal: SOSP '23: Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Operating Systems Principles


F3B: A Low-Overhead Blockchain Architecture with Per-Transaction Front-Running Protection

Authors: Haoqian Zhang, Louis-Henri Merino, Ziyan Qu, Mahsa Bastankhah, Vero Estrada-Galiñanes, Bryan Ford

Conference / Journal: 5th Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT 2023)


Snarl: Entangled merkle trees for improved file availability and storage utilization

Authors:  Racin Nygaard, Vero Estrada-Galiñanes, Hein Meling

Conference / Journal: Middleware 2021


A Tree-based Construction for Verifiable Diplomas with Issuer Transparency

Authors: Rodrigo Q Saramago, Leander Jehl, Hein Meling, Vero Estrada-Galiñanes

Conference / Journal: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS)


Building a Disaster-resilient Storage Layer for Next Generation Networks: The Role of Redundancy

Authors: Vero Estrada-Galiñanes, Racin Nygaard, Viktor Tron, Rodrigo Saramago, Leander Jehl, Hein Meling

Conference / Journal: Technical Committee on Network Systems Workshop, IEICE Technical Report, 2019, vol. 119, no. 221, Print edition ISSN 0913-5685, Online edition ISSN 2432-6380


Collecting, exploring and sharing personal data: Why, how and where

Authors: Vero Estrada-Galiñanes and Katarzyna Wac

Conference / Journal: Data Science, vol. Pre-press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-28, 2019


Open Humans: A platform for participant-centered research and personal data exploration

Authors: Bastian Greshake Tzovaras, Misha Angrist, Kevin Arvai, Mairi Dulaney, Vero Estrada-Galiñanes, Beau Gunderson, Tim Head, Dana Lewis, Oded Nov, Orit Shaer, Athina Tzovara, Jason Bobe, Mad Price Ball

Conference / Journal: GigaScience | Oxford Academic 8.6 (2019): giz076 


Alpha entanglement codes: Practical erasure codes to archive data in unreliable environments

Authors: Vero Estrada-Galiñanes, Ethan Miller, Pascal Felber and Jehan.-François Pâris

Conference / Journal: In the 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), ISSN: 2158-3927, Luxembourg City, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, 2018-06. Number of pages: 12. 

Other work

[1]. V. Estrada-Galinanes, "Failure-Repair Dynamics Study over a P2P System with an Entangled Storage Layer," Poster at ACM SIGOPS Summer School on Advanced Topics in System, Trømso, Norway, 2018-08

[2]. V. Manea, V. Estrada, K. Wac, "Assessing Chronic Illness Risk in Older Adults via Personal Digital Health Tools," Poster with peer-review at ACM Digital Health Conference (DH 2018), Lyon, France, 2018-04

[3]. V. Estrada-Galinanes, "On architectures and codes for digital archives," Poster at Munich Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 2018-04

[4]. S. Laghouila, V. Manea, V. Estrada, K. Wac, "Digital Health Tools for Chronic Illness and Dementia Risk Assessment in Older Adults," 39th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, 2018-04

[5]. V. Estrada-Galinanes, “Practical erasure codes for storage systems: The study of entanglement codes, an approach that propagates redundancy to increase reliability and performance,” PhD thesis defended in 2017-05, Thesis director: Dr. Pascal Felber, University of Neuchâtel, RERO No. R008716499, URN urn:nbn:ch:rero-004-117703, OAI-PMH Identifier

[6]. V. Estrada-Galinanes, "Entanglement playground. An online framework to simulate the behavior of different replication methods," Poster with peer-review at the 10th ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR), Haifa, Israel, 2017-05

[7]. V. Estrada-Galinanes, "Entanglement codes for big data in unreliable environments," Poster at CUSO 2017 Winter School on Data Science in Information Society: From Data Acquisition to Data Analysis, Champéry, Switzerland, 2017-01

[8]. V. Estrada-Galinanes, "On the theory of data entanglement," EuroSys 2016, London, U.K., 2016-04

[9]. V. Estrada-Galinanes, "Override RAID: Redundant array of interdependent disks," Poster with peer-review at Usenix Conference on Fast and Storage Technologies (FAST), Santa Clara, California, U.S.A., 2016-02

[10]. V. Estrada-Galinanes, "Changing the redundancy paradigm: Challenges of building an entangled storage," Poster with peer-review at Usenix Conference on Fast and Storage Technologies (FAST), Santa Clara, California, U.S.A., 2015-02

[11]. V. Estrada-Galinanes, "Modelling the impact of different replication schemes," In Technical Report IAM-14-001, Doctoral Workshop on Distributed Systems, Institute für Informatik und angewandte Mathematik, Date: 2014-07

[12]. V. Estrada-Galinanes, "Towards eternal storage using data entanglement," In Technical Report IAM-13-002, Doctoral Workshop on Distributed Systems, Institute für Informatik und angewandte Mathematik, Date: 2013-07

[13]. V. Estrada-Galinanes, "Helical data entanglement for data loss prevention in large-scale distributed systems," Poster at COMPAS 2014, Conférence d'informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 2014-04

[14].  V. Estrada-Galinanes, "Analysis of anomalies in the Internet traffic," In Technical Report IAM-12-003, Doctoral Workshop on Distributed Systems, Institute für Informatik und angewandte Mathematik. Date: 2012-09

[15]. V. Estrada-Galinanes, “Analysis of Anomalies in the Internet Traffic Observed at the Campus Network Gateway”, Master thesis defended in 2011-02, Thesis director: Dr. Akihiro Nakao, University of Tokyo