President's Letters

Message from President, April 2024

Lisa Atwood

Vermont Alpha   Delta Kappa 

Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa

Lisa Atwood "Nurturing Relationships....

President Creating Opportunities for the Future"


Greetings Sisters…

For those of you that may not know me, my name is Lisa Atwood and a member of the Alpha chapter. I reside in Northfield with my husband Gary. Last Saturday, at our state Convention, I was installed as your State President. I am honored and humbled to serve in this capacity for the upcoming biennium. I look forward to working with you in the future.

Those of you that were unable to attend the State Convention last weekend, you were missed. We had 23 sisters from our three chapters in attendance along with Judy Hornsby, our Northeast Regional President, who brought greetings from our International office. It was a wonderful day of sisterhood, balanced by socializing with sisters, conducting Alpha Delta Kappa business, installing our new slate of officers for this biennium, raffling coveted items and making a donation of $205.00 dollars to our guest speaker, Anne Latrell, from Vermont Girls On The Run. I have included the names of our VT sisters that will serve on the Executive Board for this biennium.

I would like to share with you my logo for this biennium, which is on the top of this newsletter. Nurturing Relationships…Creating Opportunities for the Future. Anyone that knows me would agree that one of my strengths is understanding and fostering relationships. I truly believe that for us to be successful, we need to have strong relationships and connections to those involved in that success. When we take the time to foster genuine and caring relationships, good things follow and the possibilities are endless 

My logo represents the Green Mountain State of Vermont and Alpha Delta Kappa. The bridge is a connection to our International President, Ann Marie Brown’s logo; A Bridge to the Future, and the columns of the bridge represent our three VT chapters: Alpha, Beta and Delta. The stars depict the general location of our three chapters and the hope in looking to the future, believing we can achieve more than we think is possible. 

So what do I hope to accomplish over the next two years? Along with our VT smart goals, which are aligned to our regional and the International goals, I plan to focus on the following:

  needs. We are going to have to be creative to build a treasury that will support our state goals

  and financial needs moving forward.

CONGRATULATIONS and SHOUT OUT to JJ Whitemore, our Delta sister. Upon receiving the email sent out to all of us regarding the Alpha Delta Kappa World Understanding Project C.H.E.A.R., regarding a trip to Tanzania, JJ applied and and will be making this trip with other Alpha Delta Kappa sisters. She will travel to Babati, Tanzania, and see first hand the efforts and progress of Project C.H.E.A.R.  Project C.H.E.A.R.'s mission is to empower disadvantaged children and youth in Babati, Tanzania, through education. Project C.H.E.A.R. is the only service of its kind in a region of 1.4 million. The money will be used to build dormitories, classrooms, a library/media center, a kitchen and offices. There will be an area for gardening and fruit trees. and the adjacent property will make a great play area. This project aims to free children from a life of poverty.  We wish JJ safe travels and hope she has an experience of a lifetime. 

Lastly and most importantly I am sending out a plea and words of encouragement to all you asking that you consider a leadership role within our organization. Each and every one of you has the skills and abilities to be a leader within your chapter or on our executive board. You are all amazing educators, whether presently practicing your craft or as a retiree. I understand we all have lives outside of Alpha Delta Kappa and time is always a challenge. Remember, you are not alone and there are many others willing to help and support you.  Vermont Alpha delta Kappa needs you. As your State President, I need you. We can no longer continue to “shuffle the deck chairs” as they say, with a nucleus of sisters fulfilling the leadership roles. We have to have fresh and diverse leadership so we can stay strong and continue to grow as Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa. You can do this, we can do this together! 

Please note the attachment to this newsletter from ITE committee regarding our ITE students, 

Yours in Alpha Delta Kappa,


2024 – 2026 State Executive Board   

President: Lisa Atwood  

President-Elect: Charlene Helman

Recording Secretary: Dianne Arthur

Vice-President for Membership: (Vacant) 

Immediate Past President: Pam Nadeau

Corresponding Secretary: Sue Wood

Treasurer: Nancy Rogers

Chaplain: Kate Duffy

Historian: Jeanne Desilets

Sgt-at-Arms: Deb Mango

Altruistic Chair: JoAnne Kraft

Policy and Procedures Chair: MaryAnn Lauder

ITE Scholars Ambika, Vafa, and Dona Graduate this Spring

Judy Tate (ITE Board Chair) and ITE Board Members Barb Eason and Mary Jo Heller

2022-2024 ITE Scholars Ambika Putri Perdani (Indonesia), Vafa Alakbarova (Azerbaijan), and Sonchat (Dona) Srimahachoata (Thailand) are graduating with their master’s degrees in varying fields of education. They will be crossing the bridge back to their home countries to continue their aspirational journeys to have an impact on education in their countries.

Throughout their time here, they each enthusiastically connected with their co-sponsors and the entire Alpha Delta Kappa community.  They attended chapter, state, and International gatherings where they presented learning sessions and programs and relished getting to know many AΔK members. Ambika became a Virginia Honorary Member, Vafa was initiated as a CT Kappa Honorary Member, and Dona became an Honorary Member of WA Beta Alpha. 

Ambika Putri Perdani will graduate from Georgetown University on May 17. Several Alpha Delta Kappa members, including her sponsors, plan to attend the graduation ceremony.  Sisters who have met Ambika describe her as lovable, very bright, and eager to connect. She’s known throughout Maryland and Virginia, her two sponsoring states, for her warm hugs. She will return to Indonesia to spend time with her family, whom she has not seen in almost two years, and will continue her work on an app to support ADHD students and will begin work on her PhD in Indonesia.

Vafa Alakbarova will graduate from the University of Massachusetts – Amherst on May 17 and will fly home to Azerbaijan on the 19th.  Her sponsors and others will participate in graduation related activities.   Connecticut and Massachusetts have shared sponsorship of Vafa, and her sponsors from both states have commented on her warmth, academic brilliance, focus on whatever task is at hand, and the joy she exudes.  One sponsor described her as a quality woman who will excel at whatever she chooses to do next. She has received several job offers, including Director of Language and a position with the Azerbaijan Department of Education, and will make the decision on the professional position she will accept after her return to Azerbaijan.

Sonchat (Dona) Srimahachota graduates from the University of Washington on June 4th.  Her mother is coming from Thailand in late May to attend the graduation and plans to cook a traditional Thai meal for the sisters who have been so supportive of Dona over the past two years. Her sponsors and others who have worked with her describe Dona as both efficient and joyful and possessing seemingly boundless energy and creativity. She will return to Thailand for awhile but has received an offer from the University of Toronto to work from Thailand or Vancouver with students hoping to attend a Canadian university.  Her career goals continue to be focused on social justice in urban communities.

Alpha Delta Kappa sisters who would like to congratulate Ambika, Vafa, and Dona on their graduations can find their contact information on the International website. While our ITE Scholars would certainly appreciate graduation gifts, they will be traveling home and will be severely limited in baggage allowances. If you chose to send a congratulatory card or gift card, please include your email address to make it easier for the scholars to thank you appropriately.Thank you for your generous support of these outstanding women over the past two years.


Message from President, February and March 2024

Pamela Nadeau

Vermont Alpha   Delta Kappa 

Greetings Sisters, 

I am happy that Spring is almost here.  I am thankful that this winter has been relatively mild.  I am already counting down the days until we can go to our camper again.  I know many of you are looking forward to some warmer weather as well.  We have a lot to look forward to as a group.  We have our chapter meetings, Vermont State Convention on April 13, 2024 and the Northeast Regional Conference July 25 -28.  Please join us at these gatherings.  It is always fun to meet new sisters and visit with the ones we already know.  

Have a fantastic day! Pam

We have scheduled a state-wide fundraiser on June 28th at the Sharron Rest Stop on 89.  We are hoping to have help from each chapter so mark your calendars for what should be a great day.  

Here is a link to the registration for our State Convention

 2024 Vermont State Convention Registration 

Delta News Updates 2/3/2023

Our Delta chapter has been quite active during the late fall and early winter months. 

Our November meeting was devoted to thankfulness activities at Deanna’s home. We also welcomed our newest member, Susan Sanborn. Susan is a special educator at Springfield High School.

In December, we enjoyed a holiday art activity at the Springfield Art Gym. Toy and monetary donations were also made to both the Springfield Santa Claus Club and an equivalent program in Weathersfield.

In January we transitioned to Zoom for our winter meetings. Rachel Cogbill, our Alpha sister, did an excellent presentation on Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Vermont. Several of us are looking forward to participating in the March Arts Marathon sponsored by 

February’s meeting had us following up on current DEI issues that colleges face with Janet Vogel.  Janet is the library director at Hiram College in Ohio where approximately 1/3 of their student body are first generation college students. Her topics included library book selections, donor’s reactions to different programs and how the local community supports the college. 

From Beta:

In December, twenty sisters gathered to celebrate the holiday

season at Lois Kenney’s home. We chatted and laughed and

shared a potluck of delicious food and drinks.

We raised $1,000 with donations from sisters and by raffling off the

beautiful quilt made by Lorrie Richland. After the potluck, we were happy

to initiate Julie Guerino as a new Beta member. Next, several sisters

shared memories of the holidays with photos, ornaments, stories, and a

special reading of “Twas the Night Before Christmas”.  

We met virtually in January and learned about the impressive work that Spectrum does with young people. We spent time making a thoughtful decision on how to distribute the money we raised in December. We decided to send $100 t oUkraine and $300 each to Spectrum, the Lund Center and The Vermont Food Bank.

At February’s meeting we’ll learn more about the war in Ukraine and how it’s impacting both education and the lives of people.

Alpha News

In December we caroled at The Mayo Healthcare in Northfield and then enjoyed a meal and visited with each other at the Depot Square Pizzeria.  We were able to help 25 children with our giving tree this year.  We had a new location at National Life and it was very successful.  Our January meeting was canceled twice because of the weather. We met again in February and enjoyed some chair yoga.  We warmed up with soup and bread before our business meeting.  Sadly we lost our sister Blanche A.  She always had something to teach us and kept us on track.  

This is the link to sign up for the Northeast Regional Conference

Please come and see what it is all about.  You will be glad you did.

Have You Ever Wondered How the ITE Scholars are Selected?

ITE Board Chairman Judy Tate and ITE Board Members Barb Eason and Mary Jo Heller

We are excited to tell you that we will have three new ITE Scholars in 2024-2025. We will welcome them as we sadly bid “hale and farewell” to our three remarkable second-year scholars Vafa Alakbarova (Azerbaijan-University of Massachusetts), Ambika Putri (Indonesia–Georgetown University), and Sonchat (Dona) Srimahachaota–Thailand, University of Washington), who will each complete her master’s degree this spring.

Although we wish we could share the names, countries, and universities of the new 2024-2025 ITE Scholars, we cannot announce this information until each of the steps in the process described below has been completed.

So, how does the lengthy process of selection happen? Almost all the candidates for an ITE Scholarship come to us through the Fulbright (IEE) program. Fulbright staff vets all applicants to their program and then matches our criteria with the women around the world who are possible recipients of our $10,000 per year scholarship. In January, they sent us the applicant packets that match our requirements.  The ITE Board Members then adjudicated those applications using a rubric that reflects these women’s demonstrated excellence as scholars, past connection to education in their home countries, commitment to making a difference in education when they return to their home countries, ability/potential to excel in graduate programs at graduate schools in the U.S., and the enthusiastic and specific recommendations they receive from three recommenders in their home countries. This task took place over several weeks with the ITE Board first working independently, without consultation with one another.  We then met in a series of zooms to share individual impressions and then to collaborate to come to agreement on the three women to be selected. We also identified three alternates to be used if any of the primary selectees is not able to accept our scholarship. As soon as our process was completed, ITE Board Chairman Judy informed our ITE Board Liaison/ International President Ann Marie Brown and Headquarters staff of our primary selections and three alternates. 

Our liaison at Fulbright was also informed of our selections. Fulbright staff will lead the process for the next few months.  During the remainder of the winter and spring, Fulbright identifies four universities to which they are confident each candidate would be admitted and share that information with the candidates, who then complete the application process at their chosen university. After their admission to a graduate program, they are informed that they have been awarded an ITE Scholarship and asked to accept or reject the offer. As soon as we receive an acceptance, ITE Board Chairman Judy will reach out to each scholar who has accepted our scholarship welcoming her and giving her information about AΔK and the important role sponsors will play in her life over the coming year. 

As soon as we receive each acceptance (usually in late July/early August),  Board Chairman Judy will reach out to each S/P/N and Regional President who will have an ITE Scholar in her area, asking that the S/P/N President recruit two sisters in chapters near the chosen universities to serve as the ITE Scholar’s sponsors.  These sponsors become the heart and connective tissue of the International Teacher Education program. We will talk about the vital role our sponsors play in a future article.

