Crash Course Resilience

Module 1: Introduction to Fieldwork, Resilience, and Stress Management

Learning Objectives: By the end of today’s session, students will:

  • Understand 5 concepts related to resilience and stress management after completing a Socrative multiple choice review.

  • Identify their current life and fieldwork stressors after completing a worksheet.

  • Reflect on how they can incorporate at least one stress management strategy into their daily routine to support their clinical placement engagement, through the completion of focused group discussion via Padlet posts.

Skill Building Exercise: Please complete the fieldwork and life stressors worksheet before the session or during the allotted time within the Nearpod. Your responses to this worksheet will guide your answers for the discussion questions.

Discussion Questions:

  • Which identified fieldwork stressor do you feel is currently causing you the most stress?

    • How are you currently coping with this stressor?

  • Which identified life stressor do you feel is causing you the most stress?

    • How are you currently coping with this stressor?

  • What is one fieldwork stressor and/or life stressor that is in your control?.

  • What is one fieldwork stressor and/or life stressor that is not in your control?

  • Which stress management strategy presented within today’s session are you most interested in incorporating within your routine to cope with your identified stressors?

    • When do you plan to complete this strategy?

  • After today’s session, do you feel confident in implementing the stress management strategy you selected?

    • How can I better support you in doing so if you do not feel confident?

Additional Resource Page Instructions:

Please view the additional resource Padlet PDF page and click on the resource image you are interested in viewing. These images are hyperlinked and will bring you to the corresponding website for the resource.

Module 2: Strengthening Resilience

Learning Objectives: By the end of today’s session, students will:

  • Understand at least three concepts related to strengthening one’s resilience.

  • Practice mindfulness techniques through the utilization of a breathing meditation recording.

  • Reflect on how they can incorporate at least one technique presented into their fieldwork routine to support their resilience, after completing focused group discussion via Padlet posts.

Skill Building Exercise: Please follow the guided meditation recording that will occur in-session today.

Discussion Questions:

  • What is one thing that is going well within your fieldwork placement so far?

  • What is one area that is currently challenging within your fieldwork placement? Are you using any strategies to support your management of this challenge?

  • What two resources have you found and/or utilized so far within your placement that have supported your engagement?

  • Is there a technique presented today that you feel you can incorporate into your fieldwork routine? Please state which one and how you could plan to use it.

  • Please describe one situation from fieldwork where you could have used positive re-interpretation to support your resilience and stress management.

Additional Resource Page Instructions: Please view the additional resource Padlet PDF page and click on the resource image you are interested in viewing. These images are hyperlinked and will bring you to the corresponding website for the resource.

Power point presentation

Additional Padlet resources

Module 3: Self-Esteem and Self-Compassion

Learning Objectives: By the end of today’s session, students will:

  • Understand the differences between self-esteem and self-compassion.

  • Reflect on your self-compassion skills after taking a self-compassion quiz.

  • Create a positive affirmation you can repeat within your fieldwork routine, during discussion via Padlet.

Skill Building Exercise: Please complete the self-compassion quiz to evaluate your self-compassion skills.

Discussion Questions:

  • Create or find a positive affirmation you can repeat before and after your fieldwork placement.

  • What are three things you feel went well today during fieldwork?

  • After discussing your current fieldwork experiences with each other, please share with one another one thing you are proud of them for. Please list what you are proud of within your response for question 3.

  • If you tried any of the mindfulness or gratitude techniques from last week, please describe how it went and/or made you feel.

Additional Resource Page Instructions: Please view the additional resource Padlet PDF page and click on the resource image you are interested in viewing. These images are hyperlinked and will bring you to the corresponding website for the resource.

Power point presentation

Additional Padlet Resources

Module 4: Social Interactions and Communication

Learning Objectives: By the end of today’s session, students will:

  • By the end of today’s session, students will understand the four different mechanisms of social support.

  • By the end of today’s session, students will identify which individuals in their life are their “breathe” supports during stressful experiences, through the completion of a worksheet.

  • By the end of today’s session, students will reflect on how they can expand their social network within the realm of OT, after completing Padlet discussion posts.

Skill Building Exercise: Please complete Breath Supports worksheet.

