Poster Session

There will be two poster sessions on Saturday January 21st which are opportunities to see the wide range of scientific research preformed by the attendees of the conference. While you do not need to present a poster to attend the conference or the poster session, we encourage all attendees with research experience to submit a poster. It is great experience in visual and spoken science communication. Note that a project does not need to be completed; you can present something you are currently working on.
If you would like to present a poster,
please submit a short poster title and abstract during registration. You will be assigned to one of the the two poster judging sessions. These are at 10:15-10:45am and 1:30-2:00pm (PST) on Saturday January 21st. During that 30 minute block you should stay by your poster and be ready to speak to the judges as they come around. In the session you are not assigned to you can wander around, read the other posters, and talk to the other presenters about their research.

Prizes will be awarded, so we encourage you to present your best work!

Poster presenters names and titles

Poster Presenters


Posters must be 3 ft x 5 ft or smaller in size. You are responsible for transporting the poster to and from the conference and setting it up.

Things to keep in mind when designing your poster:

  • All parts of the poster (including axis labels!) should be easily readable from at least 3 feet away

  • Good posters have a clear logical sequence, e.g. introduction, study design and methods, data collected, conclusion

  • To ensure visual effectiveness of your poster, use large lettering and a minimum of text

  • Poster content should be scientifically rigorous while still accessible to undergraduate physics students; avoid jargon when possible

If your home institution is unable to cover the cost of poster printing, please contact us at

Poster Session Judges

Name Affiliation

Laurel Anderson UW
Camilla Compton LIGO/Caltech
Erin Craig CWU
Cassandra Fallscheer CWU
Jordan Fonseca UW
Lisa Goodhew SPU
Heather Harrington UW
Kristin Kellar UW
Zhiyao Li UW
Pamela Nevar CWU
Anna Okounkova UW
Marjorie Olmstead UW
Carson Patterson UW
Adina Ripin UW
Chitra Solomonson Green River
Julia Thorpe Lockheed Martin
Samantha Valenteen UW

Judging Guidelines

Posters will be judged on the following points:

  • Clarity of the purpose of the project

  • Explanation of the incorporated method

  • Development to the conclusion or predicted future work

  • Effective oral presentation of the project and answer to presented questions

  • Adequate use of words in the poster

  • Proper use of figures for effective presentation