The three new scholars will join our four returning scholars, who have each happily been approved for a second-year scholarship based on her outstanding academic record and strong connection to the ITE community near her university. Our returning scholars, who will receive their master’s degrees in 2025, are Daw Sing Nue Marma (Bangladesh–University of Cincinnati), Phuong Pham (Vietnam-Teachers College, Columbia University), Rose Rementina–Philippines, University of Minnesota), and Sarah Pradoto (Indonesia–University of Georgia). 

To find more information on the ITE program, view ITE Webinars, and see photos and contact information for our current ITE Scholars: 1. Sign in to the International website. 2. Click on Foundation. 3. Click on Awards, Grants & Scholarships. 4. Scroll down to ITE and click on that. 

Message from President, Fall 2023

Pamela Nadeau

Vermont Alpha   Delta Kappa 


Photos Tri-State Dinner in Kansas City with Maine, NH and Vermont

Pam and Debra at the Banquet, Mary Ann, Pat and Joanne at the Tri-State Gathering, Sylvia getting her 50 Year award from Sue, Vermont rocking it in the Alzheimer’s Standings at Convention, Guess who?

Now that this strange summer is almost over it is a great time to step back and reflect on all the blessings we have.  I know that I am blessed to have this sisterhood in my life.  The little (and big) ways I see sisters helping each other and the community is inspiring.  The way communities have come together to help their neighbors is truly what Vermonters are all about.  The way our sisters from around the world work together on altruistic projects is awesome.  

I had the chance to go to international in Kansas City with my traveling buddy Debra.  We were the only ones from Vermont there, but we were never lonely because there was always a sister nearby.  It didn’t matter if they were from NH, Maine, HI or any other state we felt that sisterhood. It was amazing to see the future of Alpha Delta Kappa in the speakers at the convention.  Young women, who love our organization, are taking on leadership roles to bring us into the future.  There were also young ladies and men who are part of our collegiate clubs happy to share their experiences.  Those clubs are growing all over and truly are a great addition to what we do.  Maybe we should look into starting some chapters in Vermont.  

One of the great things about convention is getting to hear about the ITE students. 

Here is a picture of some of these amazing young women from all around the world.

Here is a picture of the 4 ITE scholars who went to the International Convention.  They are:  Ambika Perdani, from Indonesia, Dona Srimahochota, from Thailand, Nesrin El-Isa from Austria, and Vafa Alakbaova, from Azerbaijan. 

Thanks for all you do for the ITE program.

News from Our ITE World

International Teacher Education Board (Judy Tate, Barb Eason, Mary Jo Heller)

Second year ITE Scholars Vafa Alakbarova, Ambika Putri Perdani, and Dona Srimahachoata were joined by recent graduate Nesrin El-Isa in Kansas City at our 75 th Anniversary International Convention. The four ITE Scholars made an indelible impression on the attendees in the learning session they presented,as well as in the plenary session Their delightful personalities, communication skills and gratitude to Alpha Delta Kappa for our support were on full display throughout the International Convention as they “Shared their Love” with us.

Vafa (Azerbaijan) continues her master’s studies at the University of Massachusetts; Ambika (Indonesia) is in her second year at Georgetown University; and Dona (Thailand) will complete her master’s degree at the University of Washington next spring.

Throughout August, we welcomed four new ITE Scholars for the 2023-2024 academic year: Daw Sing Nue Marma (Bangladesh) - University of Cincinnati; Rose Marie Jane Rementina (Philippines) - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; Phuong Ha Pham (Vietnam) -Teachers College, Columbia University; andSara Pradoto (Indonesia) - University of Georgia. Each has been warmly welcomed by her co-sponsors and other Alpha Delta Kappa sisters.

Four International Teacher Education (ITE) Scholars completed their master’s degrees in the past

months and have returned to their home countries. Nesrin, who was with us in Kansas City, has now

returned to Vienna where she will continue as a teacher/leader while continuing to explore PhD

programs. Darmini (Ohio State University) is teaching again in Indonesia. Anu (MIT) was recently

married in India and will shortly be moving to the Dallas area with her husband. Janett (University of

Minnesota, Duluth) has been named to the founding faculty of a new high school in the capital of

Estonia. We wish these outstanding recent graduates the very best as they continue their journeys.

Contact information for the seven 2023-2024 ITE Scholars was posted on the password-protected

International website and on CONNECT at the end of August.

For those who enjoy sending birthday greetings to the ITE Scholars:

Sarah Pradoto – September 4 Milledge Place Condos, 2165 South Milledge Ave – Athens, GA 30605

Ambika Putri Perdani – September 10 315 K St NE – Washington, D.C. 20002

State News

Congratulations to Delta for 25 years of sisterhood!

Congratulations to Alpha’s Sylvia Canalas for 50 Years of sisterhood!

Congratulations to Alpha for getting 7 pearls! 

News from Jeanne…

Alpha Delta Kappa Raised $276,000 for the Alzheimer’s Association

The Vermont Green Mountain Moo-vers raised $6125 for the Longest Day.  What a marvelous contribution towards the fight for finding an Alzheimer's disease cure! Go Vermont ADK!!

Chapter News

Alpha-Deb reported that Nancy will host the September meeting. $1300.00

was raised at the summer garage sale. They have also been successful at the interstate

rest stop sales the past year.

Beta-Dianne reported that $1852.00 was raised at their garage sale. Most items were “by donation” and the sisters had voted to donate $500.00 of profits to the VT Flood Relief. Beta initiated a new member at their June meeting.

Delta-Joanne reported that they may have a few potential members. The chapter used grant money they had received to provide snacks/refreshments for the teachers in Springfield at the end of the school year. Their June meeting involved program planning for the upcoming year.

Important Dates and Forms

8/31/23......Distinguished Program Award deadline (extended deadline)

10/1/23......Classroom Grant deadline

10/1/23......Excellence in Education nomination deadline

10/15/23....Regional Mini Scholarship deadline

1/27/24......ITE Virtual Gathering

Happy fall to all of you my wonderful sisters,


Message from President, Spring 2023

Pamela Nadeau

Vermont Alpha   Delta Kappa 


Hello sweet sisters, finally we have had some beautiful days to welcome spring.  I think winter makes me appreciate spring all the more.  I hope you are all finding the sweetness to be found. 

All of our chapters have been busy the last few months.  We have many important events happening in the next few months.  I hope you will be able to join us in some of the fun things that are going on.  If you haven’t attended any events outside of your chapter you are missing out on some of the best parts of being a sister.  There are so many fabulous sisters in our state, region and international level.  Why not take a chance and step out of your comfort zone and join us.  

Spring Gathering:

Vermont sisters

Sisters: On behalf of the state Alpha Delta Kappa executive board, I invite you to join our Spring gathering at the Billings Farm and Museum on Saturday, April 29th in Woodstock, VT. We will gather at 10am and choose from a variety of options before (and after) enjoying our own picnic lunches together. Activity options include: A 30-minute film called "A Place in the Land" about stewardship and conservation; Farm exhibits and gift shop; Touring the farm grounds and visiting the animals; Hike/walk the carriage trails up Mt. Peg or walk the sidewalk towards the village. There's something for all of us. Admission is $15.00 or a discount with AAA or an educator card. So that we have an idea of who is attending, RSVP to Sue Wood at woodsusanjane@gmail by April 26th. I hope to see you there, Suzie Wood.

Tri State Gathering:

This is for sisters from Maine, NH and Vermont.

Here is the link to sign up for the potluck

International:  Kansas City and Virtual meets sisters from different states/provinces/countries

It isn’t too late to sign up to go in person or attend the virtual sessions. There are a lot of great speakers, presenters and fellowship.  You might be surprised at how moving some of the sessions are.  You also will get an idea of how big this organization is and how many wonderful things are going on.    Sign up before May 1st when the price goes up.  Every person who registers in person and virtual will be able to vote on all ballet items.  

Jeanne has kindly taken on sponsoring the Longest Day this year. Please join her in helping with this important fundraiser.  Feel free to share this with your friends and family.

Dear Sisters,

I am writing on the behalf of our Alpha Delta Kappa commitment to the Alzheimer's Association's The Longest Day.  I want to thank those of you that have already given a donation and encourage the others of you to PLEASE consider making an individual donation to such a worthy cause.  I know that the state of Vermont Green Mountain Moo-vers can make a huge difference in the fight to find a cure.

The link is below and please do seriously consider supporting this cause.

Thank you SO much!

Jeanne, Immediate-Past President, Vermont ADK

We are being asked to create slides to show at International  If you have any great photos from over the years please send them to me with when, where, why and how I can return them to you after I scan them in. I am sure there are some picture treasures out there.  

Our Condolences go out to Delta Chapter on the loss of our sister Cookie.  She will be missed by all who knew her.  

Chapter News:

Alpha: Nancy Bush has edited the scholarship form. Sisters enjoyed speaker/librarian Karen McCullen and Teacher of the Year 2022.  Several Alpha members went to a fantastic performance directed by our Alpha sister Charlene Helman.  We are planning to go back next year and hopefully have more sisters join us. 

Beta: In March we had a program by Ally Parker, Hospice Bereavement Coordinator, called Building Resilience in Hard Times.  This was a program that both practicing

teachers and retired teachers found helpful. 

Our program for April is "Vermont Migrant Workers" by Teresa Mares, a UVM professor and one of the editors of the graphic short story collection, The Most Costly Journey.  Some of us are gathering for a pop-up book group outside of meeting time to discuss this book.

Delta: Joanne’s daughter, Janet Vogel, director of the library at Hiram College shared a program about Diversity and Equity at their March meeting. The chapter provided refreshments for memorial services for Cookie. At April’s ZOOM meeting they will share their hobbies. Pat and JJ will serve as Corresponding Secretary

Important Dates

May 1 ~~ Early Bird Registration for International Convention in Kansas

City, MO (anyone registering by May 1 In-person or Virtual will be a

delegate for the convention).

June 15 ~~Late Registration for the International Convention begins.

June 15 ~~ H142 S/P/N Presidents Report to IVP of the Region

June 30 ~~ H 114 Annual Chapter Highlights summary to Headquarters

June 30 ~~ C1 Annual Chapter Treasurer’s Report Form

July 13 – 16, 2023 International Convention in Kansas City, MO

Check us out on the International Website for more details.

I am wishing you all the happiest of days.  


State President

Message from President, October/November 2022

Pamela Nadeau

Vermont Alpha   Delta Kappa 


Photos Tri-State Dinner in Kansas City with Maine, NH and Vermont

Pam and Debra at the Banquet, Mary Ann, Pat and Joanne at the Tri-State Gathering, Sylvia getting her 50 Year award from Sue, Vermont rocking it in the Alzheimer’s Standings at Convention, Guess who?

Now that this strange summer is almost over it is a great time to step back and reflect on all the blessings we have.  I know that I am blessed to have this sisterhood in my life.  The little (and big) ways I see sisters helping each other and the community is inspiring.  The way communities have come together to help their neighbors is truly what Vermonters are all about.  The way our sisters from around the world work together on altruistic projects is awesome.  

I had the chance to go to international in Kansas City with my traveling buddy Debra.  We were the only ones from Vermont there, but we were never lonely because there was always a sister nearby.  It didn’t matter if they were from NH, Maine, HI or any other state we felt that sisterhood. It was amazing to see the future of Alpha Delta Kappa in the speakers at the convention.  Young women, who love our organization, are taking on leadership roles to bring us into the future.  There were also young ladies and men who are part of our collegiate clubs happy to share their experiences.  Those clubs are growing all over and truly are a great addition to what we do.  Maybe we should look into starting some chapters in Vermont.  

One of the great things about convention is getting to hear about the ITE students. 

Here is a picture of some of these amazing young women from all around the world.

Here is a picture of the 4 ITE scholars who went to the International Convention.  They are:  Ambika Perdani, from Indonesia, Dona Srimahochota, from Thailand, Nesrin El-Isa from Austria, and Vafa Alakbaova, from Azerbaijan. 

Thanks for all you do for the ITE program.

News from Our ITE World

International Teacher Education Board (Judy Tate, Barb Eason, Mary Jo Heller)

Second year ITE Scholars Vafa Alakbarova, Ambika Putri Perdani, and Dona Srimahachoata were joined by recent graduate Nesrin El-Isa in Kansas City at our 75 th Anniversary International Convention. The four ITE Scholars made an indelible impression on the attendees in the learning session they presented,as well as in the plenary session Their delightful personalities, communication skills and gratitude to Alpha Delta Kappa for our support were on full display throughout the International Convention as they “Shared their Love” with us.

Vafa (Azerbaijan) continues her master’s studies at the University of Massachusetts; Ambika (Indonesia) is in her second year at Georgetown University; and Dona (Thailand) will complete her master’s degree at the University of Washington next spring.