Discussion Questions:

  • Please describe one current OT forum/network you are involved in and the benefits of being involved so far? (i.e. POTA Namaste presentations, ability to learn about various holistic practices and network with other professionals and students)?

  • What is one OT forum/network you are interested in joining and why?

  • Who are some of the individuals you are in regular contact with? Which of these individuals do you feel are your “breathe” supports?

  • Do you feel you have sufficient social supports in your life currently? If not, what strategy could you use to support you in expanding your network?

  • Do you like meeting in fieldwork setting breakout rooms? If so, what benefits fo you feel you have received from these meetings?

    • Fieldwork setting breakout rooms: Each week, students meet with their fieldwork setting group. This group is comprised of students who are currently completing a level II fieldwork placement in a similar setting as each other. These students may be from the same or different OT program. During these meetings, students have a minimum of 20 minutes to check-in with one another, ask each other questions, bounce ideas off of one another, receive support and encouragement, develop friendships, etc.

Additional Resource Page Instructions: Please view the additional resource Padlet PDF page and click on the resource image you are interested in viewing. These images are hyperlinked and will bring you to the corresponding website for the resource.

Power point presentation

Additional Padlet Resources

Module 5: Lifestyle and Self-Care

Learning Objectives:

  • By the end of today’s session, students will understand at least five concepts related to maintaining a healthy lifestyle through self-care practices, after the completion of five Socrative multiple choice review questions.

  • By the end of today’s session, students will identify which self-care domains they will complete within their daily routine, after the completion of a self-care wheel worksheet.

  • By the end of today’s session, students will reflect on how they can utilize at least two self-care practices within their fieldwork routine to support their resilience during their clinical placement, after completing focused group discussion via Padlet posts.

Skill Building Exercise: Prior to participating in this module, please complete the follow self-care assessment. This assessment will allow you to reflect on your current self-care practices in order to identify which practices you engage in and your perceived confidence performing the identified areas.

  • Please complete the Self-Care Assessment.

  • Once you have completed your assessment, please save your results for reference during the discussion at the end of the module.

Discussion Questions:

  • What areas of self-care do you engage in most frequently within your current fieldwork routine? How do these practices make you feel?

  • What areas of self-care do you feel the most confident engaging in?

  • Which self-care domains would you be interested in beginning? Please explain why and which self-care practices within this domain you would try.

  • Which self-care strategies do you feel will be the easiest to incorporate into your fieldwork routine and why?

  • How do you plan to prioritize self-care within your current routine?

Additional Resource Page Instructions:

  • Review the example self-care wheel.

  • Fill in the self-care wheel:

    • Select one self-care domain (you can repeat domains or use each domain once) and at least one corresponding self-care practice(per wedge) that you plan to incorporate into your weekly routine.

    • Example:

      • Within wedge one

        • Domain: Emotional

        • Activity: Read out loud a positive affirmation each morning before I leave for fieldwork.

  • Next, within each wedge, write down when you plan to complete these activities.

    • Examples: before fieldwork, during my lunch break, after fieldwork, on the weekend, etc.

Power point presentation

Additional Padlet resources

Module 6: Fieldwork Resilience and Beyond

Learning Objectives: By the end of today’s session, students will:

  • Identify which components of resilience are their strengths and areas for continued growth, after completing a resilience self-assessment.

  • Reflection how they can utilize at least one strategy learned during Crash Course Resilience to support their resilience during their next clinical placement, after completing focused group discussion via Padlet posts.

  • Create one SMART goal for sustaining or strengthening their resilience during over the course of their next fieldwork placement.

Skill Building Exercise: Please complete the attached resilience self-assessment. A link to this self-assessment can also be found in the additional resources page.

Discussion Questions:

  • Which components of resilience contributed the most to your resilience self-assessment score?

  • Which components of resilience would you like to improve upon? Why did you select these components?

  • Write one SMART goal for this identified growth area: i.e. I will eat breakfast every morning before fieldwork, for the next 12 weeks.

  • Which resilience strategies do you plan to use during your next fieldwork placement and how?

Additional Resource Page Instructions: Please view the additional resource Padlet PDF page and click on the resource image you are interested in viewing. These images are hyperlinked and will bring you to the corresponding website for the resource.

Power point presentation

Additional Padlet resources

Resilience Self Assessment

Documentation and Life After Graduation