UW Students

Madison (Maddy)

My name is Madison (or Maddy), and as of June I will have just graduated from the UW with degrees in environmental science, dance, and marine biology. I have a passion for environmental justice, and hope to one day be the bridge between different communities, helping them work together to come up with creative solutions to our environmental problems. I also have been dancing for 17+ years, and will continue doing so as my dominant form of artistic expression. All in all, I am the type of person who loves interacting with people from all backgrounds and being challenged to explore new things in life.

Hobby: nature explorations--be that through hiking, swimming, or birdwatching

What excites you about this program: This program addresses everything that I would want a study abroad program to touch on--environmental policy, cultural history, and the social dimensions of environmental problems. Not to mention, Taiwan, as I am continuing to discover, is an incredibly special place in our world because of its biological richness and its culture. I am so excited to experience the food, arts, culture, political history, and environment of this beautiful place during my last adventure as an undergraduate student.


Hi! I’m Brandi. I’m am currently a Junior majoring in Sociology with a minor in Diversity at the UW. I enjoy trying new foods and hanging out with friends in my free time. I look forward to meeting everyone and learning new things in Taiwan!

Hobby: I am interested in learning new languages.

What excites you about this program: Much of this program contains sociological elements. Therefore, I am excited to learn more about how this topic relates to my major, as well as how to become a more environmentally conscious individual.

Thomas (張拓)

I am from Taiwan, currently studying in UW. I am a freshmen now, but becoming sophomore next quarter. 🏸️ I play badminton on a weekly basis 📷 I am a photographer, its my number one hobby.

Hobby: 📷Photography

What excites you about this program: Unravel the environmental problems and structure.

Yuxuan (陳宇軒)

My name is Yuxuan Chen and I am a senior studying Electrical Engineering. My academic interest is in renewable energy, especially solar and I would like to be a researcher in the future. I am from mainland China and my hometown is Zhengzhou, Henan Province. In my free time, I like to travel around and try all kinds of delicious food.

Hobby: roller skating

What excites you about this program: I am really excited about spending a month to explore Taiwan, in the way that tourists could never cover. I am also interested in seeing the effort for tackling environmental issues in Taiwan.

Charlie (鍾元岐)

I'm Charlie! I'm from Taiwan, Taichung, and I plan to major in Computer Science.

Here are some facts about me:

  • I love watching Marvel movies and crime shows in my free time
  • I play video games
  • I can survive the cold weather
  • I love food and am really looking for a buddy to go out an explore the city
  • During high school I was really involved in theatre, marching band, and choir

What excites you about this program: I hope to discover more part of Taiwan. I have never been to other city than Taichung. By knowing the environment and the society I learn more about Taiwan especially in English. Also the the a class talking about how the environment influence the food and culture that class. I am so excited about that class.


I am a UW student currently in my third year. I am studying Human Centered Design and Engineering and minoring in Environmental Studies. Before coming to Seattle, I grew up in California and have been interested in sustainability since I was young. I have many dream jobs being an architect or an astronaut, though I want to work to address climate change. I spend all of my free time enjoying music and film, and hope to apply that in some way to what we are learning. I look forward to meeting you and can't wait to share stories and ideas!

Hobby: astrophotography

What excites you about this program: I am excited about the opportunity to explore new culture and practices and am hopeful to be inspired to apply some of them to my own life. I am also fond of nature and want to document it however I can; Taiwan seems like a perfect place to do so!


Hi! I’m Idan (it’s pronounced e - dawn) and I am currently a freshman at the University of Washington. I will be a sophomore next year and I’m intending to study business. I am extremely extroverted and LOVE getting to know new people! I also love to travel and see the world and different cultures! I have a twin sister and 2 other siblings so I’m definitely a family oriented person. I enjoy hanging out, exploring all kinds of places (hikes, towns, museums, you name it!) and am super excited to visit in Taiwan!

Hobby: I love to travel and will be visiting 4 different countries this summer!