Throughout August, we welcomed four new ITE Scholars for the 2023-2024 academic year: Daw Sing Nue Marma (Bangladesh) - University of Cincinnati; Rose Marie Jane Rementina (Philippines) - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis; Phuong Ha Pham (Vietnam) -Teachers College, Columbia University; andSara Pradoto (Indonesia) - University of Georgia. Each has been warmly welcomed by her co-sponsors and other Alpha Delta Kappa sisters.

Four International Teacher Education (ITE) Scholars completed their master’s degrees in the past

months and have returned to their home countries. Nesrin, who was with us in Kansas City, has now

returned to Vienna where she will continue as a teacher/leader while continuing to explore PhD

programs. Darmini (Ohio State University) is teaching again in Indonesia. Anu (MIT) was recently

married in India and will shortly be moving to the Dallas area with her husband. Janett (University of

Minnesota, Duluth) has been named to the founding faculty of a new high school in the capital of

Estonia. We wish these outstanding recent graduates the very best as they continue their journeys.

Contact information for the seven 2023-2024 ITE Scholars was posted on the password-protected

International website and on CONNECT at the end of August.

For those who enjoy sending birthday greetings to the ITE Scholars:

Sarah Pradoto – September 4 Milledge Place Condos, 2165 South Milledge Ave – Athens, GA 30605

Ambika Putri Perdani – September 10 315 K St NE – Washington, D.C. 20002

State News

Congratulations to Delta for 25 years of sisterhood!

Congratulations to Alpha’s Sylvia Canalas for 50 Years of sisterhood!

Congratulations to Alpha for getting 7 pearls! 

News from Jeanne…

Alpha Delta Kappa Raised $276,000 for the Alzheimer’s Association

The Vermont Green Mountain Moo-vers raised $6125 for the Longest Day.  What a marvelous contribution towards the fight for finding an Alzheimer's disease cure! Go Vermont ADK!!

Chapter News

Alpha-Deb reported that Nancy will host the September meeting. $1300.00

was raised at the summer garage sale. They have also been successful at the interstate

rest stop sales the past year.

Beta-Dianne reported that $1852.00 was raised at their garage sale. Most items were “by donation” and the sisters had voted to donate $500.00 of profits to the VT Flood Relief. Beta initiated a new member at their June meeting.

Delta-Joanne reported that they may have a few potential members. The chapter used grant money they had received to provide snacks/refreshments for the teachers in Springfield at the end of the school year. Their June meeting involved program planning for the upcoming year.

Important Dates and Forms

8/31/23......Distinguished Program Award deadline (extended deadline)

10/1/23......Classroom Grant deadline

10/1/23......Excellence in Education nomination deadline

10/15/23....Regional Mini Scholarship deadline

1/27/24......ITE Virtual Gathering

Happy fall to all of you my wonderful sisters,


Message from President, Summer, 2022

Pamela Nadeau

Vermont Alpha   Delta Kappa 


“Sister. She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child.”

—Barbara Alpert         

 Hello to all my dear Vermont sisters,

I hope you were able to get out and enjoy some of our gorgeous summer weather.  I have been fortunate to spend my weekends at the lake with John and my grandkids.  I had a fantastic time at the Northeast Regional Conference. It was nice to hang out with Vermont sisters and I was able to meet many sisters from other states. We belong to a truly amazing group of women. 

Here are some key things I want to focus on in the next few months:

Happy fall to all.   

Yours in sisterhood, 



News from Jeanne…

The Vermont Green Mountain Moo-vers raised $4445.00 for the Longest Day.  What a marvelous contribution towards the fight for finding an Alzheimer's disease cure! Go Vermont ADK!!

Important Dates and forms

S/P/N Form

October 15 -- S/P/N Needs Assessment Form ~

Chapter Forms:

Chapter Officers Reference Guide -

August 31 -- Distinguished Program Awards --Application Open Until August 31

Distinguished Program Award

October 15 --- Chapter Needs Assessment Form ~


September 1

Leadership Academy applications for participants and mentors deadline

September 15---Classroom Grant Classroom Grant 

To assist excellent member educators to enhance classroom lessons.

MEMBERS engaged in innovative teaching practices

$400 per grant; seven grants per region; forty-nine grants available

September 15 ---Educational Symposium Proposals Deadline

October 1 –

International Officer Applications due

KAPPAN submissions deadline (December publication)

October 15 ---RPD Mini-Scholarships ~ Online at > Foundation >

Awards, Grants & Scholarship > Regional Mini Scholarship

(For activities taking place between Nov 15-May 15)

For Non-Alpha Delta Kappa-sponsored conferences, classes, or workshops

MEMBERS engaged in education or retired from education

$1,500 per Region, with up to $500 per scholarship


Innovation Grant ~  

Recommendation by a member required.

To assist creative, innovative educators with the cost of supplies or services to enhance lessons.

NON-MEMBERS with no more than ten years of teaching experience.

$300 per grant; five grants per region; thirty-five grants available


Message from President, April 2023

Pamela Nadeau

Vermont Alpha   Delta Kappa 


Hello sweet sisters, finally we have had some beautiful days to welcome spring.  I think winter makes me appreciate spring all the more.  I hope you are all finding the sweetness to be found. 

All of our chapters have been busy the last few months.  We have many important events happening in the next few months.  I hope you will be able to join us in some of the fun things that are going on.  If you haven’t attended any events outside of your chapter you are missing out on some of the best parts of being a sister.  There are so many fabulous sisters in our state, region and international level.  Why not take a chance and step out of your comfort zone and join us.  

Spring Gathering:

Vermont sisters

Sisters: On behalf of the state Alpha Delta Kappa executive board, I invite you to join our Spring gathering at the Billings Farm and Museum on Saturday, April 29th in Woodstock, VT. We will gather at 10am and choose from a variety of options before (and after) enjoying our own picnic lunches together. Activity options include: A 30-minute film called "A Place in the Land" about stewardship and conservation; Farm exhibits and gift shop; Touring the farm grounds and visiting the animals; Hike/walk the carriage trails up Mt. Peg or walk the sidewalk towards the village. There's something for all of us. Admission is $15.00 or a discount with AAA or an educator card. So that we have an idea of who is attending, RSVP to Sue Wood at woodsusanjane@gmail by April 26th. I hope to see you there, Suzie Wood.

Tri State Gathering:

This is for sisters from Maine, NH and Vermont.

Here is the link to sign up for the potluck

International:  Kansas City and Virtual meets sisters from different states/provinces/countries

It isn’t too late to sign up to go in person or attend the virtual sessions. There are a lot of great speakers, presenters and fellowship.  You might be surprised at how moving some of the sessions are.  You also will get an idea of how big this organization is and how many wonderful things are going on.    Sign up before May 1st when the price goes up.  Every person who registers in person and virtual will be able to vote on all ballet items.  

Jeanne has kindly taken on sponsoring the Longest Day this year. Please join her in helping with this important fundraiser.  Feel free to share this with your friends and family.

Dear Sisters,

I am writing on the behalf of our Alpha Delta Kappa commitment to the Alzheimer's Association's The Longest Day.  I want to thank those of you that have already given a donation and encourage the others of you to PLEASE consider making an individual donation to such a worthy cause.  I know that the state of Vermont Green Mountain Moo-vers can make a huge difference in the fight to find a cure.

The link is below and please do seriously consider supporting this cause.

Thank you SO much!

Jeanne, Immediate-Past President, Vermont ADK

We are being asked to create slides to show at International  If you have any great photos from over the years please send them to me with when, where, why and how I can return them to you after I scan them in. I am sure there are some picture treasures out there.  

Our Condolences go out to Delta Chapter on the loss of our sister Cookie.  She will be missed by all who knew her.  

Chapter News:

Alpha: Nancy Bush has edited the scholarship form. Sisters enjoyed speaker/librarian Karen McCullen and Teacher of the Year 2022.  Several Alpha members went to a fantastic performance directed by our Alpha sister Charlene Helman.  We are planning to go back next year and hopefully have more sisters join us. 

Beta: In March we had a program by Ally Parker, Hospice Bereavement Coordinator, called Building Resilience in Hard Times.  This was a program that both practicing

teachers and retired teachers found helpful. 

Our program for April is "Vermont Migrant Workers" by Teresa Mares, a UVM professor and one of the editors of the graphic short story collection, The Most Costly Journey.  Some of us are gathering for a pop-up book group outside of meeting time to discuss this book.

Delta: Joanne’s daughter, Janet Vogel, director of the library at Hiram College shared a program about Diversity and Equity at their March meeting. The chapter provided refreshments for memorial services for Cookie. At April’s ZOOM meeting they will share their hobbies. Pat and JJ will serve as Corresponding Secretary

Important Dates

May 1 ~~ Early Bird Registration for International Convention in Kansas

City, MO (anyone registering by May 1 In-person or Virtual will be a

delegate for the convention).

June 15 ~~Late Registration for the International Convention begins.

June 15 ~~ H142 S/P/N Presidents Report to IVP of the Region

June 30 ~~ H 114 Annual Chapter Highlights summary to Headquarters

June 30 ~~ C1 Annual Chapter Treasurer’s Report Form

July 13 – 16, 2023 International Convention in Kansas City, MO

Check us out on the International Website for more details.

I am wishing you all the happiest of days.  


State President

Message from President, Spring, 2022

Pamela Nadeau

Vermont Alpha   Delta Kappa 


Dear Vermont Sisters,

I hope you are all enjoying the glimpses of summer we have seen.  I’m looking forward to enjoying time on our boat.  

This is my first official communication as your new state president, and  I am honored to represent you. You all are amazing role models for me and others. . The Vermont State Convention was lovely and I was so glad to see so many sisters present. 

At the convention I said that I intend to call each and every Vermont sister.  I have begun that journey and have talked to several sisters already.  During my phone calls I am asking questions that I hope will give me a better sense of what is going well in our state and what we need to work on.  Don’t worry they aren’t too scary.  I really do want to know what you have to say, and I enjoy getting to know you.  

I wanted to mention a few other things.  June 21 is the longest day.  Please check out Jeanne’s team to help her beat her goal. Here is the link to her team website.

If you are doing other challenges or activities for the longest day let us know what you are doing.  

It isn’t too late to sign up for the NE Regional Conference.  If you have never been, try it.  I am sure you will be as amazed as I was to learn how much bigger and amazing our organization is.  You will meet a lot of talented people, get to know the sisters from other chapters much better and have a wonderful time..  

I wish you all a fantastic day.  Hopefully I will be talking to you soon.

Yours in Alpha Delta Kappa,


Message from President, March, 2022

Jeanne Desilets

Vermont Alpha   Delta Kappa 


Dear Sisters,                                                              March, 2022

Where has the time gone?! It has been nearly two years since I became your State President and what a journey.  I have certainly been on a steep learning curve but all is good👍. We have traveled through the ups and downs and somehow have managed to look at the bright side of things, especially as members of Alpha Delta Kappa.  My hat goes off to all of you for having remained strong and committed during this most difficult time.  Especially our working teachers; you are the best of the best and I thank you for holding on when things were, and still are, so hard.  Thank you.

Our Vermont State Convention is fast approaching and there is still time to register!  I hope you will seriously consider joining us at the Capital Plaza in Montpelier on April 9th.  Just being able to meet in person is a plus, and the day will not be disappointing!😀

The Longest Day

As a state, we are joining in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.  As you know, we are the Green Mountain MOO-vers and we are well on our way of topping last year’s contributions.  I am so excited and hope that the momentum continues. If it does, I think we will double our goal!  In fact, I have upped the goal and I think we will make it! So amazing!  I have sent out our link to just about everyone I know and ask you to forward the link to all your friends and family as well.  Every amount makes a difference and hopefully a cure will be found in our lifetime for this terrible disease.  THANK YOU!  Here is a copy of the letter I wrote, if you would like to use it to send to family and friends:


Dear friends and family,

You may know I'm passionate about the fight against Alzheimer's disease and about walking.  That's why I want to tell you that this June, I'm walking on The Longest Day® to raise funds for the Alzheimer's Association.  My “team” is the Green Mountain MOO-VERS and sponsored by the Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa teacher organization.

The Longest Day is the day with the most light — the summer solstice. And it's the day the Alzheimer's Association calls on everyone to fight Alzheimer's disease by raising funds and awareness for care, support and research. Last year I was able to do 22,000 steps, which is about 10 miles. I hope to break that record this year!

By supporting me as I walk on The Longest Day, we can stand up to the darkness of Alzheimer's.

I hope I can  count on you to help by making a donation. Any amount makes a difference.

Please visit my fundraising page and give today. Thank you!

