About Me

An approximate pronunciation my name: Vaidehee (Wai-they-hee) Thatte (Thu-ttey: Thu as in Thursday, Ttey rhymes with Latte, but with a soft "t")

Vaidehee Thatte

Research Associate, Department of Mathematics, King's College London

I'm a member of the number theory group, working with Dr Rachel Newton.

I was featured in the King's Women in Maths series recently.

Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, Valuation Theory, Commutative Algebra

Emerging interests: Model Theory, Arithmetic Statistics

PhD advisor: Prof. Kazuya Kato at the University of Chicago (2016). 

My CV is available upon request.

Contact: firstname[DOT]lastname[AT]kcl[DOT]ac[DOT]uk

This address is to be used strictly for professional communications. Furthermore, any emails sent here must adhere to appropriate standards and code of conduct.

~  Recent Activities  ~

Details about research activities (projects, talks, workshops, conferences, etc.) are available under the research tab here.

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Mentoring and Teaching

Details about current and past courses are available here.

Kato students 2014 

Math Genealogy