Kuule kumajava kutsu

Väräjävän vasken ääni

Teroituta kirveet, miekat

Viiteen veistä varret nuoleen

Käyös kanssain korpimaille

Rajamaille Pohjan perän

Sammon salat ratkomahan

Kirjokantta koittamahan

Long ago Sampo – a legendary magical artifact – was lost and the old world fell to ash and ruin. Everyone had to survive by themselves, old alliances were broken and realms were thrown into chaos. Some kins ceased to exist. Now, however, rumors are spreading from the ruins of the Borderlands that Sampo has surfaced again. Every realm and kin tries to be the first to find this ancient treasure. The one who forges Sampo anew has the power to decide the fate of the world.

Vainovarjot is an adventurous boffering (padded weapon fighting) event that invites everyone to participate in the quest of finding Sampo. The world and its backstory are based on Finnish mythology and Kalevala. The event is held in August, from Friday 19th to Sunday 21st, and is located in Vihtijärvi, Southern Finland. Everyone is welcome, no earlier boffering experience is required!