Hoping you are all well and looking forward to a more active summer!  Hopefully, we will be getting together this September.  Steve saved us the date and I will get back to you on that this summer!


My page:

A member from Beta, Susan Pratt,  and I have been working on a Resolution to change the voting process for admitting new members into Alpha Delta Kappa.  We are very excited and with the help of Sue Pelchat, past International President, and our NERVP, Joyce McAloon, we have been able to write the resolution.  After Executive State Board approval, I will be sending it off to the chair of the Resolution Committee for approval and if accepted it will be voted on at the 2023 International Convention in Kansas City.  It is a pretty big deal for Vermont since it could change the Alpha Delta Kappa constitution!  

What our Chapters have been up to...                                                                       

Alpha held a Zoom discussion in January, reviewing one of the workshops from our ADK International Convention, Uncovering Truth in the Face of Injustice. Our business meetings are centering around membership, nominations for officers in 2022-2024, and outreach tactics for scholarship applications. February, we had one of our very popular book discussions and March, a travel discussion, led by each of our members.

Beta has continued to meet via Zoom during the winter months.  We will have our first face to face meeting of 2022 in May when we gather at Andy Kenney's lake house for our annual pot luck and induction of new officers.  February's meeting was on "The Science of Teaching Reading" by Marge Lipson, a former UVM literacy professor and founder of "Partners in Literacy and Learning".  She "zoomed in" from her winter vacation home in Arizona.  It was well received with many questions following the presentation.  Our chaplain's message was fitting for the meeting's theme: "Reading gives us somewhere to go when we need to stay where we are."  Our members delivered their "Blanket of Hope" gift cards to our various home schools which were met with  much gratitude.    Beta's Caring Circles that provide monthly gift and meal baskets to  our active teaching members, continue to be well received and a reminder that they are missed and supported during these difficult times for our public schools.

Our March meeting was facilitated by our very own State President, Jeanne Desilets.   The topic was:  "World Understanding:  Creating a More Inclusive World.   She showed clips from last summer's ADK International Keynote speaker and highlighted some of her major themes.  It was well received with many positive comments from members.  In addition, Irene Bihun shared her native Ukraine's struggles from the perception of her family members still living there and offered suggestions as to how we might donate to their humanitarian efforts via a Ukrainian women's group she belongs to.  All members were glad to here Irene's aunts and niece were still safe and thankful for Irene's information.

Patti Diminick reported on our Altruism numbers that were quite good considering our inability to be out and about over the last year.  Jane Vossler reported on our slate of officers and committee heads for the next biennium.   We are grateful to the many Sisters who stepped up to fill these roles.

We have several members attending both the State and Regional Conventions to represent Beta's membership.

Delta Chapter has been meeting by ZOOM for the past three months.  We had a book discussion in January on books we had read on the topic of diversity.  In February we had a guest speaker from the Springfield School district regarding her work on diversity in the classroom.  March’s meeting included a game of Jeopardy celebrating Alpha Delta Kappa’s 75 years.  We look forward to the State Convention in April.


On February 3 rd , Cam Johnston, Pennsylvania Eta, shared information about Alpha Delta Kappa’s 2021-2023 International World Understanding Project. In case you missed it, the zoom presentation was recorded and is available on our International  Improving the lives of children is the focus of C.H.E.A.R. Both Cam and her husband are board members of the Harambe Foundation which oversees Project C.H.E.A.R. and their son Joshua has worked at C.H.E.A.R.

If you are looking for a World Understanding program for your chapter, why not view the presentation. And then consider what your chapter can do to support Project C.H.E.A.R.


The Alpha Delta Kappa Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee will host book discussions on Zoom. These discussions could be of great interest to you and I wanted to remind you of the dates and the books that will be discussed.  Even if you can’t make the discussions, you may want to check out the reading!

Here are dates and books for future discussions:


Saturday, March 19, 4 p.m. EDT- Out of Darkness by Ashley Hope Pérez 

Discussion leader Lucy Kubo, Texas Sigma


Tuesday, June 7, 7:30 p.m. EDT - Jews Don’t Count by David Baddiel 

Discussion leaders Ruth Shushan, Ontario Upsilon, Mary Ann Gerdes, International Executive Board Member, and

Bettina McWilliams, Illinois Alpha Kappa


Tuesday, August 9, 7 p.m. EDT - Stamped: Racism, Antiracism, and You by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X.


Discussion leaders Pat Valle, Washington Alpha Delta, and Kathleen Buligan, International Executive  Board Member


November 2022, TBA - Out of the Sun: On Race and Storytelling by Esi Edugyan

Discussion leaders Kathleen Buligan, International Executive Board Member, and Mary Ann Gerdes, International

Executive Board Member


Here is the Zoom link for all five meetings:

Meeting ID: 702 615 0962      


Passcode: 3HiXXb

WHERE WILL YOU BE July 21-24-Atlantic City?

Alpha Delta Kappa

2022 Northeast Regional Conference

“Connecting the Stars in Alpha Delta Kappa”

Atlantic City, New Jersey July 21-July 24, 2022 Sheraton Atlantic City Hotel

Our 2022 Alpha Delta Kappa Northeast Regional Conference will be in Atlantic City, New Jersey. As a stated fact, AC is the heart of the Northeast. I am extending an invitation for you to join us at the NER Conference at the Sheraton Atlantic City Hotel from Thursday, July 21 through Sunday, July 24, 2022. Our NE Conference theme is “Connecting the Stars in Alpha Delta Kappa. Our galaxy of stars will provide our sisters with abundance of information personally and professionally as well as offering that sisterly bond that sparkles brightly whenever we are together.

S is for Sisterhood. The NER Conference will provide the time to “Share the Love” with new

sisters, renew friendships and network with fellow sisters for professional networking.

Tis for Time well spent. Join us for the conference, the sisterhood, and the sites in Atlantic City.

Enjoy the fun!

A is for Altruism. The 2022 NER Altruistic Project is the “Girls on the Run of Central New

Jersey,” that works with girls from grades 3 – grade 8 to develop confidence through activities

and personal growth.

R is for Resources. The conference will include learning sessions on leadership and officer

training, professional development in current treads and teaching strategies, membership,

world understanding, altruism as well as personal enrichment to help with our everyday lives.

S is for Saluting our Sisters as we recognize the outstanding jobs they do each and every day

through our EIE award recipients, Scholarship recipients and ITE scholars and other


Joyce wants to remind sisters ,” When making your hotel reservation be sure you reserve your room for the night of Sunday, July 24 so you will be able to attend the banquet. And please note: If you are a Violet sister, please add this on your registration form as it was inadvertently omitted.

2022 Alpha Delta Kappa NER Conference

“Connecting the Stars in Alpha Delta Kappa”



1:00 – 5:00 PM Registration, Hospitality-Pre-Crown Area// Altruistic Sales &Archives-Steel Pier

2:00 – 3:00 PM Regional Officers & Regional Chairmen Meeting – Crown 1

3:00 – 5:00 PM NERC Chorus Practice – Crown 3

Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms Meeting – Crown 3

4 Ps Practice – Pre-Crown Foyer Area

6:00 – 7:30 PM Guiding Stars of Leadership Dinner (Ticketed Invitational Event)-Crown 4&5

8:00 – 10:00 PM Evening of Entertainment ≈ Swinging on A Star (Ticketed Event – OPEN TO ALL)

FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2022

6:00 – 6:30 AM Fitness Walk

7:00 AM – 1:00 PM Registration & Hospitality – Pre-Crown Foyer Area

8:00 – 8:45 AM NERC Chorus Practice – Crown 3

9:00 – 11:15 AM Membership Seminar – Crown 1

9:30 AM – 11:15 AM Foundation, Altruistic Sales & Basket Raffle – Steel Pier

11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Star Power Membership Luncheon (Ticketed Event – OPEN TO ALL) -Crown 4&5

1:00 – 1:15 PM 3 Ps Line Up, - Pre-Crown Foyer//NERC Chorus Meets in Crown3

1:15 – 3:45 PM First General Session – Crown 3

4:00 – 4:45 PM Learning Session A

5:00 – 6:00 PM Registration, Hospitality, Foundation +Additional Altruistic Tables– Pre-Crown

Altruistic Sales, Basket Raffle & Archives – Steel Pier

5:00 – 6:00 PM Memorial Service Practice – Crown 3

SATURDAY, July 23, 2022

6:00 – 6:30 AM Fitness Walk

7:00 – 8:15 AM Registration & Hospitality + Additional Altruistic Tables --Pre-Crown Area

7:15 – 8:15 AM Membership Meeting for S/P/N VPM/Membership Consultants -Crown 2

7:30 – 8:15 AM First Timers Social - Crown 1

8:00 AM Chorus & Memorial Service Participants Meet in Crown 3

8:30 – 9:15 AM Memorial Service – Crown 3

9:30 – 11:30 AM Second General Session – Crown 3

11:45 – 12:30 PM Learning Session B

12:45 – 2:45 PM Rising Stars of Sisterhood ~ Regional Luncheon –Crown 4 & 5

3:00 – 3:45 PM Learning Session C

4:00 – 4:45 PM Learning Session D

4:45 – 6:00 PM Registration, Hospitality, Foundation- Pre-Crown Altruistic Sales & Basket Raffle

5:00 – 6:00 PM 3 Ps meet with President Mollie Acosta – Crown 1

SUNDAY, July 24, 2022

6:00 – 6:30 AM Fitness Walk

7:15 – 8:30 AM Shining Stars Past State Presidents’ Breakfast (Ticketed Event) Crown 4 & 5

7:00 – 8:30 AM Registration & Hospitality

8:45 – 10:45 AM Third General Session & Installation of Regional President-Elect -Crown3

11:00 – 11:45 AM Learning Session E

12:00 – 12: 45 PM Learning Session F

12:45 PM Lunch on Your Own

2:00 – 3:00 PM Change-Over Meeting for NJ and PA -Crown 1

5:00 – 6:00 PM State Photos -Lobby Stairs

6:00 – 7:00 PM Star Studded Reception - Pre-Crown Foyer Area

7:00 – 10:00 PM Galaxy of Stars Banquet – Crown 3, 4 & 5

So, in closing, I would like to thank all of you for your support over these past two years and I know you will give Pam Nadeau, your new president, the same consideration and support.  You will probably be hearing from me again before I pass on my position as President and I won’t be out of sight.  That is what is so wonderful about Alpha Delta Kappa; someone is always there for you and you are not alone. And knowing this, I ask all of you to consider leadership roles in your chapter and state, especially if you have not dared to venture beyond your surroundings.  It is very rewarding and leaves you with a good feeling about doing your part and making a difference.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day and see you at the Vermont State Convention!!!                                                                                                      

Jeanne Desilets

Vermont State President

Alpha Delta Kappa

Message from President, February, 2022

Jeanne Desilets

Vermont Alpha   Delta Kappa    

                       February, 2022


Dear Sisters,

  Happy February and hopefully we are out of the deep freeze.  I’ve still managed to get out with my winter gear to walk my dog, Ayla, and she loves it, as long as she, too, is dressed for the weather!

 (Just had to get that picture in there!)


Also, I have been busy with Senior activities directed by our Community Senior Center.  We finished making Valentine’s for those seniors who can’t get out and about like they would love to do. A fun activity and the cards are so appreciated.

My main focus for this letter is our upcoming State Convention.  I am really optimistic that we will have an ENORMOUS turnout and really enjoy being together in person as Alpha Delta Kappa sisters!  It has been four years since we have been able to meet at a Convention.  We were so fortunate to be able to get together last summer at Allis Park and the day was just what we needed during this unbelievable year!                                                                                                                            

The State Convention at the Capitol Plaza in Montpelier will be such an lift to our spirits as we welcome our Northeast Region VP, Joyce McAloon, to Vermont and also host a representative from the Refugee Resettlement Program. The Executive Board has selected the Refugee Program as our altruistic project and we are very excited that our very own, Rachel Cogbill, volunteers in this project.  I am sure that the  speeches will be enlightening and will give us information about the many opportunities for us individually and as a chapter to give not only funds, but our time.

We will have a beautiful memorial service to honor those sisters from the last four years that have now joined the Omega Chapter. Our day will also include a delicious hot buffet and time for us to visit with our sisters from other chapters.  The new officers will be installed by Joyce and ALL will be a celebration! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE consider coming to the Convention on Saturday, April 9, 2022😊, and I know you will have no regrets.  LOOK for the registration form that will be (or has been) digitally sent to you and send in your registration.  Talk it over with other chapter members and make plans to carpool, bike, walk or come anyway you wish, but COME!.🏃🚲🚴🚕✈🚌🚐⛵

Thank you💖

Jeanne, Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa President


It is that time again to start thinking about the Alzheimer's Association LONGEST DAY .  I would like your feedback  as to whether you would like to do our fundraising as a STATE, or if this year each chapter would like to do its own fundraising.  We did very well, raising over $1200, but after attending the ZOOM AΔK Celebration and Kickoff meeting on January 27th, many of the enormous fundraisers said that by registering by CHAPTER they were able to raise more money.  It was truly awesome that Georgia’s top team raised $27, 642!!!  AMAZING!  And, another amazing fact is that since 2016, AΔK has raised $763,000!!  Some members spoke of their personal experiences with Alzheimers and how this cause is so personal to them and so important as an altruistic project.  So, please let me know how you feel and then we will go from there….by State or by Chapter.