What excites you about this program: I am very excited to go out and personally experience Taiwan’s culture and environment through field and day trips. I’m a very hands-on learner and I can’t wait to learn about the environmental and social components of Taiwan during our time there! I enjoy adventuring/exploring as well as learning about cultures so I am eager to learn about some of the environmental programs or techniques unique to Taiwan (farming methods, urban planning, etc.). Overall though, I am really looking forward to exploring a new place. I love to travel and haven’t gotten to Eastern Asia yet so Taiwan will be a new and exciting experience!


My name is Taylor and I am a third-year student majoring in environmental science and resource management. I am really interested in geographic information systems and using the program to help better understand and solve issues concerning climate change. After I graduate, I hope to work for a non-governmental organization that brings together both natural and social science to solve critical conservation issues. When I’m not in class I enjoy walking in Seattle’s parks and eating and many of the great restaurants in the area.

Hobby: Hiking

What excites you about this program: As an environmental science major, not only am I interested in seeing firsthand the effects of climate change in ecosystems but also how it affects people and their livelihoods. So far, my education on the environment has only been in a classroom setting and has really only focused on plants, animals, and ecosystems. I believe that getting a better understanding the role of people in critical environmental issues would add to a well-rounded education. Traveling to Taiwan and getting hands on experience while witnessing science and community intertwine is something that would impact me more than reading about it in a textbook.


There's nothing I'm more passionate about than helping marginalized communities, specifically people of color and those who are incarcerated, and creating spaces that afford them their voice as well as opportunities that have been long denied to them. I'm a junior from the UW who's graduating early and I'm going to become a lawyer who helps those who are and have been disproportionately affected by the law. And I'm excited for this program :)

Hobby: dancing, music

What excites you about this program: I'm excited to be immersed in a different culture and learn about the unique ways Taiwan's environment functions, ecologically and politically.


I'm a veteran of the U.S. ARMY and also currently senior majoring in Political Science at the University of Washington main campus in Seattle.

Hobby: marksmanship

What excites you about this program: The ROC is the small nation with big impact in some areas. For example, the ROC is one of the highest recycle rates in the world, but I want to know the ROC government is actually forcing citizens by law to follow recycle policy or citizens agreement on the recycle policy due to deplore the problems of waste conditions. In other words, I would like to know the ROC government had the assent of the people to making eco-friendly policies. Unlike the Communist China, when a government loses the consent of its people in democracy system, it is no longer a legitimate government.

J. T.

Hi! My name is J.T. and I am a Junior at the University of Washington! I am originally from Denver, Colorado and am studying Business Administration with a double focus on Entrepreneurship and Marketing at the UW. I love to hike, ski, drink coffee, and travel! One of my favorite things to do is go to small local coffee shops when I get the chance! On top of school, I am a barista at Starbucks, Stylist at a clothing store called AllSaints, a Peer Health Educator, and the president of the Business Ethics Association.

Hobby: coffee

What excites you about this program: I am so excited to experience and visit a part of the world I have never been to while learning about two topics that I am passionate about! I am looking forward to learning and enveloping myself in a new culture where I can hopefully challenge myself to new experiences, ideas, languages, and foods!


My name is Marcela Todd and I was born and raised in Mexico. When I was ten years old I moved to Texas where I went to middle school and high school. This fall will mark my third year the UW and I'm really excited to be studying Environmental Science and Resource Management.

Hobby: I love hiking in the mountains back home!

What excites you about this program: I'm excited to visit different parts of Taiwan because this will be the first time that I visit it and I want to learn more about the culture.

May (謝濟遙)

My name is May and I was born in China, grew up in Canada and now live in Seattle. I'm an Environmental Studies major and an Entrepreneurship minor. I currently work as a preschool teacher and a student assistant at a Zebrafish lab. I have an older sister, a younger brother, and the best dog in the world.

Hobby: leisure-hiking, cooking, going to karaoke, and hanging out with my pup

What excites you about this program: I'm excited to eat my way through Taiwan! I want to visit as many night markets as I can and try all the local foods. I also want to learn about Taiwan's waste management programs and the social science side of how environmental issues are communicated with the general public.