
Before Pull

Pop a Nature Protection Potion.

Spread healers between right and left platform.

Phase one

You’ll be on a platform. Heal tank, warlock life tap …. Wand boss, do whatever

Basicly, just wait p2 and don’t waste mana

Once the 2 mob are dead, everyone jumps off the platform to get to boss. Don’t jump in green shit :D

Phase two

When the fight starts, pop fade just in case, and precast stuff on MT. Then wait the first polarity shift and go to your side depending on your debuff.

- BOSS +

Then at each polarity, watch your debuff and change side if needed. When you move from one side to another, you can throw some renews.

Concerning the healing, there is nothing special to know. Watch tank as always, and some raid heal to do.

When there is nothing to heal, you can spread renews preemptively. When the damages occur, stop with the renew spreading and top people up with heal/GH.