Check out our Vermont AΔK Website to learn what each chapter is doing for the 2021-2022 year!   (

What our Chapters have been up to...                                                                                    

Alpha In December, 13 members joined together at the Ladder One Grill to celebrate Christmas. Because of Covid, we were unable to sing in local nursing homes. Instead, we wrote Christmas and holiday cards for residents and created goody bags for their enjoyment. In January we held our meeting via Zoom.  Our meeting centered around brainstorming ideas for membership acquisition. In addition, Kate reviewed one of the diversity workshops offered at last summer’s conference.

Beta’s November presentation by Katie Farnham, a School-based clinical social worker in Chittenden County. Katie spoke on how COVID has impacted families. As a result of her presentation, Beta pledged to use proceeds from their December Blanket of Hope Altruism project to help our local schools. Beta sisters volunteered to contact their former schools and  each school will receive about $150 worth of gift cards to dispense to needy families during the cold, and often forgotten months of January and February.

Our January meeting, entitled, Reading to End Racism will be presented via Zoom by our two Alpha Sisters –Hannah Morvan and Rachel Cogbill. They are members of the Central Vermont Reading to End Racism group that has been in existence for more than twenty years.

Delta, in December, met at the Art Gym in Springfield.  After members turned in the gifts that were bought for the Santa Claus Club, we enjoyed a Christmas craft taught by one of the instructors at the Art Gym.

In January we had a book discussion on books that we choose to read on the topic of diversity.  We discussed what we learned from the books and what are important takeaways about the topic.

February will continue the discussion with a speaker from the Springfield School District Equity committee.  We hope to hear about what is happening around equity in the schools.

Consider making a donation to our International World Understanding Project!! 

World Understanding Project C.H.E.A.R.

Making a Children's Home with Education and Agriculture a Reality (C.H.E.A.R.) in Babati, Tanzania was chosen by the membership as the World Understanding project for 2021-2023.  Consider giving a donation.  More information is available on the website under the Foundation tab>  World Understanding.

Important Dates 

February 15 – Fine arts grants – Encourage student enrichment in the fine arts. For Members engaged in education. $10,000 single grant or divided among two or more recipients.

February 15 -Agnes Robertson Global Outreach (ARGO) Opportunity for professional growth through the study of other cultures to promote world understanding and develop educational resources. Members engaged in education. $2,500 annually for one recipient.

March 1 - AK Collegiate Club Students Eligible ONLY Assistance for tuition, room & board, and course materials for students who display potential to be excellent educators. AK CC Students approaching or in the last two years of her teacher preparation at University/ College. $1,000 annually awarded to up to seven recipients

April 15 - RPD Mini-Scholarships (For activities taking place between May 15-Nov 15) For non-Alpha Delta Kappa- sponsored conferences, classes, or workshops. MEMBERS engaged or retired from education. $1,500 per Region with up to $500 per scholarship

July 21-24 Northeast Regional Conference, Atlantic City, NJ

You have received information on this conference and mark it on your calendars!!  Registration forms to sign up for workshops will be forthcoming.

Message from President, December, 2021

Jeanne Desilets 

Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa

            December, 2021


                                                               Birds will be loving these this winter!           

Dear Sisters,

Here we are in the Holiday Season! I believe all the chapters have had their December meetings and were in full holiday spirit.  It is especially a busy time for me because the season is compounded with family birthdays--first mine the day after Thanksgiving, grandson’s November 30th, granddaughter’s December 5th, son’s December 10th and my husband’s December 13th! So I'm not only making my Christmas candies but cakes for the birthdays, too.  Our son, Matt, doesn’t get a cake because he is in Georgia, but while we were there in October I made sure his freezer was stocked with goodies before we left. But, it is all good and I love doing it just to see the smiles on their faces.

There is not a lot of extra news right now except to let everyone know that Susan Pratt and I have been working on revising Section 5 of the International by-laws which has to do with admitting new members. The discussion was brought up at a Beta meeting when we were discussing that “Inclusion” had been added to our mission along with World Understanding, Altruism, and Educational Excellence.  Susan, Beta’s membership chair, brought up the point that the voting procedure to admit new members didn’t seem very inclusive when an existing member, along with two other members, recommends  a prospective teacher isn’t enough to establish that the recommended teacher is eligible for membership.  It is a little more complicated than how I have explained it, but my presentation  to International has gotten much attention.   I will be meeting with Sue Pelchat and Joyce McAloon via ZOOM to “smooth” out any language.  The proposal will not be voted on until the 2023 International Convention, but it is a start!

Once again a reminder that our 2022 State Convention in Montpelier is April 9, 2022.  Please mark it on your calendar, April 9, 2022 and consider attending.  We are hoping that this will take place and our Northeastern VP, Joyce McAloon, is planning on joining us. It is a wonderful gathering and being that we missed out last year we are anxious to be able to get together and celebrate!

Also, your chapter Presidents have let you know that the Northeast Regional Conference has been moved to Atlantic City, NJ but the dates are the same, July 21-24, 2022.  The reason for the move is that Short Hills Resort/Hotel has been closed for two years because of COVID.

What our Chapters have been up to...                                                                                    

   Delta met at the Art Gym in town. An instructor led them through the steps to make a folded wreath out of brown lunch bags. They also turned in the 15 gifts members purchased for children serviced by the Santa Claus Club. This is what the wreaths looked like when done!                   

Beta’s December meeting was held via Zoom since Vermont's Covid numbers had increased and members were hesitant to meet in person until those numbers decline.  However, they still had some great holiday fun by sharing our personal gifts with each other via Zoom.  Members were asked to consider leading us in a holiday song, reading a Christmas poem or sharing a favorite holiday recipe.  They were also asked to bring a favorite ornament or holiday decoration to share with a brief story of its meaning to them or their family.  These activities were in lieu of our annual holiday gathering and pound auction.  Members were asked to wear their favorite, red, Christmas attire to our virtual meeting and be ready to lift a glass of their favorite beverage for a celebratory toast.   The business meeting concluded with deciding how to distribute our Christmas Blanket of Hope gift cards to needy families in our affiliated schools.  ADK Beta hopes everyone had a wonderful, safe holiday season.

Alpha’s Christmas dinner this year will be at the Ladder One Grill in Barre.  About 15/20 of us plan to attend. We were unable to sing at Woodridge Nursing Home this year, due to Covid, so we personally  wrote over 200 holiday cards and filled goody bags for the patients and caregivers. In addition we donated $25 to their activity fund. The Giving Tree this year served 19 children and their parents. Many hours this December have been spent on decorating and checking the tree, buying gifts and delivering many packages to families in 5 different schools.

Check out our Vermont AΔK Website to learn what each chapter is doing for the 2021-2022 year!   (

Important Dates:

12/15/21 Application deadline for Regional President-Elect

1/1/22 International dues are due

KAPPAN submissions deadline for March publication

1 /8/22 “Oh, the Places You’ll Go and See”—a virtual ITE event 4 PM-5:30 PM

1/15/22 Excellence in Education application packet deadline

               H-142 S/P/N President’s report due to regional IVP

1/31/22 Regional Professional Development Scholarship application deadline

Please consider!

The Vermont Executive board will be considering nominations for the upcoming biennium and please consider a position.  The positions are the same as each chapter and we meet only three(3) to four(4) times a year.  This year has been exceptional because of COVID and all our meetings have been on ZOOM, but it has served us well to continue our mission.  Our chapter presidents are part of the board and available to answer any of your questions. Thank you!!


Mark your calendar for the NE Regional Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey,July 21-25, 2022 and then the International Convention in Kansas City on July 12-16, 2023 to celebrate our 75th anniversary.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Oh, the Places You’ll Go and See”

A Virtual Gathering with our ITE Scholars

No need to buy airline tickets, pack your suitcases, or battle traffic and the

elements on a chilly January day. From the cozy warmth of your own home, you will Zoom right into a virtual world tour with our seven International TeacherEducation Scholars as your tour guides.Journey around the globe with Darmini (Indonesia, Ohio State University),Hoa (Vietnam, Harvard), Anu (India, MIT), Anukriti (Armenia, BostonCollege), Janett (Estonia, University of Minnesota-Duluth), Ramata (Mali,Indiana University of Pennsylvania), and Karina (Mexico, Arizona StateUniversity) as they take you on an exploration of their countries, cultures,education systems, and family life.


Contact Information for the ITE Scholars is in the Directory of the International Website

1. Open the Alpha Delta Kappa International Website

2. Sign in

3. Click on Directory in the Quick Links box

4. ITE is the last item in the purple banner in the Directory just below the masthead.

5. Click on ITE Scholars to find their contact and birthday information.

Past ITE Scholars have shared with us how very much they appreciate your email and snail-mail

messages. They have also shared a few helpful ways for members to lend support.

1. Please print your messages to them since many do not read cursive.

2. When you send personal notes, please include your email address for their responses to your messages.

3. Gifts are never expected, but if you do choose to send a gift card or gift, please keep in mind that the

Scholars do not have cars and especially appreciate deliveries to their residences.

4. Most of the ITE Scholars come from tea-drinking rather than coffee cultures.

The ITE Scholars want you to know that they treasure their connections with you and appreciate your many, many kindnesses to them.

Oh, the Places You'll Go and See"

A Virtual Gathering with our ITE Scholars

Saturday, January 8, 2022

4:00-5:30 (EST), 3:00-4:30 (CST), 1:00-2:30 (PST)

Journey around the globe with Darmini (Indonesia, Ohio State University), Hoa (Vietnam, Harvard), Anu (India, MIT), Anukriti (Armenia, Boston College), Janett (Estonia, University of Minnesota-Duluth), Ramata (Mali, Indiana University of Pennsylvania), and Karina (Mexico, Arizona State University) as they take you on an exploration of their countries, cultures, education systems, and family life.

Please join the meeting

Meeting ID: 915 6183 4987

Passcode: 271632

I took this from Connecticut President, Linda Shaw.  I thought it was really nice and reminds us how  just some things that are “simple” can work wonders.

One tree can start a forest;

One smile can begin a friendship;

One hand can lift a soul;

One word can frame a goal;

One candle can wipe out darkness;

One laugh can conquer gloom;

One hope can raise your spirits;

One touch can show you care;

One life can make the difference;

be that One today.

Fraternally yours,

Jeanne Desilets, Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa President

I cut the top of a tree I planted 12 years ago.  Not perfect, but has spirit.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Message from President, October, 2021

Jeanne Desilets

Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa

             October, 2021


                                                                          Beta’s Founders’ Day celebration

Dear Sisters,

It is hard to believe that summer has ended and that we are approaching Thanksgiving!  We have had a beautiful fall and I still have many trees around my house that are full of brilliantly colored leaves.          My husband and I went to the Outer Banks for a short vacation and then drove onto Albany, Georgia to visit our son. Not knowing what to expect as to how other places were handling the Covid pandemic, we were pleasantly surprised to see people being courteous and wearing masks for the most part.  We had a good and safe trip and though a bit reluctant to travel we are very glad we did go to see Matt.

I believe Beta was the last chapter to celebrate Founders’ Day and was happy to hear at our Executive meeting that Delta and Alpha had good meetings.  It is so important to remember to acknowledge our founders and celebrate our exceptional organization.

Though it is just the beginning of our AΔK year, it is not too early to start thinking of who we can invite to join us as AΔK members.  I realize this seems to be an even more difficult year than last year, but being a part, a sister, of AΔK may be just what some teachers, both working and retired, would like. Don’t hesitate to ask and offer information about AΔK and show them they are valued and important.

At our State Executive Board we discussed our 2022 State Convention in Montpelier.  Please mark it on your calendar, April 9, 2022 and consider attending.  We are hoping that this will take place and we have invited the Northeastern VP, Joyce McAloon and past NEVP, Mary Ey, to join us.  It is a wonderful gathering and being that we missed out last year we are anxious to be able to get together and celebrate!

What our Chapters have been up to...                                                                                    

 Alpha’s September meeting was a meet and greet pot-luck.  The October meeting had a Founders’ Day ceremony and a craft making session. They were able to have a bake sale at the Sharon rest area and the two day event was able to bring in about $700!!  Fantastic! Alpha also donated $500 worth of school supplies and backpacks to United Way.

