About Me
Vaidehee Thatte
Research Associate, Department of Mathematics, King's College London
I'm a member of the number theory group, working with Dr Rachel Newton.
I was featured in the King's Women in Maths series recently.
Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, Valuation Theory, Commutative Algebra
Emerging interests: Model Theory, Arithmetic Statistics
PhD advisor: Prof. Kazuya Kato at the University of Chicago (2016).
My CV is available upon request.
Contact: firstname[DOT]lastname[AT]kcl[DOT]ac[DOT]uk
This address is to be used strictly for professional communications. Furthermore, any emails sent here must adhere to appropriate standards and code of conduct.
~ Recent Activities ~
Details about research activities (projects, talks, workshops, conferences, etc.) are available under the research tab here.
Research Events and Platforms
Please consider joining us!
Co-organizer, LNTS at KCL April - June 2024.
Co-organizer, "Branching Out: Ramification Invariants in Algebra and Geometry".
Co-organizer, "New Developments in Number Theory".
Webmaster, POINT.
Mentoring and Teaching
Details about current and past courses are available here.
Panelist, TIFR's Gender Harmony Cell Event - YouTube.
Founding faculty advisor of the new BingAWM Chapter.
Featured in Harpur Magazine.