Beta’s September meeting was a Let’s Catch Up event at Maple Street Park. Being an outdoor meeting, they were able to a bring a picnic lunch or a dish to share.  Founders’ Day was celebrated at the library in Richmond and Lorrie planned a very nice ceremony. (check out above picture)

Delta’s September meeting was at the Weathersfield-Proctor library to view books ordered from donations in Evelyn’s memory. The October meeting was a presentation from the Occupational Development Program. Pat presented a  history of Founders’ Day and they also put together  “survival” bags for current teachers. 

Check out our Vermont AΔK Website to learn what each chapter is doing for the 2021-2022 year!   (

Important Dates:

11/1 – Excellence in Education (EiE)Award nomination deadline

11/15 – Innovation Grant ($200)forNon-members

Please consider!

The Vermont Executive board will be considering nominations for the upcoming biennium and please consider a position.  The positions are the same as each chapter and we meet only three(3) to four(4) times a year.  This year has been exceptional because of COVID and all our meetings have been on ZOOM, but it has served us well to continue our mission.  Our chapter presidents are part of the board and available to answer any of your questions. Thank you!!


Mark your calendar for the NE Regional Conference in Short Hills, New Jersey,July 22-25, 2022 and then the International Convention in Kansas City on July 12-16, 2023 to celebrate our 75th anniversary.

Let us still give thanks for each day and wishing you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and happy holiday season,                                        

 (I rescued this lily from my garden before the frost, Oct. 25, 2021!)

Fraternally yours,

Jeanne Desilets, Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa President

(Note: I have not put in a lot of International news in my letter since I have been trying to keep you informed by forwarding to you or to your president as I receive it.  Trying to cut down on repeating news😊 and hope it is working okay)

Message from President, June, 2021

Jeanne Desilets

Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa

        June, 2021

Dear Members,

Where do I start!  What a year we have had and I must commend all of you for continuing to be such faithful members and keeping up with meetings and all the bulk of emails that have overtaken your computers! I realize ZOOM, Google Meet and other meeting sites have been a tremendous help to us so that we can keep up with information, family, and friends, but I must say that I will be happy to see “real” faces once again.

And on that NOTE… I want to remind you of our Gathering on Monday, June 28th at the Allis Park.  I really hope that we can have an incredible turnout.  Alison Levy has been in touch with the Park and they have taken off many restrictions, one being that they are putting back the picnic tables and not limiting the number of people to 40 that could be under the shelter we have rented. I just know it will be a beautiful day, come rain or shine and one step closer to becoming “normal”.  Mark the date and see you there!! It will be our LONGEST DAY event, too, so wear any purple shirt or your LONGEST DAY shirt, walking shoes, your picnic lunch, and bug spray. Still time to donate if you wish.

I want to mention that I was fortunate to go down to Evelyn Beebee’s memorial service, A Journey Through Evelyn’s Garden, with two of my Beta sisters.  It was a beautiful journey at your own pace through her gardens with each stop having a written entry from someone from the organization or a friend or family member. Evelyn is certainly missed, but we were so fortunate to have her as one of our members for so many years.

The International Convention is coming up soon in July and I am very happy that we have eleven (11) registered from Vermont.  I am not sure if some have registered for just some of the educational workshops and they are not counted in the total registration, but nonetheless it is good.  The total registration for the Northeast is 165 and 1,854 for the entire registration. Fantastic!  So much work has been put into this Virtual Conference so I am pleased that there will be a good turnout.

INTERNATIONAL World Understanding Project Selection for 2021-2023  

Did you know that ALL Alpha Delta Kappa members can vote for our project? YES! Starting in June on the  website, each member may vote for one. Voting instructions will be posted on the website and in upcoming  eblasts. Your voting number is on the label on your KAPPAN. There is no campaigning! The winning project will  be revealed in July at the International Convention. Fundraising will begin afterward.  

Here are the projects: Project CHEAR – Tanzania, Project RISE – Ethiopia, and Sewing Seeds of Hope, India.  

PROJECT CHEAR – ‘Children’s Home with Education and Agriculture a Reality’ A children’s home will house 40  orphaned, abandoned and abused children providing food, clothing and farming skills.  

PROJECT RISE – ‘Reaching and Inspiring Students’ - Reforms to increase learning out-comes, effects on  marginalized students including girls, for those in extreme poverty, those who speak minority languages, and  those with disabilities.  

SEWING SEEDS OF HOPE – India is an agrarian economy. Seventy-five percent of the work is done by women  who sow the seeds and plant saplings, remove weeds and harvest. They find it difficult to balance work and  family. This project will take necessary steps to rejuvenate the farm sector which has been decimated by  monsoons while encouraging women to establish their own farms.  

 Denise Cooley ,CT World Understanding Chair  

Here is a note from Linda Rissel that is pretty uplifting and has some worthy thoughts:


Each of us has a set of messages that play over and over in our minds. The internal  dialogue, or personal commentary, influences our words, actions, habits,  relationships and ultimately, our lives. (Look back at my message quote) 

Too often the pattern of our self-talk we’ve developed is negative. The internal  seed of negativity causes a ripple that extends to all corners of our daily lives. We  walk around with a dark cloud and often view all glasses as half-empty. Our  conversations seem to revert to all that is wrong with the world and we become  that person who expects the worse.  

In researching, I found that many studies confirm the correlation between  POSITIVE THINKING and success. 

Let’s take a look at some ways we can brighten our view of the world and infuse  more positivity into our own thought patterns. 

Practice Gratitude: One of the quickest ways to shift your focus away  from negativity, judgement, and disappointment is to list the things in your  life you are grateful for. Practicing “gratefulness” can cause an immediate  shift in your perspective.  

Two Steps Forward: Initially, it might be hard to stop the negative flow of  thoughts. It will take time. Be patient with yourself, and first just try to  observe your thought patterns. See if you can catch yourself judging others,  focusing on failures, or even criticizing yourself or your body (we all do  this). When you observe these thoughts, take a minute to counter each  negative thought with two positive observations or gratitude. 

Positive Posture: The mind and the body are connected, and each have a  profound impact on the other. If you are struggling to move your mind into  a more positive perspective, try moving your body. Think what our mothers 

use to say: “Stand up straight, shoulders back, chin high” and stretch those  arms out as wide as they can go. Feel powerful. Feel positive. Smile: Another way for your body to “trick” your mind into being more  positive is through SMILING. The simple act of smiling, even if you don’t  necessarily have anything to smile about, can instantly change the way you  feel internally. It will also make others wonder what you are smiling about! Ditch the Crabs: As a Jersey Girl, I learned that if you put a crab in a  bucket, it will easily limb out. But if you put a second crab in the bucket, neither of them will escape. Once one starts to escape, the other one will  pull it right back down into the bucket. So, what does this say? Surround  yourself with POSITIVE PEOPLE. It’s hard to maintain a positive  perspective if you are pulled down by the negativity of others. If you get  trapped in a negative conversation, gracefully try to change the subject to  something more positive. 

Do Something Kind: It’s easy to get absorbed by our own world of  misfortune and to forget about the people around us. Strive to do one nice  thing for someone else each day. Paying it forward will bring much  happiness and positivity, trust me. 

Life is not always easy as we have certainly seen throughout this past year. We  were definitely handed lots of lemons. However, it is our own perspective that  ultimately determines if we will drudge through life like a lemon, puckered and  sour, or skip along with a glass of sweet lemonade. 

Linda Rissel 

NER Membership Consultant

Dates to Remember  

June 1-30 World Understanding Project  

 Proposals—VOTING OPEN  

June 20 The Longest Day  

June 30 Chapter Needs Assessment  


June 30 H-114 Annual Chapter Highlights  


 Summary to HQ  

July 1 Kappan submission deadline 


What our Chapters have been up to...                                      


During the pandemic, I am happy to report that Beta was able to meet our chapter, state and international goals for the year and even initiated a new member without ever meeting in person!  Our greatest accomplishment, however, was the way we worked together to create caring circles around our active teachers during their time of emotional and physical need during COVID.  I am continually blessed to be associated with such an amazing group of women.


More specifically, Beta  held a virtual meeting each month throughout the pandemic with more than 50% of our members attending each month.  Our monthly programs were led by members and were a resounding success.   Our March meeting was led by Alison Levy entitled,  World Understanding: Catching up with Zun and Myanmar: A perspective on a Country in Conflict.   Zun was our ITE student five years ago and is currently involved in education in her native country of Myanmar which recently underwent a military coup.  Several members continue to stay in touch with Zun as her country struggles to rid itself of military rule through protests and world understanding.  She is continually in our prayers.


Our April Meeting was led by Jane Vossler, president elect and entitled, Volunteerism Among Us.  participants shared a wide array of activities, ranging from knitting prayer shawls, to making masks, to volunteering at schools to work with students, amongst other things. Members also shared how COVID had affected their ability to do volunteerism during the pandemic.  


At our May meeting, we initiated a new member via Zoom  which was a first for our chapter.  


Our June meeting will be our first face to face get together at the lakefront home of one of our members.  Everyone is excited to finally see each other in person once again.  


Respectfully submitted,

Kathi Grace, BETA President

It has been a difficult spring for Delta Chapter although it was nice to hold May and June meetings outdoors.

 Both Evelyn Beebe and Sandy MacGillivray passed away after lengthy battles with cancer. 


We were fortunate to have good weather for Evelyn’s Memorial service in May which was held next door to Evelyn’s in our chaplain Kelly De’Angelis’ back lawn.  Laurel Kinsley, Evelyn’s daughter was here so she joined us for a lot of tears and sharing about Evelyn.  Evelyn’s family held a garden walk for her service which was directed by info in a booklet describing her plantings. It was a beautiful way to honor Evelyn’s life.  Evelyn was one of the ADK sisters who started Delta chapter 23 years ago. A donation was made to the Weathersfield Proctor Library to purchase books for children about other cultures which was an interest of Evelyn’s.

 In June we celebrated Sandy MacGillivrary’s Memorial service at Pat’s new digs.  Unfortunately an approaching storm drove us inside after sharing pizza and chatting.  Again Kelly led us in a beautiful ceremony from the ADK website. Sandy was a charter member of Delta. She was involved in many town activities and was our conduit to several altruistic projects.  A donation in her honor was made to “Springfield on the Move.”

 A theme of “diversity” was suggested for the coming year and time was spent on putting together some possible meeting options.

 We are planning on a yard sale fundraiser in July.

Submitted by Pat Graves, Delta co-President


.April was  Alpha’s our practice workshop, Reading to End Racism, on 

Zoom, led by Rachel, Hannah, and me. The chapter was very supportive and encouraged  Hannah and Rachel to present at the Convention.   May was mystery meeting month.  This time around, a dozen of us met at Barre Town School and drove, following our leader Cheryl, to Websterville.  There, we discovered a beautiful barn, recently restored by Pierre Couture, where we enjoyed a pizza night together. Pierre told us about the barn’s origins and it’s conversion to a beautiful wedding or special event venue. A short business meeting followed. What a pleasure it was to meet in person, face to face. ..... A first since last October. June was our garage sale and State gathering, and we hope many of our Alpha members will join in.   

Kate, Co-President


On a final note, hope everyone is beating this heat and have been able to be with family and friends IN PERSON!!  So, don’t forget to vote for the World Understanding Project and  I will see you at the Gathering at Allis Park on Monday, June 28th.

Jeanne Desilets, Vermont AΔK President


Message from President, March, 2021

Jeanne Desilets

Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa

                        March, 2021

Dear Sisters,

Time just seems to be slipping away as I am into the second semester doing Virtual Learning with my grandchildren.  It has been a good and rewarding experience since it keeps me busy and I don’t notice how secluded we really are during this crazy pandemic.  I am hoping that many of you have had your shots, if you have chosen to,  and that we can get back to what we love to do; be with our family, friends, and AΔK sisters. I am thankful for ZOOM, Google Meet, or whatever other program you are using, but it is not the same. Hopefully, by this summer we will be enjoying the little moments in life and this fall our meetings will be in person.

I want to remind you to check different mailings I have been sending you that come from International.  The new CONNECT program online connects you with thousands of your sisters from all around the world, information on the upcoming International Convention that will be virtual, membership tips, and other ideas and information about what is going on.

 And, on a very special note, our very own Rachel Cogvill, Kate Duffy and Hannah Morvan from Alpha Chapter submitted a program to present at the International Convention and it was ACCEPTED!!  Yes, they will be presenting  a program entitled Reading to End Racism. CONGRATULATIONS!! 👏This is a great honor and I hope that we can support these Sisters by attending the Virtual Convention.  Here is a description they wrote for the presentation:Volunteer organization uses literature to engage K-5 students in conversations related to race, bullying,  and inclusion in a non-confrontational way.  Materials suitable for students, teachers, grandparents, or developing similar volunteer groups. Includes book selections, blog with virtual book links, and training materials.  Participants will  engage in lesson exploration & discussion.

Check into our new  website webpage (click only on the blue Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa(not sure why the other stuff shows up??) 

 I was able to get this together with help from Cheryl Kissel and my family. It is a working copy so I will try to keep it updated and learn more about what we will post.

I also organized our State Team for the Longest Day for the Alzheimer’s Association.  If you would like to donate, any amount would be so appreciated for this truly important altruistic cause. Here is the link right to my page to make donations. Just click on this link, then the link that shows up, and viola!!  I want to thank all those that have made their donations. We are well on our way! 

On a sadder note, I had to report to International about any Past Presidents of Vermont  AΔK that have become part of the Omega Chapter during the last two years.  Sadly, we have had three-Nancy Monmaney, President in 1996, Pat Seaver, President in 1998, and Evelyn Beebe, President in 2002. These three women were extraordinary examples of what AΔK stands for --dedicated teachers, energetic leaders, compassionate colleagues, and so committed to make and keep AΔK alive and well here in Vermont.  I am honored that I got to know each one of these ladies.  As a “newbie” I was welcomed with open arms and kindness by these ladies.  I hope that I, too, can lead with the strength and example they displayed in their daily lives.  They are sorely missed, but we are so fortunate that they shared their lives with their Vermont sisters.


Take a look at “What Our Chapters Have Been Up To….” and learn what the other Vermont chapters have been doing.   I have been able to attend Alpha and Delta’s meetings through ZOOM and have really enjoyed getting to connect faces to names.

What our Chapters have been up to...                                      


Beta chapter continues to meet monthly via Zoom and we have enjoyed the various programs presented by our Beta Sisters.   It was a great time to use the knowledge and expertise among us and all topics have been well received.  Our January meeting  focused on wellness.  Sue Wood asked us to bring ideas on "How to remain hopeful amidst all that's happening around us?"  Our group sharing yielded many positive suggestions and new activities for people to try.  Our February meeting hosted  a potential member. who was able to "meet" our ADK members and observe a virtual meeting which was well received by all.   Two practicing BETA teachers presented "Learning in the Age of Covid."  They showed us how they navigate the virtual world of Education during these Covid times.  This month Alison Levy will share a presentation on the political history of Myanmar and how our former ITE student (Zun Phyu) is staying safe during the current  military coup and protests that are occurring there.

Despite the pandemic the Delta chapter has met by Zoom the past three months. In

January we invited our Springfield Town Library Director Sue Dowdell to speak. She

shared about the many activities to involve patrons that the staff has developed even

though the building is physically closed. She also provided a list of books about racial

diversity. Sue is new to our town so I sent her the “Who is Delta Chapter” that I wrote up

several years ago and have updated to pass out to possible new members. Sue taught for

31 years and as a librarian is involved with education. While she is particularly busy at this

time she will consider joining us at our meetings later to see if we are a good fit.

In February we were delighted to have our own “jj” Whittemore share with us about how

she teaches “Financial Literacy to middle schoolers. In 2019 “jj” was given the state of

Vermont’s Jump $tart Financial Literacy Champion Award. “jj” is a FACS teacher at

Riverside Middle School here in Springfield. She has developed a lot of hands-on

activities to help students become aware of what one can do with money

At our February meeting Cookie Shand suggested that sisters at the March Delta meeting

share how and/or why they became teachers. What a great idea that turned out to be.

Interesting stories and all so different but still connected. Jeanne Desilets joined our

meeting through Zoom. What a great way to get to know her also.

Sadly, a pall was cast over our Delta chapter as Evelyn Beebe passed away at her home on

Feb. 22. Evelyn was a founder of our Delta chapter and was a great support for the past

21 years. Betsy Willis summed Evelyn up the best, I think, when she said “Evelyn was

the embodiment of Alpha Delta Kappa”.

On a brighter note we look forward to seeing all our sisters this spring when we can hold

meetings outside.

  Alpha has continued to hold meetings on Zoom. Although we miss being able to gather in person, the ability to meet virtually has actually alleviated some concerns over driving to meetings on winter evenings. Our anticipated programs for the year have changed to accommodate new opportunities and changes in the availability of speakers, making much of what was published in the yearbook obsolete! In January, our guest speaker was Carrie Stahler, the Green Mountain United Way Director of Community Engagement, who spoke to us about volunteer opportunities and needs in the Central Vermont area. In February, members shared favorite books read over the past year. Another topic of discussion was ideas for member recruitment and engagement. Our March meeting, which was to have been a presentation from a Northfield teacher on what it is like to teach during the pandemic, had to be cancelled due to an illness in her family. Our March meeting, which was to have been a presentation from a Northfield teacher on what it is like to teach during the pandemic, had to be cancelled due to an illness in her family. Instead we spent the time in a rich discussion where all present shared life challenges and joys experienced during the pandemic.We have been pleased to have our state president join us for meetings, an example of one of the aforementioned benefits of being able to join meetings without having to travel.

Keep doing all you do.👍

On a special note🎵, Beta Chapter will be celebrating our GOLDEN Sister, Marlene Emerson!!  Marlene has been a very active member, serving as Chapter President and just about all other Chapter offices, Vermont State President in 1994, and attending numerous State Conventions, Regional Conventions and International Conventions with Pat Seaver.  Marlene was the sister with institutional knowledge for our chapter! She made sure things were done according to by-laws and policy...all, in a polite, caring and loving way and also, a great supporter of new ideas and leadership.    She stayed connected to many Northeast Region sisters. We salute you, Marlene, for your dedication to AΔK and commitment to its mission. We wish you many more years. This is quite an honor and we adore you!!

Wishing you all happiness and good health as we head     towards a hopeful Spring!

Jeanne Desilets, VT Alpha Delta Kappa President

Some upcoming due dates:

March 15, 2021

Chapter Bylaws or Policies & Procedures Official Statement to S/P/N Bylaws Chairman

Chapter Altruistic Report - Earn a pearl for your chapter!


April 15, 2021

S/P/N Altruistic Report to Regional Altruistic Chairman 

Regional Mini-Scholarship Application


April 30, 2021

2021 Membership Campaign


July 5-16, 2021

2021 International Virtual Convention

( see poster below)

Message from President, December, 2020

          Jeanne Desilets

Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa


Dear Sisters,

I hope this letter finds all of you well and in the holiday spirit.  I know it is pretty difficult to get upbeat about  anything lately, but we need to be so thankful for what we have and not dwell on what we don’t have.  Mary Ey’s Holiday Celebration🎄🎉 last evening was a bit hit!  Mary had us playing games, sharing and just having a merry time.  Maybe another time more of you could have been at the ZOOM party, but I know so much goes on this time of year that it is hard to fit everything in.

The home/virtual schooling/teaching with my two grandchildren is going very well.  They certainly are working hard and putting in a lot of effort to do well.  Mark’s reading is blossoming and Abigail is becoming quite the little author.  She has finished the first book in a series she wishes to write, entitled Grape, a fantasy. She is very proud and sent her LA teacher a copy. So, as a household, we are doing well.

You may have noticed that I have been forwarding most of the information that I get from International to all of you as I get it instead of including it in my periodic letters “from the President”.  I hope this is helpful as many of the notices have due dates for  scholarships,grants, forms and documents. Also, my thought is to keep the information at a minimum for each correspondence rather than overwhelm you such that you find it difficult to read everything in the letter.

Alert: Survey--One thing from International that I would like to draw your attention to is to respond to the survey that will be coming out Dec. 15th as to whether you will be going to the International Conference in Texas.  It is important that they know people’s feelings.  Thank you.

What our Chapters have been up to...                                      


Beta continues to meet via Zoom each month and have been having various sisters present our programs. October's program was delivered by our Beta sister, Kathy Barwin, who has fostered (and then adopted) two young girls.  Her program was entitled, "Living in Foster Care" and gave important information about what it is like for a family willing to take on a new household member.  She included both the challenges and celebrations of being a foster and adoptive parent.

Beta  always looks forward to our December meeting which consists of good food, festive mingling and a Christmas pound auction whose proceeds help fund our holiday altruism efforts.

This year our theme was "Our Christmas Blanket of Hope'.  Members voted to send a holiday donation to our treasurer in the amount they might normally spend at the Pound Auction.  We then voted to use these funds for donations to the Lund Home and the Chittenden Asylum Seekers Assistance Network (CASAN) of which our Beta Sister, Delia Clark, is a member.  In addition, we partnered with Maple Ridge Memory Care to help its residence give back to their community.  Our members donated children's books for residents to wrap and give to a local child center.  We also bought snacks and sanitizer at Costco so the residents could fill thank you boxes for our local first responders.  This activity was organized by our own Donna Burnett and was a wonderful example of helping people so they can help others.

Beta chapter's Caring Circle   has been  well received by our teachers who are still actively teaching during these Covid Times. So far they have received an October harvest basket complete with  apples, cider and donuts.  In November, a complete  meal for their family greeted them when they arrived home from a long day at school.  December's personal pampering basket with candles, chocolate, reading materials, lotions, etc. will be delivered next week to help them enjoy their well deserved holiday break.  A huge thank you to all our sisters who are participating and for the wonderful guidance from our five sisters on our steering committee:.  Donna Burnett, Dianne Arthur, Tanya Carpenter, Patti Diminick and Sue Wood who oversee the "adoption" process.   

In September Delta was able to start the fall off with an outdoor gathering in Evelyn’s large yard. Pizza and lots of chatter at a social distance with masks was the order of the day.  October was our first Zoom meeting.  In November many of us took names for children in the Santa Claus Club program.  For the December meeting Mary Ann came up with a scrambled  holiday word game and snippets from Christmas songs that had us guessing what song they came from. Lots of calling out and trying to outdo one another. Laughter for sure.  Our gifts for the children were turned in and we voted to send $100 to the secretary at the Weathersfield School who is a Santa in disguise for needs of children or families there in their town. We were delighted to have Sandy join us by Zoom.  She mentioned that she had had many cards and notes from ADK sisters and that buoyed her spirits as she battles cancer treatment.We shared a quick report on Jodi’s new baby.  She was a member for a number of years and her son, Griffin, was a regular attender at our meetings. Sadly she doesn’t live near enough to come to meetings.  ...and last but not least we await the news of Kelly’s baby’s birth.

Alpha reports that they have been very fortunate, and due to warm weather, were able to meet  in person in September, and November! Our numbers were great, and we were careful to sit  socially distanced and wear masks. I think we were shocked by the death of our charter  member, Pat Seaver, and needed to meet in person to share our grief. We enjoyed a meet ‘n  greet in September at Brenda Gove’s house. For our October meeting we celebrated Founders  Day, thanks to Linda Bongiolatti, and virtually met with John Malter, who led us through the  tricks of composting. November centered around our 50th anniversary of the founding of  Alpha. Kate set up a display with photos and read an article written by Edna Cassort,  expressing her admiration and enjoyment of Kay White, our first Alpha President. In addition  we completed tags for our Giving Tree, to be set up after Thanksgiving, at the Capital Plaza.  We were concerned about the lack of traffic due to Covid, but I am happy to report that around  100 tags and gifts will be delivered to Northfield, Harwood, and Washington/Orange families.  Our increased advertising produced increased traffic and donations as well. We cannot attend  our nursing home this year, but thanks to Linda Bongiolatti, residents will soon receive  personalized Christmas cards from Alpha as well as a donation to their activity fund. In lieu of  dinner, we hope to Zoom one more time this year, just to check on each other and share a  holiday memory.

So, as you can see, our chapters have been up to WONDERFULNESS (if there is such a word)!  It makes me proud to be leading you incredible ladies.  Keep doing all you do.👍

Wishing you happiness and good health for this holiday season,

Jeanne Desilets, VT Alpha Delta Kappa President

Some upcoming due dates:

January 1, 2021

Deadline to submit KAPPAN content for March issue


January 15, 2021

International Teacher Education (ITE) Program application


March 1, 2021

2021-2023 International Board and Committee Volunteer


Message from President, September, 2020

                    Jeanne Desilets

Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa

Dear Sisters,

I am hoping that the new school year has been able to begin as best as can be expected.  So  many unknowns and what trying times.  For those of you that are back in the classrooms and those of you that are doing Virtual Learning, you are in our thoughts and not forgotten!  Remember to reach out if you need anything!  

I inserted a picture of me and my grandchildren on our first day of school.  They are spending 5 days a week with me as their guide to Virtual Learning.  First two weeks were a bit intense, but I am sure nothing compared to what virtual and in-school teachers have had to put into preparing for, and now  carrying out, the new education plans. It definitely is part of an incredible learning curve we never, in our wildest dreams, imagined.

I am sure each Chapter is preparing for Founders’ Day and encourage you to send me a write-up and picture of your ceremonies/activities.  I can then share with the other chapters, too.  Also, anytime you do something that you would like to share, don’t hesitate.  I am sure everyone would like to hear about it. I do know that Delta has already had their meeting and honored our founders and read from a speech given by Agnes Shipman Robinson at the California State Convention in October, 1966.  Then Deanna shared the research she did on how Alpha Delta Kappa is doing today. 

   When discussing local altruism for the upcoming program year, sisters of Beta Chapter decided that one way was to form a Caring Circle to provide support to sisters who are actively teaching. A committee of five sisters: Donna Burnett, Dianne Arthur, Tanya Carpenter, Patti Diminick and Sue Wood oversee small teams of sisters who have "adopted" a sister for a kindly and inspirational gesture once a month.  In this time of week to week uncertainty, the hope is to spread some sunshine to our sisters! 


In closing, I want to thank those sisters that were able to attend the funeral service for our dear sister, Pat Seaver. What a beautiful tribute to her as so many were able to attend the service.


Jeanne, Vermont AΔK President

Here are the latest deadlines:

October 15, 2020

Regional Mini-Scholarships

Proposed Resolutions for Feasibility Studies by the IEB

Proposed Amendments to the International Bylaws

World Understanding Proposals (extended deadline)

Leadership Academy

KAPPAN Content Wanted


November 1, 2020

Serving at the International level will enrich your life!

2021-2023 International Candidates Application

2021-2023 Volunteer for International Committees and Boards Application

2021 International Convention Committee Application


November 15, 2020

Innovation Grant

January 15, 2021

International Teacher Education (ITE) Program Application

Message from President, August, 2020

Jeanne Desilets

Vermont Alpha Delta Kappa     

Message from President, August, 2020

State Officers:

President                Jeanne Desilets

President-Elect            Pam Nadeau

Treasurer                     Sue Wood

Recording Sec.            Mary Ann Lauder

Corresponding Sec      Lisa Atwood

Chaplin                         Irene Bihun

VP for Membership      Lorrie Richland

Sergeant at Arms         Hannah Morvan

Immed. Past- Pres.      Alison Levy  

Committee Chairs:

Altruistic                       Linda Bongiolatti

Policies/Procedures     Judy Allen

Excellence in Education   Alison Levy

Vermont State AΔK Goals for      2020-2022

Dear Sisters,

What a year this has been!  As the school year approaches, I just want to express my highest regards to you teachers who are returning to school, doing a hybrid model, and/or doing full virtual learning. Such a stressful time when this should be a time of excitement and anticipation of a new year, with new faces and the joys and trials of just “being” a teacher. 

 However, we all know that this will not be like any year any of us has experienced.  My daughter is a math teacher at CVU and she has decided, with my backing, to enroll her children in the complete Virtual Learning Model.  With that and she having to teach on site, the children will be coming to my home and I will be going back to “full time” teaching.  Mark is in second grade and Abby is in sixth so I know it will be a challenge, but it is what we feel we have to do.  I am so thankful that I am healthy and capable and that the children are excited about being able to have “memere” as their teacher.  It certainly is a time when we need to be there for each other.

And, in so speaking, we as AΔK members, ARE there for each other.  Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your sisters, especially those of you going back into the classrooms.  Please know that we are all in this together.

You all know that the NERC Virtual Conference is coming SOON! I have included information about the NER Altruistic Project and the Virtual Conference on August 28-29, with workshop sign-up for August 30-September 1st.  It is really- easy to sign up and I encourage, especially new and not-so-new😉  officers, to register for some of the leadership workshops. I have signed up for seven(7) sessions. They are only an hour or so long and you don’t have to leave your home! They sounded great and it is ALL FREE!!!  There are also some workshops being offered after the convention, which at the present I don’t know if they will just be available to everyone and thus no need to actually sign up.  I am sure more information will be given at the convention.

So PLEASE consider registering and if you know of any teacher(s) that you think would be interested, have them sign up, too!  A great time to introduce AΔK to others and you could invite them over and have a Convention “Party” with masks and all!

And finally, I want to thank all of you again for keeping our chapters alive and well.  Those of you who have stepped up into leadership roles continue to keep AΔK strong and you have set an example for others to follow your lead and commitment.  As one of our State goals to highlight wellness, I hope you are all taking care of yourselves and each other.  Stay informed, optimistic, and do things you love.  Go outside and take in the beauty that Vermont has to offer.  We are very lucky to be in Vermont where not only the landscape is beautiful, but the people are beautiful, too!


Jeanne Desilets, Vermont State President

(Just wanted to connect a face to the name!)



The Northeast Regional Conference Altruistic Project is Millburn, New Jersey’s “Opportunity Project.”  It is a unique program created by and for adults with brain injuries who are seeking the "next step" in their journey of recovery. It provides an environment of support, challenge and choices that create independence and productivity in its members. Through the work environment in the Clubhouse, individuals explore their strengths, abilities, and interests so that they can establish and attain their individual goals. The goal for the Opportunity Project is full integration back into family, work, and the community.

On Friday, August 28th during the “All for One and One for All” Virtual Conference IVP Premiere Event, a live raffle will be held to raise money for the Opportunity Project.  All states in the Northeast Region have graciously donated $50 gift cards for the raffle.   To participate, please send donations (checks made payable to Alpha Delta Kappa NE Reg. Conf.) to NERC Treasurer Debbie Kalanta at the following address:

Debbie Kalanta

230 Martool Drive,Woodbridge NJ 07095

 Since this is a virtual event, the raffle will be held with virtual raffle tickets.  For every $10 of donations, members will receive a virtual raffle ticket.  Members who have already sent donations to Debbie for the Opportunity Project will also receive virtual raffle tickets (1 per every $10).

All Regions Virtual Conference, August 29, 2020?

The International Vice Presidents of the seven regions invite you to attend the All Regions Virtual Conference, August 29, 2020.

Experience a new format for our Regional Conferences.  Let us rekindle everything that we long for when we come together in the name of Alpha Delta Kappa.

You will find a variety of Enhancement Sessions and Leadership Trainings that will spark your imagination.  Experience a stronger network filled with new ideas, professional and personal growth, and leadership training.  Conferences are a time of love, laughter, reflection, and celebration.


August 1-27, 2020 Register for the “All for One and One for All” Virtual Conference

August 28-29, 2020 All Regions Virtual Conference

August 1-31, 2020 Distinguished Program Award—submit online

August 1-31, 2020 Chapter Needs Assessment: This self-assessment will help the membership team evaluate the effectiveness of the chapter.

September 1, 2020 International Convention Educational Symposium Presenter Application

Calling all sisters!  Who’s ready to share her experience with other sisters?  Now is the time to offer your leadership at the 2021 Educational Leadership Symposium.  Help sisters take a pathway to learning, leadership, or sisterhood.  We can work together to make this a worthwhile symposium for all our sisters

September 15, 2020 Classroom Grant application –info on AΔK website

The Alpha Delta Kappa Classroom Grant is designed to assist creative, innovative educators who are members of Alpha Delta Kappa with the cost of materials and services that enhance classroom lessons.  The grant was developed for teachers who display characteristics of excellent educators.  This grant is available through September 15, 2020.

October Month--Founders’ Day Celebrations!

October 15, 2020 Leadership Academy Application

  The inaugural Alpha Delta Kappa Leadership Academy is accepting applications.  Enhance your leadership journey as a participant or become a mentor.  Participants must be members for less than five years.  Mentors must be willing to commit for one year.  Activities will span April 2021-July 2022. 

October 15, 2020 Regional Mini Scholarship application—see AΔK website

Message from President, Summer, 2020

Jeanne Desilets

Vermont Alpha   Delta Kappa    

Plant the Seed for Success

State Officers:

President                Jeanne Desilets

President-Elect            Pam Nadeau

Treasurer                     Sue Wood

Recording Sec.            Mary Ann Lauder

Corresponding Sec      Lisa Atwood

Chaplin                         Irene Bihun

VP for Membership      Lorrie Richland

Sergeant at Arms         Hannah Morvan

Immed. Past- Pres.      Alison Levy  

Committee Chairs:

Altruistic                       Linda Bongiolatti

Policies/Procedures     Judy Allen

Excellence in Education   Alison Levy

Vermont State AΔK Goals for      2020-2022

CONGRATULATIONS to our new Chapter Presidents!

Alpha-Kate Duffy & Cheryl Kissel

Beta-Kathi Grace

Delta-Pat Graves & Mary Ann Lauder


Alpha-Lisa Atwood

Beta- Irene Bihun

Delta- Deanna Dexter


Alpha-Lisa Atwood

Beta- Alison Levy and Kim Musante

Delta- Cathy Karaffa and Joanne Kraft

My Message to you...

Dear Vermont Sisters,

Being a bit overwhelmed, yet proud to be your new Vermont President, I  certainly am living what Christina Koch, the female astronaut that spent over 300 days in space said, “Do what scares you---reach out”. And I believe we all have had to do that during this past crisis.  But, isn’t that what we are all about?  Alpha Delta Kappa was formed for you wonderful teachers who reach out every day.  I think we teachers are a special breed for sure, giving totally and always looking to do more. 

Eleanor Roosevelt said that “the purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience”.  And with this, I challenge you to do the same.  Take up leadership roles in your chapters. Don’t be afraid, there are always so many around to help you,and they do!!  Alison, Lorrie, Sue, Judy and the list goes on, were there to help me when I was chapter president and I said yes to this position because I know I am not alone.  Yes, it is scary, but I am ready to “Plant the Seed for Success”-a successful and thriving Vermont State Alpha Delta Kappa.  I know that I have  Alpha, Beta, and Delta  Chapters to make this all work. 

 My goals include continuing with goals already set by Alison to continue growth in each chapter, as well as to encourage leadership from all members, to continue meeting criteria to attain Seven Pearls(which all three chapters did last year), and most importantly for me as your leader, to encourage wellness programs when setting up your programs for the next two years that include physical, emotional and professional wellness. We must take care of ourselves if we continue to take care of others. That can be a challenge and scary because we are so used to taking care of others and tend to ignore ourselves or feel we don’t deserve it.

So as you can see, fear not and take on a role in your chapter that may be a little scary, but will give you rewards that you can’t imagine because you are giving of yourself. Arthur Ashe said it so eloquently, “From what we get in life, we make a living.  From what we give, however, we make a life”


Important dates:

May 31-October 1 Chapter E-postcards

June 20, 2020 The Longest Day (link to contribute -THANKS!) 

June 30, 2020 Annual Chapter Highlights H-114—submit online

July 15, 2020 Annual Chapter Reporting Form & Audit C-1

August 1-31, 2020 Distinguished Program Award—submit online

August 20, 2020 Chapter Yearbook/Directory (send to me!)

August 30, 2020 Chapter Needs Assessment Form

September 15, 2020 Classroom Grant application due—info on AΔK website

October 15, 2020 Regional Mini Scholarship application due—info on AΔK website

The Opportunity Project-NER Altruistic Project

It was a difficult decision…. but to ensure the health and safety of sisters in the Northeast Region, our conference that was to take place this summer in New Jersey has been postponed until the summer of 2022. However, Mary Ey, our NERVP, has requested that we honor and support the altruistic project that was planned for the 2020 NER Conference.  The Opportunity Project supports adolescents and young adults who have experienced traumatic brain injury due to accidents.  Donations can be made to the NER Altruistic Project by forwarding a check, made payable to Alpha Delta Kappa NE Regional Conference, to Deborah Kalanta, 230 Martool Drive, Woodbridge, NJ 07095.  Be sure to include a notation, NER Altruistic Project, on the memo line. Checks must be mailed by August 1, 2020.  Now, more than ever, with limitations placed on the types of services provided by The Opportunity Project, our support will be appreciated. (Reminder to email Sue Wood, if you donate so that she can keep track of what is given by Vermont Sisters. Thank you!)

Stay tuned……

A multi-regional virtual conference is being planned for this summer.  What can we expect? Who knows?  But the IVPs and International Chapter are hoping to include live events, webinars, and power points. So…. stay tuned for more information.

Stay well, be safe, and hope to see you all on October 10th, at our Founders’ Day State Convention in Montpelier at the Capitol Plaza!!

With my commitment to well-being as one of my goals, here are a couple sites to look into. I took the course, The Science of Well-being, offered by Yale University with Laurie Santos as the professor,that was suggested on our PATH to Wellness program for teachers and it was great! ( I recommend it highly. It is free if you audit and Yale offers many other free courses, as well.

Check out apps for “meditation" too--there are many!

              Have a wonderful summer!